My cold CEO wife

Chapter 229 I’m not afraid of the Qi family

Chapter 229 I’m not afraid of the Qi family

He narrowed his eyes slightly and kissed one of the top players.

However, just when his mouth was about to get close to the top player, a cold voice rang in his ear.

"Mr. He Shu, come with me."

He Shu felt a cold feeling on his neck. He moved his hand towards his neck and felt the feel of metal.

He realized instantly that he was being threatened.

"You... who are you?"

He Shu asked in a trembling voice.

He is just an ordinary reporter. He has never encountered a killer before, and now he is panicking.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

The woman's cool voice sounded, and the Swiss Army Knife in her hand was thrust forward.

He Shu stood up with a trembling voice and followed the woman away.

After he left, the two leading figures reacted and screamed.

Soon after, the woman took He Shu to a forest and said, "Sir, I brought He Shu."

"Thanks for your hard work!"

The gentleman in the woman's mouth nodded.

He was none other than Lu Chen.

As for this woman, she is Ya Fei.

Lu Chen understood that even if Zhou Ming, a person from a remote place, wanted to smear Mulshang Entertainment and the Lin Group, he would not be able to use such clever methods. There must be someone behind his back.

So, he asked Ya Fei to check.

Ya Fei's intelligence gathering ability was unparalleled in the world, and she quickly found out He Shu and even Qi Tian.

Lu Chen is not planning to touch Qi Tian now, but He Shu wants to invite him over tonight.

This person will be useful tomorrow.

"Who the hell are you?"

In the wilderness here, He Shu was very afraid that he would be killed and silenced by the man opposite.

"I am the victim who was criticized by you." Lu Chen jokingly replied.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

He Shu was shocked. He didn't expect that Lu Chen would find his head.

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid. I just want to tell you one thing. I need your help tomorrow. When the matter is completed, I will give you 5000 million and send you abroad."

Lu Chen said calmly, "You can also consider rejecting me. If you reject me, you will only be able to stay in this forest forever."

Ya Fei cooperated with Lu Chen and took out the Swiss Army Knife. The saber glowed coldly in the night sky.

He Shu swallowed hard and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Lu Chen patted He Shu's face and reminded: "Then you should remember your promise tonight. Tomorrow I need you to testify as a reporter. The last time Zhou Ming slandered Mulhang Entertainment was your work. You need to apologize for this.”

"If you don't dare to tell the truth at the apology meeting tomorrow due to Qi Tian's pressure, then you will only have one fate."

While Lu Chen was speaking, he punched a tree next to him that was as thick as an adult, and the tree was broken by his punch.

He Shu was so frightened that his legs trembled and he almost peed.

What kind of strength does it take to blow up such a thick tree with one punch?

He had never seen such a cruel person before.

"Qi Tian, ​​I am not afraid, and I am not afraid of the Qi family. Even if Hua Mingxian and Hua Mingchen die in my hands, I can kill them and I can kill you."

After saying that, Lu Chen turned around and left, with Ya Fei quickly following behind him.


After the two left, He Shu was completely exhausted and sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

Half an hour later, he regained his breath. He walked tiredly to the tree that Lu Chen had broken, carefully inspected the break, and then sat down on the ground.

This tree was not fake, Lu Chen really broke the tree with one fist.

And what did Lu Chen just say?
Did Hua Mingxian and Hua Mingchen of the Hua family die in his hands?
The Hua family was also one of the wealthy families in the provincial capital, but two important figures in the family were killed by Lu Chen.

Then he himself was like an ant in front of Lu Chen.

In an instant, He Shu's whole body felt bad.

At the same time, he made a decision in his mind.

"Where have you been and why are you back so late?"

When Lu Chen returned home, Lin Qinghan was sitting in the living room, frowning slightly.

"What, miss me?"

Lu Chen chuckled and sat down next to Lin Qinghan. Lin Qinghan moved his butt to the side, widening the distance between him and him.

"Go, make me a bowl of tomatoes and omelette. I'm a little hungry." Lin Qinghan ordered.

"Good Le!"

Lu Chen agreed and quickly walked into the kitchen.

He is very happy to be able to do things for Lin Qinghan.

Seeing Lu Chen's excitement when he left, Lin Qinghan felt inexplicably satisfied.

She discovered that apart from his previous reputation as a prodigal and a scumbag, this guy was not as bad as she thought.

The Lin Group is what it is today, and Lu Chen has put in a lot of effort.

And during the time he spent with her, Lu Chen rarely interacted with strange women.

Her overall evaluation of Lu Chen was positive.

It's just that when she thinks that Lu Chen is surrounded by such beauties as Ouyang Qing, Wu Lan, and Zhong Xue, she feels a little uncomfortable.

Soon, the fragrant tomato omelette noodles came out of the pot, and Lin Qinghan was very intoxicated with it.

"I will go with you to the apology meeting tomorrow afternoon. I am also responsible for the conflict with Zhou Ming."

Originally, Lin Qinghan wanted Lu Chen to bear the consequences, but this bowl of fried egg noodles with tomatoes made her feel that she was a little cruel to Lu Chen.

"Honey, you are the president of Lin Group, how can you be allowed to attend such a thing?"

Lu Chen was very touched that Lin Qinghan felt sorry for him and didn't want her to go to the scene and cause trouble.

"That's it for this matter!"

Lin Qinghan stood up and walked to the bedroom, his face a little angry.

I finally wanted to take on something with this guy, but this guy even rejected me.

"Hey, I feel that my wife's heart is gradually transferring to me."

Looking at Lin Qinghan's back, Lu Chen shivered and flew into the air with excitement.

He could clearly feel that Lin Qinghan was no longer as indifferent to him as before, which was a good thing.

Lu Chen understood that emotional matters should not be rushed.

The more hastily you act, the more likely you are to lose.

Lin Qinghan is no longer so indifferent to him. This is a change in history.


At almost three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Qinghan and Lu Chen appeared at Mulshang Entertainment. A large number of reporters had already gathered at the Mulshang Entertainment venue.

At three o'clock, there will be an apology meeting about Lu Chen's apology to Zhou Ming.

Lu Chen is synonymous with prodigal and scumbag in Guiyuan City, so he is naturally considered a celebrity, while Zhou Ming is a powerful idol with millions of fans.

This on-site apology was very big news to many entertainment reporters.

The scene was crowded with people.

When Lu Chen and Lin Qinghan walked into the scene, Xia Lu also appeared with Zhou Ming.

When Zhou Ming saw Lin Qinghan, his eyes flashed with greed.

This woman was so perfect that he wished he could hold Lin Qinghan under him immediately.

"Lu Chen, you didn't expect that you would be here today, right?"

Zhou Ming came to Lu Chen and pretended not to look away, pretending to be a gentleman, but his thoughts were entirely on Lin Qinghan.

(End of this chapter)

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