My cold CEO wife

Chapter 218 Zhou Ming’s Rebellion

Chapter 218 Zhou Ming’s Rebellion

Lin Qinghan appeared in person at Mulshang Entertainment.

This time, the film made by Mushang Entertainment was very successful and gained a very good social influence, especially the theme of praising mothers, which set off a frenzy of filial piety in society.

As the head of the Lin Group, Lin Qinghan personally encourages and rewards all employees of Mulsanne Entertainment.

All the staff of Mulshang Entertainment were very flattered.

"Mr. Lin, we cannot be where we are today without your support, Mr. Lu's support, and Mr. Liu's support. Don't worry, as long as Mulshang Entertainment is around, I will stay with Mulshang Entertainment."

Zhang Jiyun was the first to express his stance.

Originally, his influence among directors was mediocre, just because he was an old director and had a certain reputation. But after this movie came out, he was even able to win a Best Director Award for this movie.

His life and career will probably reach a new level.

All of this was given to her by Mushang Entertainment.

He knows how to repay kindness.

"Director Zhang, the person you should thank most is not me, but Mr. Lu."

Lin Qinghan's face became a little hot when Zhang Jiyun said it.

Not only did she not help Mulshang Entertainment, but she also strongly objected several times during the process. Especially halfway through the film's press conference, she called Zhang Jiyun to force Zhang Jiyun to stop the press conference.

"No, Mr. Lin, the one I should thank the most is you. If you had not called me in the middle of the press conference, the audience would not be so suspicious, the public opinion about our film would not be so fierce, and we would not be able to receive the news later. Such a good effect." Zhang Jiyun continued.

Lin Qinghan's face became even hotter.

"Mr. Lin, thank you and thank you to Mr. Lu and Mr. Liu. It's because you gave me the opportunity that I can be where I am today. I also promise you that as long as Mulshang Entertainment is still here, I will stay with Mulshang Entertainment."

Li Mingyue also stood up and assured Lin Qinghan sweetly.

After the guarantee was finished, she pulled Zhou Ming and gave him a wink, obviously hoping that Zhou Ming would come out to make a guarantee.

returning a Favour many times more.

It was Mulshang Entertainment that gave them the opportunity and the stage. What they have today is all because of Mulshang Entertainment. If it weren't for Mulshang Entertainment, they might be working as ordinary workers in Lu Chen's factory now.

Zhou Ming stood up, but what he said was not what Li Mingyue wanted.

"Mr. Lin, thank you and Mulshang for cultivating me. However, as people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. This is an eternal truth. The salary you gave me is too low, so I am ready to resign. .”

Li Mingyue was immediately confused and said angrily: "Zhou Ming, do you know what you are talking about? Without Mr. Lin and Mr. Lu, would you be where you are today? You are so ungrateful that you want to resign. Did Yu Yinghong come to you last night? Already?"

Yu Yinghong came to see her last night, and she firmly rejected Yu Yinghong's offer of an annual salary of tens of millions.

It seems that Yu Yinghong not only looked for her last night, but also looked for Zhou Ming.

However, Zhou Ming obviously failed to withstand the temptation.

"Yes, Yu Yinghong approached me and was willing to give me an annual salary of 1000 million. Here, I only have 50 a year. With my current acting skills and popularity, how can I be worth only 50?" Zhou Ming's voice was a little distorted.

In recent years, he has been afraid of poverty. He wants to stand out from others. This is an opportunity. If he doesn't jump from the platform, he will be a fool.

"With this 1000 million, I want a house, a car, a woman, and it's still 1000 million a year. How much money can I make in the future?"

"Li Mingyue, Yu Yinghong also came to see you last night. Just tell me that your mother is sick and is now seriously ill in the hospital. You have borrowed all the money from relatives and friends to save the money, but the medical expenses are still not enough, so why insist on it? "

"Now that you have 1000 million, all the money you owe can be paid off. You can also buy a villa for your mother, hire a nanny, and let your mother spend her old age peacefully. Isn't that good?"

"Okay, Zhou Ming, you don't need to say anything!"

Li Mingyue shouted loudly, stopped Zhou Ming, and replied: "A gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way. I am indeed tempted by the 1000 million, but I know that without the platform and Mr. Lu, I have no chance to get the 1000 million. I I would rather live a little more tiredly, and I would never regret my conscience."

"Since we are not on the same journey, then, the moment you step out of Mulshang Entertainment, we will lose contact."

"Okay, okay, if we cut off contact, we'll cut off contact. You will beg me in the future."

After Zhou Ming finished speaking, he came to Lin Qinghan and said, "The most wrong thing you did was not signing a liquidated damages clause with me, so that I would have no pressure when I left. But, not long ago, I was just an unknown person." I am a legendary young actor, so of course you look down on me."

"I am where I am today thanks to your contributions, but the biggest contribution should be to myself. If it weren't for my excellent acting skills, I wouldn't be popular, and neither would this movie."

"A conservative estimate from this movie is that your net profit is over [-] million, so I can be considered as repaying you."

After saying that, Zhou Ming walked away.


When Zhou Ming was about to leave, Lu Chen stopped him.

"Mr. Lu, I thank you for allowing me to enter the entertainment industry, but this does not give you the right to yell at me, but I am willing to give you a face. What do you want from me?" Zhou Ming stopped and asked before Humility is the complete opposite.

Money has corrupted his heart.

Without saying a word, Lu Chen slapped Zhou Ming on the face and said, "If you want to leave the company, I won't stop you, but you shouldn't talk to my wife like that. Apologize to her immediately."

"You dare to hit me? I'm sorry for you..."

Before Zhou Ming finished scolding, Lu Chen slapped him again.


"I say..."

Lu Chen slapped him again.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry!"

After a few slaps, Zhou Ming gave in.

"Go away, don't let me see you in the future."

Lu Chen waved his hand and Zhou Ming fled in panic. He glanced at Lin Qinghan secretly and ordered Liu Xing next to him: "Liu Qian, take Mr. Lin to rest."

Lin Qinghan was indeed angry.

Even if Zhou Ming wants to leave, she won't feel uncomfortable if people go to higher places and water flows to lower places.

Zhou Ming actually attributed the movie's popularity to his acting skills.

Apart from him, don’t everyone else’s contributions count as contributions to the film?
Lin Qinghan left, and Lu Chen swept the scene and said, "I think among this crowd, there are still people who want to resign, right? All those who want to resign, please come forward. I won't even ask you for liquidated damages. Our Mulsanne Group, We don’t need such ungrateful employees.”

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry. Huamu Film Production Company has offered me an annual salary of 200 million. I have a boss and a boss now, and my life is very stressful. I hope you can understand."

A B-list actor stepped forward.

In this movie, he doesn't have many scenes, but they are very classic. He believes that with this movie, many people will ask him to make movies in the future.

Moreover, Huamu Film Production Company can offer him an annual salary of 200 million yuan, which is enough to show that they value him.

(End of this chapter)

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