chapter 223



The two stones accurately hit the heads of the two snipers.

Before the two snipers had time to react, a hole was pierced through their heads by a stone, leaving their lives in front of the sniper rifle forever.


Hua Mingchen's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

These two snipers were the top snipers he had trained with great efforts. When they calmed down, they looked like virgins. How could they be discovered by Lu Chen?

Moreover, Lu Chen actually shot two people through their heads with a stone. What kind of strength does it take to do this?

"So strong!"

Zhao Qing, who was far away, was shocked to death when he saw the scene in front of him.

It's ridiculous that he has been worried that Lu Chen is no match for him, and he is still trying to persuade Lu Chen to run away to avoid the danger. Lu Chen just moves the machine gun, so there is no need to escape for his life?

The ones who should run away are probably Hua Mingchen and others.

"Beat me to death. If anyone tries to kill Lu Chen, I will give him [-] million."

Hua Mingchen's eyes were red and he gave instructions to the younger brother below.

People die for money, birds die for death.

Although Lu Chen was very powerful, after everyone heard about Hua Mingchen's nine-digit reward, they felt like they were in a rush and shot bullets at Lu Chen desperately.

"Lu Chen, I don't believe you can hide in front of such a dense bullet." Hua Mingchen's face was a little distorted.

"Hide, why should I hide?"

Lu Chen smiled and stood still. Countless gravels in the air were ejected by him and collided with the flying bullets.

Then the stone was smashed into pieces. Once the bullet was blocked by the stone, it lost its forward momentum and slowly fell to the ground.

The sound of metal intersecting with iron kept ringing on the ground, which was the sound of bullets falling on the ground.


Hua Mingchen was frightened by Lu Chen's methods.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that someone could catch bullets in this way, and there were such dense bullets.

It’s too shocking!

As for Hua Mingxian next to him, he had long been frightened by Lu Chen's methods.

He didn't believe that Lu Chen could kill Jueminggui at first, but now after seeing Lu Chen's methods, he understood that Jueminggui's death was not unfair at all.

Soon after, Hua Mingchen's men ran out of bullets and began to change magazines.

"You have finished attacking now, then it's my turn."

Lu Chen stepped on the ground again, and countless gravel flew out from under his feet. His fingers kept flicking on the gravel.

These broken stones turned into streaks of light and attacked Hua Mingchen's little brother.

Puff puff!

Hua Mingchen's younger brother was hit by pieces of gravel and fell to the ground immediately.

More than thirty younger brothers were harvested by Lu Chen like wheat.

They hadn't finished changing a row of magazines, and everyone fell into a pool of blood.

Except for the two brothers Hua Mingxian, everyone else was wiped out by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was unscathed!

"It's too strong."

"Master Lu is awesome."

"I want to give birth to a monkey for Mr. Lu!"


The people brought by Zhao Qing from afar were stunned.

They were originally planning to come to the Hua family and fight to the death in order to save Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is so awesome, why does he need their protection?

Hua Mingxian's legs were so weak that he couldn't even sit firmly on the hood of the car and fell to the ground.

Hua Mingchen's situation is not much better than Hua Mingxian's.

He has been in the Audio-Technica for so many years, what kind of awesome person has he not seen?

However, these people were nothing compared to Lu Chen.

He killed an elite team of dozens of people with his bare hands. In addition to the well-equipped gunmen, the team also had two snipers.

This combination was very powerful in the Golden Triangle, but they all fell in front of Lu Chen, and no one was spared.

Lu Chen slowly walked towards Hua Mingchen.

Hua Mingchen felt that his body could not help but tremble when Lu Chen came closer.

It was a visceral fear.

"Master Lu, please let me go. I am willing to be a dog by your side from now on."

Hua Mingchen gave in and took the initiative to accept Lu Chen as his master.

In order to save his life, he had forgotten his dignity, so he jumped off the hood and knelt in front of Lu Chen.

"Master, Mingchen kneels down for you."

"And I, Master, I also kneel down for you."

Hua Mingxian saw Hua Mingchen kneeling down, crawled next to Hua Mingchen, and knelt with him in front of Lu Chen.

"Master Lu, please let us two brothers go. From now on, our Hua family will be your dogs. We will bite whoever you ask us to bite, and we will never frown." Hua Mingxian begged. .

"Oh, is this true?"

Seeing the two brothers acting like this, Lu Chen asked curiously.


The two of them had their heads pounded.

"In this case, then you two will bite each other. I only want to be the one who survives." Lu Chen said calmly.

The two brothers looked at each other, and then their eyes shone fiercely, and then they pounced and really started to bite.

Lu Chen stopped looking at the two of them and waved to Zhao Qing.

Zhao Qing ran over with his head on end.

"Master Lu, you are so awesome. I wonder what your orders are?"

His admiration for Lu Chen reached an extreme.

I have never seen such a powerful person before, but I met him today. He hugged Lu Chen's thigh, which was a good hug.

"Mop the floor." Lu Chen ordered.

Zhao Qing agreed, and then carefully asked Jiji for instructions: "How should the Hua family deal with it?"

"The dead ones will be buried alive, and the surviving ones will be buried alive." Lu Chen said calmly.

Since the Hua family came to trouble him, they had to be prepared to be troubled. Killing the Hua family this time was a warning to the monkeys to see if anyone would dare to cause trouble to him in the future.

Zhao Qing originally thought that Lu Chen was really going to let the surviving person go, but he didn't expect that the surviving person would be buried alive now.

While he was in awe of Lu Chen in his heart, he was also somewhat afraid.

After Lu Chen finished explaining, he turned around and walked out of the Grand Canyon.

Hundreds of young men from the Sihe Club looked at Lu Chen's back with wild eyes.

The wealthy flower family in the province was wiped out by Lu Chen in a snap.

What is awesome?This is called awesome.

Hua Mingxian is always older, and he doesn't exercise much, so he is no match for Hua Mingchen, who often moves around the Golden Triangle.

Soon, Hua Mingxian was beaten to exhaustion by Hua Mingchen, and finally Hua Mingchen beat Hua Mingxian to death.

"Master Lu, I win, I win, and I will be your dog from now on."

Hua Mingchen was ecstatic and didn't care about killing his own brother.

However, when he raised his head, he found that Lu Chen was no longer there. Surrounding him were strange eyes, with a touch of ridicule in them.

"Where's Mr. Lu?"

Hua Mingchen asked.

"Master Lu has left." Zhao Qing replied.

"Oh, it seems I'm free, Master Lu really let me go."

Hua Mingchen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Lu Chen had left.

"Come here, Master Lu has ordered that Hua Mingchen be buried alive."

At this moment, Zhao Qing gave instructions to the younger brother below.

(End of this chapter)

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