My cold CEO wife

Chapter 217 Public Opinion Turns

Chapter 217 Public Opinion Turns
"Sorry, I have no comment on your question." Zhang Jiyun apologized.

At the same time, he secretly admired Lu Chen in his heart.

Originally, he was still worried that their movie would not be popular and would not attract traffic, but with the help of Zheng Yu and Lu Siqi who said that they plagiarized this sensitive topic, the popularity of their movie was immediately raised.

Now the topic about their movie has become the No. 1 most searched topic.

When the movie is officially released, many people will definitely buy tickets to watch it.

I heard that this movie is the same as Huamu Film Production Company's movie, so everyone must be curious and want to see where they are the same and what plots have been plagiarized.

In the end, everyone will find that the films of both parties are completely different, and there is no plagiarism at all.

As long as these audiences are willing to watch the movie, he is confident that he can capture the hearts of these audiences.

Because the movie he made this time is absolutely heart-warming, the script is good, the actors are very capable, and nearly [-] million yuan was invested in the post-production.

This film will definitely be popular.

Even now that Lin Qinghan called, he guessed that it was arranged by Lu Chen.

Now that the press conference has been stopped midway, it will definitely make everyone think that others have a guilty conscience and that they have really plagiarized, so the press conference cannot go on.

"Director Zhang, let me ask you the next question, can your movie be released normally?" the reporter continued to ask.


Zhang Jiyun showed a slight hesitation, and it was this hesitation that made everyone more certain that their movie was plagiarized.

After hesitation, Zhang Jiyun then affirmed: "Don't worry, everyone, our movies are absolutely original and cannot be plagiarized. If you don't believe it, you can buy a ticket to watch it tonight."

If there hadn't been a hesitant expression on his face at first, everyone might have believed him. After all, he still had a good reputation in the industry, but it was this hesitation that made everyone obviously not believe him.

Soon, public opinion fermented.

Everyone is guessing, is it because Mushang Entertainment really plagiarized the script of Huamu Film Production Company, and now it is halfway through, and this person's film conference cannot go on.

For a time, Mulsanne Entertainment's unfinished press conference became the focus of public opinion, and everyone was competing to discuss it.

Several things about Mulshang Entertainment suddenly reached the top of the hot searches.

"It's so cool!"

Hua Yuanjie was so excited when he saw the top-ranked pieces of information.

The higher Mushang Entertainment flies now, the harder it will fall.

Tonight, it’s time for Mulshang Entertainment to fall.

In the evening, the big online movie planned by Mulshang Entertainment was performed as scheduled.

When he learned that the movie was being staged, Lin Qinghan was furious and criticized Lu Chen again.

Lu Chen endured it silently.

After the movie was played, there was another outcry.

This time, the public opinion is not directed at Mushang Entertainment, but against Huamu Film Production Company.

The movies of Mulshang Entertainment have nothing to do with the three movies of Huamu Film Production Company.

The three films produced by Huamu Productions and Film Company are romance films, martial arts films and comedy films.

However, Mulsanne Entertainment's movies are movies that praise youth and maternal love.

"Fuck, we were all deceived by Zheng Yu and Lu Siqi. Mulshang Entertainment's movies are completely different from their movies. Where did the plagiarism come from?"

"I suddenly discovered that their acting skills were really bad. Compared with the acting skills of Li Mingyue and Zhou Ming, they were far behind. They were not as good as some second-tier actors."

"No, I was fooled by Li Mingyue. Her acting skills are amazing, and Zhou Ming's acting skills are also super good."


Soon, the Internet scolded Zheng Yu and Lu Siqi, but gave a positive answer to Li Mingyue and Zhou Ming's acting skills.

Many young people began to return movie tickets from Huamu Film Production Company and buy movie tickets from Mulshang Entertainment instead.

In just one hour, Mulsanne Entertainment's movie tickets were sold like hotcakes, making a profit of [-] million.

Originally, Mulshang Entertainment only invested [-] million, which means that now all [-] million has been returned. If it continues, Mulshang Entertainment can only make a profit, and according to this trend, it will definitely be a big profit.

"Successful, successful!"

When a group of actors in Mushang Entertainment saw that their film was recognized by the audience, they hugged each other and burst into tears.

For more than a month, all the cast and staff of Mulshang Entertainment have worked hard.

The actors are all new actors, but Lu Chen gave them the opportunity, and they must seize it.

And whether it was post-production editing, music, special effects, etc., Lu Chen spent a lot of money to support it. These post-production team members have never been so well-funded, and they worked hard to do this.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the film was finally recognized by the market.

This is a high quality movie.

This movie is far worse than those classic blockbusters, but as far as online movies alone are concerned, it is definitely very successful.

"I wrongly blamed Lu Chen!"

Lin Qinghan was drinking coffee and browsing the news. When he saw the comments, he was so stupid that he almost dropped his coffee cup.

She remembered that Lu Chen had been emphasizing that their movie was original, not plagiarized, but she just didn't believe it, and kept interrupting Lu Chen's explanation.

"You bastard, don't you know how to explain it to me two more times?"

Lin Qinghan cursed angrily, and after she finished cursing, she smiled again.

"Who the hell can tell me what's going on?"

After Hua Yuanjie saw these pieces of information, he threw away his phone.

What about plagiarism?

It was agreed to sue Mushang Entertainment for copyright infringement, but how about suing Mushang Entertainment for bankruptcy?
The themes of several movies are completely different. Plagiarism will make you paralyzed.

"Hua Shao, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Yinghong entered Hua Yuanjie's room and was shocked when she saw fragments of mobile phones on the floor.

"Why are you paralyzed? Open the hot search and take a look." Hua Yuanjie shouted angrily.

Yu Yinghong opened the hot search, and her pretty face changed immediately.

The scene she expected didn't happen. No wonder Hua Yuanjie was so angry.

"Master Hua, don't be angry. These are all trivial matters. Didn't Zheng Yu and Lu Siqi also make money from this movie? Although we did not move Mulshang Entertainment this time, we have another time."

"I heard that Mushang Entertainment treated Li Mingyue and Zhou Ming badly. They will definitely become famous now. We will recruit them directly and give Mushang Entertainment a drastic drudgery."

"Mu Shang Entertainment is only supported by the two of them. Once they leave, Mul Shang Entertainment will collapse."

Yu Yinghong quickly gave new suggestions.

Hearing her suggestion, Hua Yuanjie's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he immediately ordered: "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. In addition, you call Lu Siqi to this young master. I must ask her tonight." Let off some steam.”

(End of this chapter)

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