My cold CEO wife

Chapter 228 Wife's Biggest Arrangement

Chapter 228 Wife's Biggest Arrangement

"Lu Chen, come to my office!"

Lin Qinghan was very angry, very angry.

Recently, because the Hua family has withdrawn from the Guiyuan City market, it has eaten into many small and medium-sized enterprises. The scale of the Lin Group has become larger and larger.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and Lu Chen got into trouble just a short time later.

This guy actually used violence in Mulshang Entertainment and beat up a public figure like Zhou Ming. Finally, Gong Zhouming told what happened to him, and now everyone is attacking the Lin Group.

The Lin Group now gives everyone the impression that it is strong and domineering.

Many companies are unwilling to cooperate with the Lin Group.

This has greatly affected the development of Lin Group.

Lu Chen received Lin Qinghan's call, quickly appeared in her office, picked out an HLD, threw it into his mouth, and then sat down across from Lin Qinghan in a hurry.

"Honey, isn't it true that one day is like three autumns apart, half a day is like one and a half autumns apart? I haven't seen you for just one morning, and you actually called me in a hurry to come to your office."

Lu Chen chuckled and said, "I really miss the time when I first worked as your assistant. At that time, there was a small cubicle in your office. I would sit in the small cubicle and I would be there whenever you called me."

"Otherwise, how about you set up a cubicle in your office and I sit in the cubicle?"

Due to development needs, the Lin Group has expanded its office space, and Lin Qinghan's office has also been changed to a more high-end and domineering one.

However, there are no cubicles in her office.

"You still want to sit in a cubicle? It's better if I send you to jail. See for yourself what good thing you have done!"

Lin Qinghan took out his iPad, opened the news about Lu Chen beating Zhou Ming, and threw the iPad to him.

Lu Chen took the iPad, put it back on the table, and said, "Honey, I know what you want to tell me? It's about me beating Zhou Ming. I just want to tell you that he deserves a beating."

"He deserves a beating, but as a senior executive of my Lin Group and as my husband, Lin Qinghan, you can't beat him." Lin Qinghan said coldly.

Liu Qian reported Zhou Ming's matter to her after Lu Chen beat him up. She didn't think much about it at first, but later Zhou Ming used the power of public opinion to attack Lu Chen, which Lin Qinghan didn't expect.

"Honey, I'm really touched, you care about me so much, you're afraid that if I beat him up, my hand will be broken." Lu Chen showed a nympho expression.

Lu Chen couldn't bear to slap him hard and flew towards Lu Chen.

Can I have some face?
Do you care about this guy?
"Stop talking nonsense here. Now our Lin Group has been affected by this incident. You should immediately make an appointment with Zhou Ming, and then hold a press conference to apologize to him. We will try our best to minimize the negative impact."

Lin Qinghan quickly issued instructions to Lu Chen.

"Honey, I'm not at fault for this matter, you asked me to apologize to him, have you considered my feelings?" Lu Chen pouted.

Lin Qing said coldly: "You didn't do this right. I don't need to consider your feelings. Just do as I say. Otherwise, don't blame me for falling out."

"Okay, as long as my wife is happy, I will listen to you."

Lu Chen didn't want to make Lin Qinghan unhappy, so he had to compromise.

Soon, he contacted Zhou Ming and wanted to publicly apologize to Zhou Ming at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

"What, Mr. Lu, do you want to publicly apologize to Zhou Ming? This matter is not your fault. Do you want me to stand up and clarify the whole thing?"

When Zhang Jiyun heard that Lu Chen wanted to apologize to Zhou Ming, he was the first to disagree.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, I am also willing to stand up and clarify for you. Not only Zhou Ming has tens of millions of fans, but I also have tens of millions of fans." Li Mingyue also supported Lu Chen.

"Mr. Lu, we are all willing to support you."

Other actors from Mulshang Entertainment are willing to clear Lu Chen's name.

"Okay, I appreciate everyone's kindness. My wife's arrangement is the biggest. I will arrange an apology meeting." Lu Chen was moved and rejected everyone's kindness.


Zhou Ming received an apology meeting scheduled by Lu Chen and laughed proudly like a pig.

With the help of a big reporter like He Shu, the effect was indeed different. With He Shu's encouragement, Lu Chen actually wanted to apologize to him publicly.

Lu Chenna was one of the major shareholders of the Lin Group. Such a figure actually bowed to him, which made Zhou Ming very proud.

Qitian found out about this and specially called Zhou Ming to his villa.

"I wonder what Mr. Qi wants from me?"

Zhou Ming knew that Qi Tian had a very thick leg, so he had to hold it steady.

"I heard that Lu Chen will publicly apologize to you tomorrow?"

Qi Tian raised his head, his voice was not loud, but his identity made Zhou Ming feel like he couldn't breathe.

"It's thanks to the help of Young Master Qi. If you hadn't asked Mr. He Shu to help me, I wouldn't have achieved such an effect." Zhou Ming put his posture extremely low.

Qi Tian was very satisfied with Zhou Ming's knowledge and continued to ask: "Then do you know what to do next?"

"Everything is at the command of Mr. Qi."

Zhou Ming is very smart. He didn't think that Qi Tian told him to come over. He just asked himself a few words casually. He must have something to tell him.

"Come here!" Qi Tian hooked his hand at Zhou Ming.

Zhou Ming ran up to Qi Tian in a desperate manner.

Qi Tian immediately slapped Zhou Ming on the face. Zhou Ming was stunned and asked in confusion: "Young Master Qi, did I do something wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong. I think you are pleased with me, so I will give you a slap in the face. From now on, your face will be imprinted with my fingerprints. You are mine."

Qi Tian was moody and recognized Zhou Ming's identity as his younger brother in this way.

Zhou Ming was frightened and said excitedly: "Thank you, Mr. Qi, for your love."

Qi Tian waved his hand and ordered: "Lu Chen will apologize to you tomorrow. I want you to offer to slap him back. He will definitely not agree. At that time, I will arrange for He Shu to publicize the scandal and completely push Lu Chen into the abyss. By the way, Push the Lin Group into the abyss, do you understand?"


Zhou Ming kept nodding.

This is a big deal. In a matter of seconds, the Lin Group can fall into the infinite abyss. Once the Lin Group is finished and he appears proudly in front of Lin Qinghan, Lin Qinghan will definitely beg him to let Lin go. Group.

By the time……


Qitian waved.

Night falls.

He Shu was sitting in the busiest section of Binhe Road in Guiyuan. Next to him, two top names on Binhe Road were sitting next to him.

Guiyuan Binhe Road is the red light district of Guiyuan City.

The two top names here are both performing arts and not selling themselves, but Qi Tian used money to forcefully break their legs open for the two top names.

And these two people are now here to serve He Shu.

This is what He Shuyin got.

Because he has done meritorious service for Qi Tian, ​​he will do even greater merit for Qi Tian tomorrow.

He Shu wore glasses, but his hands kept touching the two women's bodies, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

A gentle beast, nothing more than that.

"When I push the Lin Group into the abyss, I will get 2000 million. Then I won't have to do anything anymore and I can enjoy this kind of drunken life every day."

He Shu was immersed in the world of drunkenness and wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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