My cold CEO wife

Chapter 192: A First Look at the Strong in Martial Arts

Chapter 192: A First Look at the Strong in Martial Arts

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying!"

After Chu Nanming escaped from the Jin family's villa, his body kept shaking.

He never thought that with a master like Luo Shifei and a large number of his father's troops, he would be intimidated by Lu Chen alone.

"Lu Chen, do you really think this will make me quit? Are you really too naive?"

Soon after, the fear in Chu Nanming's heart was replaced by hatred.

For the same young man, why is Lu Chen so outstanding, but now he is like a lost dog?
Thinking of this, Chu Nanming took out his mobile phone and dialed his father Chu Weiyuan's number.

"Dad, Luo Shifei is in trouble!"

"What, Luo Shifei is in trouble, what's going on?"

Chu Weiyuan was holding a beautiful woman about the same age as Chu Nanming, but he suddenly pushed the woman away and stood up with a shocked expression on his face.

Luo Shifei is a strong beginner in martial arts. Even if he is defeated by his opponent, he will definitely be able to run away. It is impossible for a strong person who is also a beginner in martial arts to stay.

Chu Nanming must be joking with him.

"Lu Chen's power is far beyond your imagination. He is a strong beginner in martial arts."

Chu Nanming replied in a deep voice, his eyes full of jealousy.

How could the prodigal and scumbag in his eyes suddenly become someone he could never reach?
Chu Weiyuan knew that Chu Nanming would not make the same joke with him twice, so he said in a deep voice: "Where are you now?"

"Luo Shifei fought to the death in the Jin family to protect me. I escaped. Dad, I am not willing to accept it. You must say this for me and kill Lu Chen."

Chu Nanming quickly replied.

"Don't worry, I will definitely kill him, and make him die so hard that he can't die again. Lu Chen should be about the same age as you. Even if he defeated Luo Shifei, it would definitely be a tragic victory. Now he must be full of energy Big injury, if I want to destroy him now, it would be too easy."

Chu Weiyuan would never believe that Lu Chen would be much more powerful than Luo Shifei if he believed so. Even if the opponent defeated Luo Shifei, it would be a narrow victory.

Therefore, as long as he sends his troops to take action at this time, he will definitely be able to kill Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is already so powerful at such a young age. Naturally, he cannot let Lu Chen continue to develop. Such a genius should be strangled in the cradle, otherwise the Chu family will be destroyed in the future.

"Dad, to make sure nothing goes wrong, let me give you a suggestion."

Chu Nanming was overjoyed when he heard that Chu Weiyuan was about to make a move, but he still remained calm enough.

If you want to deal with Lu Chen, you must use all your strength to deal with him without killing him in one hit. If you want to kill Lu Chen a second time, the difficulty will be much greater.

"Oh, what advice?"

Chu Weiyuan still admired Chu Nanming's head very much.

"Lu Chen likes Lin Qinghan very much. As long as you can catch Lin Qinghan in advance, Lu Chen will definitely take action. Even if he is not injured, he will not dare to act rashly. What's more, if he is injured, when you meet, he will Isn’t it just meat on the chopping board for you to slaughter?”

Chu Nantian replied gloomily.

Hearing his words, Chu Weiyuan's eyes couldn't help but light up and he said:

"Okay, I will take people to Guiyuan City right away. Give me Lin Qinghan's location."

Chu Weiyuan was also a ruthless person, so he knew that if he missed this opportunity, it would be much more difficult to kill Lu Chen when his strength recovered.

"Okay, I'll send you the address right away."

Chu Nanming agreed and said, "Before you deal with Lu Chen, call me up. I want Lu Chen to kneel down in front of me and beg for mercy."

As long as Lin Qinghan is held hostage and Lu Chen is threatened, it couldn't be easier.

After saying that, Chu Nanming hung up Chu Weiyuan's call and sent Lin Qinghan's home address to Chu Weiyuan.

"Everyone, gather together and target Jiangting Villa in Guiyuan City!"

After Chu Weiyuan received the address, he quickly gave orders to his men.

As his order was issued, countless people began to take action.

These people are all people that Chu Weiyuan usually raises. The origins of these people are all improper, and many of them are even shady. The Chinese state has no identity of these people, but Chu Weiyuan has a way to raise these people.

The price these people have to pay is to sacrifice their lives for Chu Weiyuan.

Many of his people are murderers and have long been accustomed to this life of licking blood from the edge of a knife. They are very happy to eat and drink well and lick blood at critical moments.

Of course, this cannot be the most important reason why these people serve Chu Weiyuan.

The most important reason is that Chu Weiyuan can intimidate these people. He himself is a strong martial arts beginner.

In this world, fists are always the biggest, and he has a strong enough fist to be able to protect everything he owns.

Beep beep!

After Lu Chen left Jin's house, his cell phone rang. Lu Chen took out his phone and took a look and found that it was actually a call from Zhong Dongyang.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen asked impatiently.

"Mr. Lu, I have found two 500-year-old wild ginseng plants. If possible, I will send them to you right away."

Zhong Dongyang asked with a smile.

"Tomorrow, it's getting late today."

Lu Chen thought that he had to go back to accompany Wu Yue, so he rejected Zhong Dongyang.

"Then I'll give it to Xiaoxue and ask her to hand it over to you tomorrow."

Zhong Dongyang thought about it that he hadn't seen Zhong Xue for a few days, and he missed it a little, so he said.


Lu Chen agreed to come down.

After receiving Lu Chen's affirmative answer, Zhong Dongyang rushed to Jiangting Villa overnight.

He went to Jiangting Villa because he didn't know that Zhong Xue had moved to Wu Lan's home with Lu Chen.

"Mr. Nie, your apprentice Luo Shifei was killed. Weiyuan came to ask you to come out."

Chu Weiyuan appeared in Wuming Mountain and spoke respectfully to the thatched house with an oil lamp burning.

Mr. Nie is a legendary figure in the province, and a taboo existence for the province.

Because, his strength has already surpassed that of the martial arts beginner and reached the realm of the first glimpse of the martial arts. This is a higher level than the martial arts beginner.

There are very few people who can cultivate to this level.

Even if three powerful martial arts beginners join forces, they are no match for the powerful Hu Dao Chuqian.

Chu Weiyuan was very careful in his work. In order to prevent the boat from capsizing tonight, he asked Mr. Nie to come out today.

Luo Shifei happened to die in Lu Chen's hands again, which was a perfect excuse to ask Mr. Nie to take action.

"Who dares to kill even my disciple? Doesn't he even want to get a glimpse of the strong man's identity?"

Not long after, an old man with a gray beard walked out of the thatched house, but the old man was full of energy, with endless light shining in his eyes.

According to Mr. Nie's speculation, only a strong man with a first glimpse of martial arts can kill Luo Shifei.

After feeling the terrifying aura on Mr. Nie's body, Chu Weiyuan was slightly frightened. This was the strong man who had just glimpsed martial arts. His aura was much more powerful than his.

"Back to Mr. Nie, the one who killed Luo Shifei was not a strong man at first glance."

Chu Weiyuan replied respectfully.

Mr. Nie was a little surprised and asked: "Oh, is it possible that there are people who are strong enough to kill my disciples?"

(End of this chapter)

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