My cold CEO wife

Chapter 191 No one in this world can kill me

Chapter 191 No one in this world can kill me

Luo Shifei knew that Lu Chen was very fast and was already on guard against him.

Therefore, when he rose into the air, he did not slash at Lu Chen with all his strength, but kept his back.

Once Lu Chen wanted to use his speed to get behind him and attack him, he could instantly return his sword and kill Lu Chen.

"In my eyes, your moves are really too slow."

However, Luo Shifei still underestimated Lu Chen's true strength.

Lu Chen stood on the spot, stretched out his palms, and then clamped his hands towards Luo Shifei's long knife.

In an instant, the long sword with its radiance was grabbed by Lu Chen's hands.

"Let go!"

Luo Shifei shook his wrist fiercely and shouted loudly.

Lu Chen's hand quickly moved away from the knife, and then he slapped the blade with his backhand, causing a roaring sound to come from the blade.

"A lot of power."

Luo Shifei felt the powerful force coming from the blade. He could barely hold the knife firmly in his hand and almost dropped it to the ground.


Luo Shifei took a deep breath and fought with Lu Chen again.

Being able to be called the "King of Swords, Luo Shifei", there is no doubt about his strength. Next, a big battle started between him and Lu Chen.

The fight between the two lasted for a full 10 minutes.

During this period, Luo Shifei had been in a defensive posture because he had been guarding against Lu Chen's high-speed movement.

However, because he has been defending with all his strength, the sword intention in his body is getting weaker and weaker.

But Lu Chen's murderous intention was different.

There is almost inexhaustible killing intent in his body, and he is still trying his best not to release more of his killing intent, otherwise the harm to his body will be even greater.

"What kind of aura is that aura on your body?"

Ten minutes later, Luo Shifei leaned against the wall panting and asked in disbelief.

Lu Chen clearly had not entered the realm of entry into martial arts, but there was actually an intention in the opponent's body, and this intention lasted for too long.

His sword intent was almost exhausted, but the opponent's intent was still so surging.

"I've already told you, this is called murderous intent. The more people I kill, the stronger this intent becomes. Today you can make my murderous intent grow again."

Lu Chen spoke calmly, the implication of which was that Luo Shifei's life would be decided here today.


Luo Shifei looked at Lu Chen warily, but did not take action. Instead, he tried his best to regain a little more sword power.

"Then I'll show you my arrogance."

Lu Chen's eyes flashed with light, and then his pupils shrank hard, a fierce intent was released from his eyes, and then he punched directly towards Luo Shifei.

Luo Shifei saw this and slashed Lu Chen's fist with his knife.

"You got Fooled."

When Luo Shifei struck Lu Chen with his sword, a smile appeared in Lu Chen's eyes. Then he changed his fist into a palm and clamped his palms towards the blade at the same time.

Under the high-intensity attack, Luo Shifei not only weakened the sword's intention, but also his reaction speed was now much weaker. Lu Chen held the blade steady with both hands.

Lu Chen exerted force with both hands.


The blade broke, and then Lu Chen raised his hand, and the broken tip of the blade cut into Luo Shifei's chest like tofu.

The accident happened so suddenly that Luo Shifei didn't even react. He had already been stabbed in the left chest, and as soon as he felt it, he knew that his heart had been pierced.

"You lose!" Lu Chen said calmly.

"You are very powerful, but don't get too proud, Master Wei will avenge me!"

Luo Shifei looked at the tip of the knife on his left chest and felt that he was getting more and more tired. He knew that his life was short and his heart was pierced. Now he was holding on with a will.

"Master Wei? As long as I am willing, no one in this world can kill me."

Facing Luo Shifei's threat, Lu Chen smiled very calmly.

If he were the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor and died on a small earth, he would still laugh at the big teeth of his immortal friends.

Luo Shifei seemed very unwilling to hear Lu Chen's words, but his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Then his hand loosened and the target fell to the ground. Luo Shifei closed his eyes and slowly fell to the ground.

A generation of martial arts master was killed on the spot by Lu Chen.


Seeing that Luo Shifei was killed like this, Jin Dongcheng and others in the distance breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyes were on Lu Chen, full of shock and admiration.

Lu Chen actually killed Sword King Luo Shifei.

"Master Jin, I helped you solve such a huge problem tonight. I need your Jin family to agree to a request."

Lu Chen took advantage of his kindness and repaid it.

Of course, this is his nature. He doesn't bother to do anything if he saves people and hasn't repaid them in return.

Of course, except for Lin Qinghan, she is his eternal surprise.

Originally, he came here just to save Old Mrs. Jin, Chu Nanming and others, and he met them by chance.

Facing Chu Nanming, he could take action or not, but in the end Chu Nanming still forced him to take action.

"Mr. Lu, if you have any requests, feel free to make them. As long as the request is not illegal, our Jin family will definitely agree to your request."

Chu Nanming knew that if it weren't for Lu Chen tonight, then they would most likely have become history with the Jin family. The reason why the Jin family can survive now is because of Lu Chen.

Therefore, as long as Lu Chen's request is not too excessive, the Jin family can accept it.

"The authorization of a patent from your Quantum Energy Group that I mentioned last time has not been implemented due to various reasons."

Soon, Lu Chen replied. He said, "I want you to sell this patent to Lin Qinghan for one yuan, and don't let her know that I did it. Can you do it?"

"Mr. Lu, I understand, I'll do the work, don't worry." Jin Dongju assured him, almost beating his chest.

Lu Chen interrupted Jin Dongcheng and reminded: "Stop, what you did last time made me very dissatisfied. If this happens again, I won't need Chu Nanming to deal with your Jin family." I will destroy your Jin family, I believe I have such strength."

The corners of Jin Dongcheng's mouth twitched fiercely. He certainly believed that Lu Chen had such strength, otherwise Luo Shifei would not have died here tonight.

"Mr. Lu, don't worry, I will never make the same mistake twice." Jin Dongcheng promised.

Lu Chen then stretched and said, "Okay, the opportunity has been given to you anyway. If you don't do well, don't blame me."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen walked outside without haste.

"Mr. Lu, I'll drive you off."

Seeing Lu Chen walking outside, Jin Dongcheng couldn't help but chase after him.

Lu Chen is now their thigh in their eyes. As long as they can hold Lu Chen's thigh well, then things will go smoothly for the Jin family when they find him in Guiyuan City.

"No, I'll drive over here."

Lu Chen waved his hand and walked out of the Jin family villa.

Jin Dongcheng glanced at everyone present and ordered: "From today on, if you see Mr. Lu as you see me, if he has any orders, you must execute them unconditionally. If anyone wants to make Mr. Lu unhappy, I want his Life."

(End of this chapter)

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