My cold CEO wife

Chapter 222 You are doomed to fail tonight

Chapter 222 You are doomed to fail tonight
"Yes, second brother, your analysis makes sense."

When Hua Mingxian heard what Hua Mingchen said, he secretly said that he was really becoming more afraid of death as he got older.

Lu Chen was just lucky, and happened to encounter the desperate ghost.

Why would the Hua family take Lu Chen seriously?
"Brother, even if that guy Lu Chen has the ability to kill the desperate ghost, my two snipers are not ordinary snipers. The guns in their hands are specially made by me in country A at a huge cost. They are loaded with It's an armor-piercing bullet, and even a strong person at first glance can't withstand it."

"My two snipers have been with me for ten years. Together they have killed hundreds of powerful enemies without ever missing a beat."

"As long as Lu Chen is hit by the sniper rifles of the two of them, he will be injured or killed. If my other brothers pounce on him, they will definitely beat him into a hornet's nest."

Hua Mingchen continued to explain.

After hearing his explanation, Hua Mingxian became more confident.

Time passed slowly.

The big iron clock struck twenty o'clock sharp.

Hua Mingchen frowned slightly and said: "Brother, it seems that this kid has tricked us. He is not prepared to come to the appointment at all. It is very likely that he wants to use this method to keep us in the Grand Canyon so that he can run away easily." road."

"Haha, that only shows that you are awesome, my second brother. When he heard your name, he was so scared that he hid."

Hua Mingxian laughed and said at the same time: "But does this kid really think he can escape? I'm afraid he doesn't know how powerful my Hua family's intelligence capabilities are, right?"

"Hmph, as long as he doesn't leave the province, I can catch him."

"Catch me out? Am I such an unpunctual person?"

While the two were discussing, a young man appeared from the darkness with a faint smile on his face, and a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth.

The person coming was none other than Lu Chen.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Lu Chen appear, Hua Mingchen asked in a deep voice.

He actually felt a dangerous aura from Lu Chen's body. He had only encountered this dangerous aura once in the Iron Triangle for many years.

If it hadn't been for the help of noble people that time, he would have died in the Iron Triangle.

Now he actually felt this aura from Lu Chen's body.

He couldn't help but become vigilant and looked behind Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was too young. Even if the opponent was too unfaithful, it would not be able to pose a direct threat to him. The only possibility was that Lu Chen had prepared manpower in the dark.


Just when he was thinking this, a roar of killing sounds rang out from behind Lu Chen.

Then, countless people carrying swing sticks and machetes walked towards Lu Chen's direction.


Hua Mingchen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lu Chen was so good at causing trouble and had other enemies.

These people were obviously heading for Lu Chen.

He clasped his hands together, admiring the scene amusedly.

Lu Chen was also a little surprised. Besides Hua Mingchen, someone else wanted to kill him.

He turned his body upside down and looked behind him.

As a result, the shouting of killing behind them stopped instantly, and everyone stopped where they were.

A man stood up from among the people here and said to Lu Chen: "Master Lu, even if you are going to die here tonight, brothers will accompany you through this hell gate. We people in Guiyuan City are not cowards. You are our boss." , As long as the brothers don’t die today, nothing will happen to you, the boss.”

"So what if Erye Hua's mercenaries have thermal weapons? I just have a lot of people in the Sihe Club. Can they kill ten people, twenty people, or hundreds of people? Today we will kill these bastards together." .”

"Brothers, follow me and charge forward to protect Mr. Lu."

Zhao Qing yelled.

"Protect Mr. Lu, protect Mr. Lu!"

A team of several hundred people rushed towards the Hua Mingxian brothers like a tide.

Hua Mingxian was obviously frightened by this formation and could not help but shrink his neck.

A team of several hundred people can literally drown one person with just a spit of spit.

On the other hand, Hua Mingchen, who was standing next to him, narrowed his eyes slightly and ordered to the brother in front of him: "Everyone, listen to my order and give it to me..."

"Stop it all!"

Just when Hua Mingchen was about to call his brothers below to attack indiscriminately, Lu Chen's voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Sheng's voice seemed to have a special magic power. It went from extreme movement to extreme silence in three seconds.

The brothers from the Sihehui led by Zhao Qing who went to fight for their lives quickly stopped.

Hua Mingchen's men across from him also chose not to shoot.

"Zhao Qing, I told you that I asked you to come here to enjoy the show. How come you are here to fight?"

Lu Chen questioned.

Zhao Qing was embarrassed and replied: "Master Lu, I don't worry about you."

"You don't trust me, and you're bringing everyone to the tiger's den?" Lu Chen continued to ask.

"Master Lu, since everyone recognizes you as the boss, then there is no coward in our Sihe Society. Even if everyone wants to die, they cannot let their boss be bullied alone."

Zhao Qing's Jianghu spirit is very strong and has a loud voice.

But it was this Jianghu aura that made Lu Chen appreciate it.

"Zhao Qing, just stand aside and watch. Leave the rest to me."

Lu Chen stepped forward, his hands folded in his trouser pockets, looking very casual.

"Boy, you're going to die, and yet you can still laugh?"

Hua Mingchen couldn't stand Lu Chen's cowardly behavior. It was obvious that he didn't take him seriously.

"You are all going to die, why can't I laugh?" Lu Chen asked.

Hua Mingxian spoke up, and his methods were cruel.

"Lu Chen, don't show off your words here. I tell you, my son Hua Yuanjie died in your hands. Today I will break your hands and legs, and I will drain your blood." Fill it with mercury, and I will make you guard my son's grave in a life worse than death."

"Then you are destined to fail tonight."

Lu Chen approached the two of them calmly.

"Kill him for me."

Hua Mingxian shouted angrily.

The boy below fired at Lu Chen one after another.

Lu Chen glanced at the ground and found a medium-sized stone at the foot of the ground. The stone was one meter long and estimated to be [-] meters wide.

Lu Chen stepped forward with one foot.

Cracks appeared on the ground instantly, and then the stone actually floated in the air.

Then, all those bullets hit this rock.

Countless potholes appeared on the stone instantly.

But this stone seems to have a spirituality, and it rotates in the air, blocking all the bullets.

Hua Mingchen was a little shocked when he saw that Lu Chen actually blocked these bullets.

This shock lasted only a moment, and then he motioned to the two snipers in the dark.

The two snipers understood instantly. They searched for the best position in the darkness and prepared to deliver a fatal blow to Lu Chen.

At this moment, Lu Chen moved.

He clenched his fingers into a fist and slammed his fist on the stone, which exploded into countless pieces.

Then Lu Chen stretched out his fingers and began to flick the small stones in the air. These stones drew gorgeous traces and headed towards the two snipers in the dark in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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