My cold CEO wife

Chapter 206 You Can't Do It

Chapter 206 You Can't Do It
"Hey, this isn't Lu Chen, ah, Liu Qian, you're here too!"

The two were about to enter the restaurant when a young man suddenly appeared in front of them.

The young man was wearing designer casual clothes and a collector's edition Rolex watch.

At first glance, he looks like a young man from a wealthy family.

Lu Chen glanced at the young man and recognized him.

The son of the Zhao family, Zhao Yian.

The Zhao family is second only to the Ouyang family in Guiyuan City and is also a big family.

"Mr. Lu, let's go!"

Liu Qian ignored Zhao Yian and said to Lu Chen beside him.

She doesn't like Zhao Yian very much!
Zhao Yian was her college classmate. When she was in college, she regarded her as a materialistic woman. He used money to throw money at her and wanted to break her legs.

Unfortunately, Liu Qian was not a money-worshiping woman and rejected Zhao Yian.

"Liu Qian, I originally thought you were a pure and beautiful girl, but I didn't expect you to be hanging out with Lu Chen. You still don't know who he is?"

Zhao Yian didn't want to let Liu Qian leave, so he stopped her.

"How about it? I still have the same condition. I will give you 1000 million a year and be my mistress. It is better than you and Lu Chen. He is just a softie now. He can't give you much money in a year, right?"

The story of Lu Chen ruining his family by playing with women is well known in Guiyuan City.

In other people's eyes, Lu Chen used his family's money to pick up girls. It's no wonder that when Zhao Yian found out that Liu Qian was with Lu Chen, he felt that Lu Chen used money to break her legs open.

"Zhao Yian, what are you talking about here? Lu Chen and I are just ordinary friends, and I came to this revolving restaurant for dinner today just to thank him." Liu Qiandai frowned and said in annoyance.

"Hehe, Lu Chen, you have a good food. You are married to Lin Qinghan, and now you are dating her assistant, and you want her assistant to support you. I admire you."

Zhao Yian didn't believe Liu Qian's words at all and sarcastically said to Lu Chen.

This central revolving restaurant is usually a restaurant for couples. If two people appear here together, doesn't it explain the problem?

"Zhao Yian, you bastard, shut up."

Liu Qian became even more angry.

Zhao Yi'an said with a chuckle: "Why, you dare to do it, are you still afraid of others talking about it? That's right, if this matter gets to Lin Qinghan, it will be difficult for both of you to explain."

"Think about how Lin Qinghan would feel if his husband and his assistant got along well?"

"Our most beautiful girl in Guiyuan City was cuckolded by her assistant. This is really exciting!"

While he was talking, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and took a photo of Lu Chen and Liu Qian together. At the same time, he put the sign of the Central Revolving Restaurant in and continued: "I must ask the newspaper to publish this photo. The title is Lin Qinghan’s husband and her assistant wore colored hats, and there are pictures to prove it!”

"Zhao Yian, you've had enough!"

Liu Qian stamped her foot with a cold expression on her face.

If this matter appears in the newspaper, it will have an impact on Lin Qinghan, her, and Lu Chen, and it will also have an impact on the overall image of the Lin Group.

Although she and Lu Chen were not having an affair, people who watched the news would not think so.

"Haha, it seems that I hit the point, that's why you are so angry. You don't need to send this photo out if you want me to. I'll book a room in the No. 1 Presidential Suite of SEG Hotel tonight and wait for you. Come on, don’t wait until it’s too late.”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yian laughed and walked into the central revolving restaurant.

"Delete the photo!"

He had only taken two steps out when Lu Chen's voice suddenly rang out.

Zhao Yian was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked at Lu Chen.

He smiled.

"Lu Chen, why are you afraid that if this photo is seen, will Lin Qinghan divorce you?"

Zhao Yian is really right!

Lu Chen was really afraid that Lin Qinghan would misunderstand him again!

"Give me your phone!"

Lu Chen said coldly.

"Haha, why don't I give it to you!"

Zhao Yian crossed his arms and looked at Lu Chen teasingly.

Lu Chen is just a loser and a scumbag. Does a guy like this deserve to threaten him?
"If you don't give it, I'll slap your face to pieces."

Lu Chen came to Zhao Yian and slapped him in the face.

Liu Qiantan's mouth opened slightly, completely stunned.

This was Zhao Yian, and Lu Chen actually slapped him in the face. This slap came without any warning.

This restaurant was Zhao Yian's restaurant. Lu Chen was probably going to be surrounded by a group of security guards.

Not only that, they can't even think of eating here today.

"give or not?"

After Lu Chen slapped him, he asked in a deep voice.

Zhao Yian was stunned!
A prodigal son dared to slap him in the face.

"give or not?"

Zhao Yian didn't reply, and Lu Chen slapped him again.

Zhao Yian was even more confused.

"give or not?"

Lu Chen slapped him again.

The severe pain made Zhao Yian wake up from the shock. He originally wanted to get angry, but after coming into contact with Lu Chen's murderous eyes, he gave up.

Lu Chen's eyes were so terrifying!

"I... give you the phone!"

Zhao Yian handed over his mobile phone.

Lu Chen took the phone and squeezed it gently. The phone was crushed into pieces by Lu Chen, and foam flew all over the sky.

"If you cooperate early, it will be over."

After Lu Chen crushed his phone, he walked towards the central revolving restaurant again.

When the conflict broke out around them, a group of people gathered around them, and many people recognized the two of them.

People watching the excitement started talking about Zhao Yian being slapped by Lu Chen.

"Oh my god, Young Master Zhao was slapped by that prodigal Lu Chen."

"No, and it's so hard that Mr. Zhao can't even fight back!"

"Is this really the young master of the Zhao family? This is too cowardly!"


Only then did Zhao Yian realize that he was frightened by Lu Chen's methods, and he was frightened in front of his restaurant.

If this spreads out, how will he behave in the circle of the rich second generation in Guiyuan City?

Thinking of this, he said in a deep voice: "Security, where the hell did the security go?"

When the restaurant security guards heard Zhao Yian's words, they quickly gathered around and asked respectfully: "Mr. Zhao, what are your orders?"

Zhao Yian slapped a security guard in the face and said angrily: "Didn't you see that I was beaten just now? It really blinded you. Stop Lu Chen immediately. I will slap him back."

A group of security guards were frightened by the angry Zhao Yian, and quickly ran to Lu Chen and surrounded him.

Lu Chen stood still.

Zhao Yian stepped forward and said, "Lu Chen, do you take yourself too seriously? I was accidentally stunned by you just now, and I only realized it now."

"Tell you, this central revolving restaurant belongs to my Zhao family. You hit me on my territory. Do you think it's so easy to understand?"

"Now slap yourself in the face and leave Liu Qian to me to play with for a week. Let's forget about this matter. Otherwise, I promise that you will come in sideways and go out vertically today."

"You can't do it!"

Lu Chen replied calmly.

"Then I'll show you!"

Zhao Yian ordered the security guards: "Beat him to death. If anything happens, I will be responsible."

A group of security guards approached Lu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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