My cold CEO wife

Chapter 207: Calling him daddy is my Zhao family’s blessing

Chapter 207: Calling him daddy is my Zhao family’s blessing

"You should think carefully. If you really attack me, your jobs will not be saved." Seeing these security guards taking out electric batons, Lu Chen kindly reminded them.

The security guards didn't know who Lu Chen was, but seeing how powerful he was, they thought he was some kind of big shot, so they really didn't dare to take action easily. Instead, they looked at Zhao Yian for help.

"Are you idiots? Don't you know that this restaurant belongs to me? If I ask you to beat them up, you will beat them up. If you don't, your jobs will not be saved."

Zhao Yian cursed at the security guards for a while, then turned to Lu Chen and said, "Lu Chen, your shameless skills are getting better and better. You make it sound like this restaurant is your home."

"If this restaurant really belongs to you, I will call you daddy today!"

"Then it seems you have decided on this father!"

Lu Chen smiled, randomly took out his cell phone, dialed Zhong Dongyang's number, and said, "I want the Zhao Family Guiyuan City Central Revolving Restaurant to give you 10 minutes."

The Zhao family is the second family in Guiyuan City, but they are dependent on Zhong Dongyang.

In other words, it was Zhong Dongyang who was protecting the Zhao family in the province, otherwise the Zhao family would never have become the second family in Guiyuan City.

After making the call, Lu Chen waved his phone and said, "In 10 minutes, your restaurant will be mine."

"Lu Chen, your ability to show off is really getting better and better now!"

Zhao Yian sneered: "Tell you, even if you are my father's biological son, it is impossible for him to give you this restaurant, because he has already promised this restaurant to me."

"This scumbag Lu Chen is really getting better and better at bragging. I almost believe him."

"No, even when the Lu family was in its prime, there was no way he could compare with the Zhao family. Now he actually threatens to acquire the Zhao family's property within 10 minutes. It's really laughable."

"Sure enough, people are shameless, and they can do nothing. I think he was so shameless that he picked up so many women in the first place. I will stand here and wait for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, I will watch him make a fool of himself here."


There was a lot of discussion outside.

A group of security guards tightened their electric batons and looked at Zhao Yian, wondering whether they should take action.

"Don't do anything yet. Wait for him for 10 minutes. I will make him proud for 10 minutes first, and then make him despair after 10 minutes."

"Lu Chen, let's go, we'll be embarrassed later."

Liu Qian couldn't stand it anymore and pulled Lu Chen's clothes.

If you continue here, you will be really embarrassed later.

The Zhao family was a giant. No matter who Lu Chen called, the Zhao family would never give up their central revolving restaurant.

Seeing that Liu Qian didn't believe Lu Chen, Zhao Yian smiled even more happily, with all his ridicule.

"Believe me!"

Lu Chen said warmly.

Liu Qian persuaded Lu Chen not to leave and could only stay with Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, it's been 9 minutes now, and there's still 1 minute left. You said this restaurant will be yours. Do you think it's realistic?"

At 9 minutes, Zhao Yian looked at his Rolex watch.

Lu Chen didn't speak.

The buzz around him became even louder.

Da da da!
At this moment, there was the sound of leather shoes hitting the floor. The rhythm of the sound was very fast, as if someone was running fast.

Everyone looked towards the source of the distant sound and found that it was Zhao Zhong striding towards here.

"Dad, why are you here?" Zhao Yian was a little surprised.

Zhao's family has a lot of properties, and Zhao Zhong usually has a lot of things to do, so he can't take care of such a small restaurant, how come he is here now.

"Oh, Dad, it's just time for dinner. Did you rush over to eat? Just wait, I'll arrange for the head chef to cook for you right away."

Zhao Zhong ignored Zhao Yi'an, and quickly came to Lu Chen and took out a folder.

"Mr. Lu, this central revolving restaurant is now yours. Here is the restaurant's business execution and official seal. See when it is convenient for you. I will handle the relevant procedures of the restaurant under your name."

As soon as his words came out, the audience was in an uproar!
No one expected that Zhao Zhong came here for Lu Chen.

Moreover, the other party really came to give the Central Restaurant to Lu Chen. Who did Lu Chen call?

The crowd watching outside were stunned.

Is Lu Chen really a prodigal?

With just one phone call, the owner of the Zhao family can personally deliver the business license and hand over the Central Revolving Restaurant. Is this really something ordinary people can do?
Liu Qian once again opened her mouth in surprise.

Everything today really surprised her!

Lu Chen was a bit confusing to her!
Zhao Yian was the most surprised person, his eyes bulged out.

My father came to deliver the business license in a hurry, ignoring his words.

"Dad, what are you doing? Why did you give our central revolving restaurant to a scumbag like Lu Chen?"

Zhao Yian came to Zhao Zhong with doubt in his voice.

He just finished speaking when Zhao Zhong slapped him across the face.

"I don't want you to say anything bad about Mr. Lu in the future. You must treat him as the most distinguished guest of our Zhao family, otherwise I will wring your neck myself."

Zhao Yian was stupid!
His father actually warned him like this, what is Lu Chen's identity?
But he didn't know that Zhong Dongyang had called Zhao Zhong just now.

The content of the call is simple.

Lu Chen took a fancy to Zhao's central revolving restaurant, and he needed to put it under his name within 10 minutes.

If this call was made by an ordinary person, Zhao Zhong would never pay attention to it, but it was a call from his boss Zhong Dongyang.

He timidly inquired and asked what the relationship between Lu Chen and Zhong Dongyang was.

Zhong Dongyang's answer was very simple. Lu Chen was his most distinguished guest and someone he couldn't afford to offend.

From now on, Zhong Dongyang felt that he was superior to others in front of Lu Chen, but the scene that happened in Jiangting Villa not long ago made him understand that he was nothing in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was someone who could fight against the strong Chu Pian.

"Dad, you said you wanted to give this restaurant to me, and you gave it to someone else without asking my opinion?"

"Besides, do you know what it means when you give this restaurant to Lu Chen?"

"I made a bet with him just now. If he can own this restaurant within 10 minutes, I will call him dad from now on."

Zhao Yian complained to Zhao Zhong about the injustice, hoping that Zhao Zhong would take back what he just said so that he could humiliate Lu Chen.

"It is our Zhao family's blessing that you can call him daddy!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Zhong almost choked him to death with his words.

Zhao Zhong even gave up his son for the sake of Lu Chen. What is Lu Chen's identity?
"Since you lost the bet, come here and call me Mr. Lu and daddy. If you don't, I will slap your mouth to pieces." Zhao Zhong ordered Zhao Yian while he was still thinking.

Zhao Yian gritted his teeth and shouted to Lu Chen angrily: "Dad!"

Lu Chen refused: "I'm sorry, I don't dare to have a stupid son like you. You'd better not appear in my sight in the future, otherwise I will destroy your Zhao family."

(End of this chapter)

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