My cold CEO wife

Chapter 204 Zhang Jiyun Wants to Resign

Chapter 204 Zhang Jiyun Wants to Resign
"Master Hua, what do you want from us?"

Zheng Yu was a little excited.

The Hua family is a big family in the province. Hua Yuanjie came to him and Lu Siqi because he must have taken a fancy to their traffic.

As long as he seizes this opportunity and hugs Hua Yuanjie's thigh tightly, his rise to fame will be just around the corner.

"I'm going to make a few movies recently, but I still need a male lead and a female lead. I think you and Lu Siqi are very suitable for these movies. Are you interested in following me?"

Hua Yuanjie doesn't like to be long-winded and gets straight to the point.

"Master Hua, as long as you say a word, I will follow you from now on."

Hua Yuanjie's proposal exceeded Zheng Yu's imagination, and Zheng Yu agreed without hesitation.

"What about you?"

Seeing that Lu Siqi didn't speak, Hua Yuanjie's eyes fell on her.

Lu Siqi clenched her teeth, her cheeks flushed, and said softly, "As long as Hua Shao is willing, he will be yours from now on."

If she really becomes Hua Yuanjie's woman, in the future she will need resources and traffic, and it will be absolutely no problem for her to become a super A-list star.

Now that she is not favored by Mushang Entertainment, she will not refuse if she has the opportunity to find Gaozhi elsewhere.


Hua Yuanjie enjoyed Lu Siqi's words very much. If he hadn't been lying in the hospital now, he would have wanted to execute Lu Siqi on the spot.

Hua Yuanjie promised.

"Siqi, just follow me from now on, I promise to make you a superstar!"

"Thank you Huashao!"

Lu Siqi smiled shyly and wanted to refuse but then welcomed her.

Hua Yuanjie was greatly moved when he saw it, and ordered Zheng Yu next to him: "You go out first, Siqi and I have something to discuss alone."

Zheng Yu naturally knew what the two were going to talk about. He cursed Lu Siqi in his heart for being shameless, but he did not dare to disobey Hua Yuanjie's order and leave the ward.

"Siqi, come here, let me take a good look."

Lu Siqi came to Hua Yuanjie.

While enjoying himself, he arranged work matters for Lu Siqi.

"Siqi, you came from Mulshang Entertainment and are very familiar with the people at Mulshang Entertainment. In this way, I will give you a task, and you can ask Zheng Yu to cooperate with you to complete it."

Hua Yuanjie said:

"I am very interested in the director and other actors of your Mulshang Entertainment. If you can recruit your director, I will give you 500 million alone. If you can recruit the second-tier actors, I will give you 100 million each. If If you can recruit third-tier actors, I will give you 50 each."

"Young Master Hua, are you serious about this?"

Lu Siqi's beautiful eyes shone, and she was calculating in her mind how much money she could get from persuading these people.

"Of course, seriously, if you can dance for me, I can give you 100 million right now."

Hua Yuanjie stroked Lu Siqi for a moment and found that this woman's body was very sensitive. After a while, her body was turning red.

There was an itch in his heart.

"It's annoying, but from now on, people with less flowers will be willing to do whatever they want."

When Lu Siqi was talking, she really danced beside her.

If Hua Yuanjie hadn't been lying in the hospital, he would have wanted to pounce on Lu Siqi.



Liu Qian came to Mulshang Entertainment.

Zhang Jiyun came to Liu Qian's office with an unnatural look on his face.

"Mr. Liu, this is everyone's resignation application form. Please take a look at it."

Zhang Jiyun handed more than ten application letters to Liu Qian, and the first resignation letter was his own resignation letter.

Liu Qian took the resignation letter, glanced at it roughly, frowned slightly, and asked, "You want to resign too?"

She doesn't care if other people resign, they are all second-tier stars, and she can spend money to recruit some second-tier stars.

However, Zhang Jiyun is the chief director of Mulshang Entertainment. If he leaves, the company will truly collapse.

"Mr. Liu, to be honest, I have deep feelings for Mulshang Entertainment. I have led this company single-handedly. If possible, I would not leave."

"But now the production team, art team, photography team, and special effects team below me are all leaving, and I am now alone."

Zhang Jiyun said: "I want to make a classic blockbuster, but according to the current development situation of Mulshang Entertainment, I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve it in this lifetime, so I want to try another platform."

"Let's think about it again. If you still insist on leaving at this time tomorrow, I will make it happen."

Liu Qian rubbed her temples with a headache.

Lin Qinghan handed over Mulshang Entertainment to her. If she bankrupted the company after only a few days of operation, it would be difficult for Lin Qinghan to explain it to him.

"Mr. Lin, I have made up my mind. There is no point in keeping me like this for one more day."

Zhang Jiyun shook his head.

Boom boom boom!
While the two were talking, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Liu Qian ordered.

Lu Chen showed up at Liu Qian's office with Li Mingyue and others.

"Mr. Lu!"

Liu Qian stood up.

Lu Chen nodded.

Zhang Jiyun felt that it was inconvenient to stay in the office any longer, so he said to Liu Qian, "Mr. Liu, I'm going out first."

"Director Zhang, don't leave in a hurry. Come, let me introduce you."

Lu Chen has not met Zhang Jiyun yet, and now Liu Qian is just in time to introduce them to each other.

"This is Mr. Lu Chen from our Lin Group. He is also Mr. Lin's husband and one of the shareholders of the group."

Liu Qian first introduced Lu Chen to Zhang Jiyun, then introduced Zhang Jiyun to Lu Chen and said:
"Mr. Lu, this is Zhang Jiyun, the chief director of our Mushang Entertainment, but he will leave his job after today, and you will never see him again."

"Oh, Director Zhang, do you really want to resign? Can you tell me why?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Mr. Lu, this is what happened..."

Immediately, Zhang Jiyun described what happened to Mulsanne Group and the difficulties it encountered. At the same time, he also said that Mulsanne Entertainment currently does not have front-line traffic stars on the line, and there is no post-production team after the movie is filmed...

In short, everyone wants to do this now, but they are not strong enough.

Everyone is ready to change platforms for development, so that there may be a future.

"Director Zhang, you are a professional in the film industry. I would like to ask you a question? What kind of movie do you think is a good movie?" Lu Chen asked with a smile when he heard this.

Zhang Jiyun didn't know why Lu Chen asked this, but he still replied:

"A good movie must first have a good subject matter that can arouse everyone's resonance. In addition, the actors' acting skills must be online, so that the talents have a strong sense of involvement. Post-production editing, special effects, etc. are all indispensable!"

I have to say that Zhang Jiyun is indeed professional enough and has spelled out several elements of a good movie.

After listening to it, Lu Chen smiled and said, "I won't talk about good movie themes. I think with your director level and several screenwriters in your team, the script written will definitely not be bad. As for the actors, what do you think Zheng Yu Are your acting skills with Lu Siqi on par?"

"They are just popular celebrities with no acting skills at all. If they didn't have strong popularity, they wouldn't be able to become first-line stars."

Zhang Jiyun didn't know why Lu Chen asked so, but he still answered truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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