My cold CEO wife

Chapter 205 You successfully convinced me

Chapter 205 You successfully convinced me
"Since their acting skills are not up to par, then why are you going to Huamu Film Production Company?"

Lu Chen folded his arms and sat next to him, looking at Zhang Jiyun playfully.

"Mr. Lu, how did you know?"

Zhang Jiyun's eyes were full of shock.

Hua Mu Film Production Company is the film company founded by Hua Yuanjie.

Lu Siqi made a private appointment with him last night and invited him to Huamu Film Production Company. Huamu Film Company was willing to invest heavily in promoting the film, and he was moved.

This matter was very private and no one knew about it except the two of them.

However, now that Lu Chen finds out, how is this possible?

"Don't worry about how I know. I just want to ask you, if you become directors for Zheng Yu and Lu Siqi, will the movies they perform be of good quality? Don't you think this kind of popular movie will lower your taste, right? Did it influence your career as a director?”

Lu Chen played with taste.

Of course it was Ya Fei who told him about this.

Yafei's ability to collect intelligence was indeed very powerful, and even Lu Chen had to admire her ability in this area.

Zhang Jiyun's heart was shaken.

To be successful as a director, the director must make countless classic films and cannot make one trashy film.

Once it is filmed, it will have a huge impact on your career as a director, and even completely ruin yourself.

Because they are public figures, once flaws appear, they will be attacked by countless people.

If he really directs Zheng Yu and Lu Siqi, maybe the investors will make enough money from these fans because Zheng Yu and Lu Siqi have enough traffic.

However, what they will lose is their capital in this industry. Once fans find that the film does not have enough connotation, fans will eventually lose it and the market will scold the two.

And as the director of the movie, he will also be infamous by then.

"Mr. Lu, you are right, but it is much better for me to go to Huamu Film Production Company than to stay in Mushang Entertainment, because Mushang Entertainment has no funds, no actors, and no possibility of development."

Zhang Jiyun agreed with Lu Chen's point of view, but there is always a huge gap between reality and ideal.

"Who told you that we at Mulshang Entertainment don't have good actors? Come on, you guys, perform for Director Zhang."

Lu Chen smiled and waved to Li Mingyue and others.

"Yes, Mr. Lu!"

Li Mingyue and others looked a little excited.

Although Zhang Jiyun is not a top domestic director, he is still well-known in the directing industry. They did not expect that they would have the opportunity to perform in front of Zhang Jiyun and were extremely excited.

Afterwards, several people took out their special skills and performed them in front of Zhang Jiyun.

After they finished their performance, Zhang Jiyun stood there like a sculpture, his mouth wide open.

"Director Zhang, what do you think of their acting skills?"

Lu Chen pursed his lips and asked.

"This acting skill is really good. It is no worse than those real big stars. The only difference between them is their reputation."

Zhang Jiyun was not stingy with his praise.

Li Mingyue and others performed really well, but they just didn't have the chance to appear on the screen.

"Since you think their acting skills are passable, then compile a movie with a good theme and let them be a boy, a boy, a girl, and a girl. Do you think our movie will be a big seller?"

Lu Chen continued to ask.


Zhang Jiyun replied: "My team can write good scripts, and their acting skills are also online, but they are still not big stars and do not have enough fan effect. Moreover, we do not have enough funds to produce special effects. The overall income, It would be better to let Zheng Yu and Lu Siqi be the protagonists."

This is the shortcoming of commercial movies today.

Many times, the acting skills of some actors are obviously not up to this level, but this actor has many fans. With such actors, the film will definitely be a hit in the end, and the company will consider using such actors.

And those actors who really have acting skills are often hidden away.

"You don't have to worry about funding. We didn't plan to make three movies and invest 5000 million in each movie. Now I plan to pool all the funds for the three movies and make only one movie."

"Also, you don't have to think too much about publicity. I'll figure it out, and you just have to make the movie for me."

"As for the special effects, I will personally sponsor another 5000 million to allow you to produce the special effects."

"This is the support I can give you. If you still insist on leaving Mulshang Entertainment, I will no longer stop you."

Zhang Jiyun heard what Lu Chen said and said: "Okay, Mr. Lu, I am willing to believe you once. I will go to work for my team members immediately and ask them to stay together. We decided to follow you for a try. You successfully persuaded me."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jiyun took the resignation application form from Liu Qian's desk, tore it into pieces and threw it into the trash can before walking out of her office.

Liu Qian was shocked!

Lu Chen actually made Zhang Jiyun stay with him with just a few words.

She was also planning to keep Zhang Jiyun just now, but she really didn't know what to say.

There was indeed a huge gap between him and Lu Chen.

"You guys go to the personnel first to fill out the employment application." Lu Chen said to Li Mingyue and others.

Li Mingyue and others were obviously very excited. She said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your cultivation. We will definitely not let you down."

Lu Chen has made it clear just now that in the next movie, they will be the first male, the first female, the second male, and the second female.

They had never played supporting roles for more than three seconds before, but now they were directly allowed to be the protagonists, which made them a little flattered.

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Lu Chen smiled and nodded.

Li Mingyue and others just walked out of the office.

"Mr. Lu, how should I thank you for helping me solve such a big problem?"

Liu Qian looked at Lu Chen with bright eyes, "Why don't I treat you to lunch?"


Lu Chen thought for a while. He still had some ideas of his own regarding the development of the Lin Group. As Lin Qinghan's assistant, Liu Qian had to share many things with Lin Qinghan. He expressed his thoughts and discussed them with Liu Qian. The group is also beneficial.

After receiving Lu Chen's affirmative answer, Liu Qian quickly booked a place for lunch.

It was the first time that Lu Chen was invited to dinner. Naturally, it couldn't be too shabby, so Liu Qian made a reservation at the only revolving central restaurant in Guiyuan City.

At noon, the two met outside the restaurant.

Although this restaurant is not a star restaurant, ordinary people may not be able to eat here.

Especially for the private rooms inside, it is necessary to reserve a seat at least half a month in advance. As for the luxurious private room in the middle, it is necessary to reserve a seat at least one month in advance.

Even though Liu Qian is a senior executive of Lin Group, the seat she has booked now is just an ordinary booth in the open restaurant.

Because the meal with Lu Chen was a temporary arrangement, she didn't make any preparations in advance. She wanted to sit in a private room, but it didn't work.

(End of this chapter)

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