Chapter 236
Originally, Zhao Qing wanted to intercede with Lu Chen to let Qi Tian go because Qi Xian was his benefactor.

But Qi Tian actually wanted to sleep with Lin Qinghan in front of Lu Chen.

He couldn't express this feeling.

Qi Tian, ​​please be blessed.

Not only could he not help, he had to tie up Qi Tian like Ding Cheng today, otherwise he would not be able to explain to Lu Chen.

"What are you doing standing here? Let me do something for you."

Seeing that Zhao Qing did not move, Qi Tian shouted at Zhao Qing.

Zhao Qing stood up.

Lin Qinghan reflexively stood in front of Lu Chen.

Although she knew that Lu Chen and Zhao Qing had a friendship, people like Zhao Qing were very snobbish. Now that they were facing the young master of the Qi family in the provincial capital, they would definitely give up on Lu Chen.

However, at the next moment, something shocking happened to her and him.

After Zhao Qing came out of the queue, he walked up to Qi Tian, ​​kicked Qi Tian away, and shouted at the same time:

"What kind of idiot are you? You actually want to touch Mr. Lu and his wife? I have to beat you to death today. Come here, beat him to death."

The younger brother below got Zhao Qing's order, and quickly rushed towards Qi Tian.

Bang bang bang!
At this time, Uncle Da, who was responsible for protecting Qitian, took action.

The reason why he didn't take action just now was because he never thought that Zhao Qing would take action against Qi Tian.

Now that he had reacted, he took action.

"Zhao Qing, how dare you hit me? I even dealt with you today."

Qi Tian was beaten and became furious. He pointed at Uncle Da and said, "Let me tell you, this is Uncle Da. He is my father's personal bodyguard and a strong person who has just started martial arts. Do you know what a strong person who has started martial arts is? You will never Will know."

"Today, I will destroy you here."

"And you, Lu Chen, don't think that with Zhao Qing's support, you are really sure of me. I'm sure of your fingers and toes today, and I'm sure of your wife's sleep."

Zhao Qing closed his eyes in pain.

He seemed to be taking care of Qi Tian just now, but he was actually protecting him.

After beating Qi Tian and saying a few nice words to Lu Chen, Lu Chen should let Qi Tian go.

It turns out that this guy really won't die if he doesn't do something.

The bodyguard took action, but he still said harsh words.

He really couldn't save the other party.

"Uncle Da, arrest Lu Chen for me."

Qi Tian gave instructions to Uncle Da.

Uncle Da walked towards Lu Chen.

Lin Qinghan's expression changed wildly, and she said: "Qitian, tell him to stop. I am willing to go with you tonight."

She has a wide range of knowledge. Although she does not know martial arts, she still has a certain understanding of the powerful beginners of martial arts.

Such a character is extraordinary and powerful.

Although there were many people present, there was absolutely no way they could be Uncle Da's opponents.

Now we can only take one step at a time.

"Ho ho ho!"

A strange laugh came from Qi Tian's throat, and he said mockingly: "You only promised me now, is it too late? I don't want you to commit the crime obediently, but want to use force, the kind of you begging for mercy under me, Crying bitterly is what I want most."

Qi Tian's personality is fickle, and now even Lin Qinghan's compromise is useless.

Today he was going to use the cruelest way to destroy Lin Qinghan's arrogance, and he was going to make Lu Chen regret having offended him.

Revenge gave him the greatest pleasure.

"Zhao Qing, take my wife away and leave this place to me."

Lu Chen stepped out, stood in front of Lin Qinghan, locked eyes with Uncle Da, and at the same time gave instructions to Zhao Qing.

"Yes, Lord Lu!"

Zhao Qing knew that Lu Chen was angry.

Lu Chen would definitely use cruel methods to deal with Qi Tian, ​​not wanting Lin Qinghan to see blood.

Qi Tian went too far today, and he was not prepared to plead for the other party.

Zhao Qing forced Lin Qinghan to leave, but Lin Qinghan struggled to get away.

"Lu Chen, I won't let anything happen to you."

Before being taken away, Lin Qinghan yelled.

Lu Chen's eyes were filled with smiles.

"Uncle Da, bring that woman back to me. I won't allow her to leave."

When Qi Tian saw that Lin Qinghan was taken away, he was a little angry and got angry at Uncle Da.

Uncle Da looked at Lu Chen and didn't dare to move.

He was already locked, and he had a feeling that if he moved, he would definitely be struck by Lu Chen's thunder.

In this man's body, there is hidden energy that makes his heart palpitate. This is an instinct he has honed in many dangers.

"Qi Tian, ​​let's settle the score!"

After Lin Qinghan walked away, Lu Chen canceled the lock on Uncle Da, pinched his fingers, and there was a clicking sound from his fingers.

"You want to break off my fingers and toes, right? Then I will break off your fingers and toes today."

Lu Chen walked towards Qitian in a leisurely manner.

"Hmph, you still want to break off my fingers when Uncle Da is here, you are really naive." Qi Tian sneered.

Lu Chen took a few more steps forward, approaching Qitian.

Uncle Da saw that something was wrong and stopped Lu Chen.

Lu Chen suddenly misplaced himself, avoided Uncle Da, and appeared in front of Qi Tian.

"It's so fast!"

Uncle Da was shocked and turned around quickly.

Qi Tian was already held in Lu Chen's arms.

Lu Chen grinned and said, "Tell me now, am I naive?"

While speaking, Lu Chen grabbed Qi Tian's left and right little fingers and gently exerted force.


Qitian's little finger was immediately broken off, and Qitian screamed.

Lu Chen stuffed his little finger into Qi Tian's mouth, and then started to break off his ring finger.

"You're going to break my fingers off!"

"You want to sleep with my wife?"

"You want to sleep with my wife in front of me?"


Every time Lu Chen said a word, he would break Qitian's fingers.

In just a short moment, all five fingers of Qi Tian's left hand were broken.

Uncle Da's scalp exploded!

He was Qi Tian's bodyguard, but now Qi Tian was deposed in front of him. How was he going to explain to Qi Xian when he went back?
Uncle Da turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Lu Chen.

"You'd better not come over here, or I'll crush his neck right away."

Lu Chen put his hand on Qi Tian's throat, and Qi Tian's throat made a strange sound.

Uncle Da stayed where he was and said: "Boy, you'd better let my young master go. If he gets into trouble again, I will fight you to the death."

"You fight me to the death? It's a pity that your strength is still a little weak."

Lu Chen shook his head and continued to pry Qitian's fingers.

Qi Tian's ten fingers were all broken by him, and he threw Qi Tian out like a dead dog.

"I'm not interested in men's feet, otherwise you won't be able to keep your toes."

Qi Tian had already fainted from the pain and had no idea what Lu Chen was talking about.

"My strength is a little weaker? Well, I want to see what kind of strength your Excellency has."

Uncle Da breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Qi Tian was safe, but at the same time he became furious.

Qitian's hands were crippled in front of him. No matter what, he couldn't do anything unless Lu Chen was killed here.

He moved!
"Boy, I want you to die today."

Uncle Da practices Baguazhang, and there is a palm energy in his palm.

The palm surged with a fierceness, and the palm wind hit people, and the younger brothers in the surrounding Sihehui were pushed away.

Qitian woke up from the pain again.

When he saw Uncle Da taking action against Lu Chen, he roared with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Uncle Da, chop him, chop him hard, I will scrape his flesh off his body piece by piece."

He was useless in this life, and he must make the culprit Lu Chen worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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