My cold CEO wife

Chapter 237 Don't Mess With Lu Chen

Chapter 237 Don't Mess With Lu Chen

At this moment, Lu Chen's body surged with a powerful aura, which smelled of blood.

Everyone suddenly felt like they were in a Shura field, and that feeling was suffocating.

Especially Qi Tian, ​​who was already suffering from everyone, fainted again under the impact of this aura.

After Uncle Da felt this breath, the palms he slapped were stagnant.

How many people must have been killed to have such strong killing intent.

He seemed to have offended someone he shouldn't have, and the entire Qi family might have offended someone he shouldn't have.

Facing Lu Chen's palm, he actually felt like he was facing the top of Mount Tai.

If you can't catch it, you will definitely not be able to catch it with this palm.

Recalling that Lu Chen said just now that he was going to fight for him, but his strength was still a little weak, Uncle Da thought that Lu Chen was arrogant.

But now it seems that it is not arrogance at all.

The opponent has such strength.

His momentum alone was enough to crush him.


Uncle Da has experienced many battles and understands that if you retreat at this time, your death will be even worse.

He concentrated all his strength on his right palm, and his palm strength increased by three points out of thin air.

"Some combat experience, but not much."

Many people's mentality collapsed when faced with Lu Chen's murderous intent. Uncle Da became more and more courageous, which surprised Lu Chen.

He slapped it with one palm, and a red light filled his palm.

Their palms faced each other in the air.

The air was momentarily still, and the surrounding breath froze.

Stab it!

Then, Uncle Da's clothes were torn apart by an invisible storm and turned into pieces. He flew out again and broke several prop tables in succession before he lay on the ground.


Uncle Da spit out a mouthful of blood and looked extremely pale.

He looked at Lu Chen in fear, without any hesitation, turned around, crossed the wall, and ran away!

Lu Chen was dumbfounded!

This is a strong person who has just started martial arts. He actually ran away like this. Do you want to face the strong person who is a beginner in martial arts?
"Master Lu is awesome!"

"Master Lu is mighty!"

"Master Lu is invincible!"


Ding Cheng's younger brother shouted excitedly.

What about martial arts beginners?Wasn't he slapped away by Master Lu?

"Master Lu, are you chasing me?"

Ding Cheng came to Lu Chen, his face was enthusiastic, and he took the initiative to ask for help.

"No need to chase him, he won't live long."

Lu Chen shook his head.

The palm just now contained a lot of murderous intent. The murderous intent entered Uncle Da's body and destroyed the opponent's internal organs.

Uncle Da's life is not long.

"Then what should Qi Tian do?" Ding Cheng asked again.

Lu Chen ordered: "Break both legs and send them back to the Qi family. Tell the Qi family that the head of the Qi family will come to apologize in person, otherwise I will destroy his Qi family."

This time Qi Tian completely angered Lu Chen.

The other party actually wanted to humiliate Lin Qinghan in front of him, so he should not be leniently spared.

"Yes, Lord Lu!"

Ding Cheng only felt his blood boiling.

What is domineering? This is true domineering.

Soon, Qi Tian was brought to Qi Xian, and someone brought a message to Qi Xian, asking Qi Xian to go to Guiyuan City to apologize to Lu Chen in person.

The speaker finished speaking and left.

Qi Xian saw that Qi Tian was crippled and did not bother to ask the person who had spoken for details.

"Xiaotian, who beat you like this? Where is Uncle Da?"

With Uncle Da here, Qitian can run amok in Guiyuan City, and he will definitely not let anyone break his fingers off one by one or break his legs.

"Uncle Da, wasn't he the one who sent me back?"

Qi Tian felt that his life had fallen into endless darkness. From the young master of the Qi family, he was now disabled and had to spend his time in a wheelchair from now on.

Thinking of this, he would rather die than live.

"Dad, you want to avenge me. I want to kill Lu Chen. It was him who turned me into this."

Qi Tian only had one thought, to kill Lu Chen.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Qi Xian's voice was calm, but his calm voice concealed turbulent waves, just like the endless undercurrents surging beneath the calm sea.

He is so angry!

Qi Tian briefly explained the matter to Qi Xian.

After listening to Qi Tian's description, Qi Tian realized that he was wrong, very wrong.

He originally thought that Hua Mingxian and Hua Mingchen died at the hands of Zhao Qing, but now it seems that they are more likely to die at the hands of Lu Chen.

It is very likely that Uncle Da also died in Lu Chen's hands.

Otherwise, how could Lu Chen have the confidence to ask the head of his Qi family to apologize.

When Qi Xian asked Qi Tian, ​​an old man staggered into the villa and smashed him on the ground.

Qi Xian heard the movement and looked over, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

"Uncle Da!"

At this time, Uncle Da only had one pair of shorts all over his body, and there were fine drops of blood oozing from his whole body, his face was even more pale and colorless.

There were countless blood stains on his chest. These were the blood stains spit out from his mouth. After these blood stains dried, they left blood clots on his chest.

Who could hurt Uncle Da so seriously?

Could it be Lu Chen?

Uncle Da's voice was quite weak, and he almost used up all his strength to say these two words.

Qi Xian quickly ran to Uncle Da and supported him.

"Lu Chen can't be messed with, he is Chu Peep..."

Before Uncle Da could finish speaking, he spat out another mouthful of blood and died in Qi Xian's arms.

However, the word "first glimpse" shocked Qi Xian's heart.

A strong person above the martial arts first has an introduction to martial arts, and then has a first glimpse of martial arts.

Uncle Da is not Lu Chen's opponent, and he mentioned the word "Chu Gian", which shows that Lu Chen's strength is the realm of Chu Gian.

At first glance, there are almost no strong people in the province, even in Kyoto.

The Qi family really cannot afford to offend such people.

"Ah ah ah, Dad, avenge me, avenge Uncle Da."

Because Uncle Da was exhausted, his voice was very low when he spoke just now. Qi Tian next to him didn't hear it. When he saw that Uncle Da was dead, he almost went crazy.

"Shut up!"

Qi Xian shouted loudly and said: "Forget about revenge from now on. I will send you abroad and treat you well. There is still a possibility of recovery of your hands and feet."

He didn't dare to leave Qi Tian in the country. He was afraid that this guy would make Lu Chen unhappy again.

Lu Chen was a god of plague and he didn't dare to mess with him.

"Dad, I know my injury well. It can't be cured. My only request is to kill Lu Chen." Qi Tian's face was twisted.

"Come here, send the young master to go abroad." Qi Xian didn't give Qi Tian a chance to continue talking, so he asked someone to come forward and take Qi Tian away.

"Prepare a big gift for me. I will go to Guiyuan City in person."

Qi Xian has already made up his mind, since Lu Chen is the strong man I saw for the first time, then he must stay away from him and must not offend him.

If he didn't go to apologize in person, according to the character of the strong man at first glance, it might really be the end of the Qi family.


Lin Qinghan took Lu Chen to his grandmother's house.

Grandma’s family is the Zhao family in the provincial capital.

The Zhao family is only a small family, but the overall strength of the Lin family is much stronger.

After all, the Zhao family is also a provincial family, so naturally it cannot be compared to the small Lin family.

Lin Jiangong and Zhao Yuping had already appeared at Zhao's house in advance because they like traveling.

"Jiangong, I heard that Qinghan married the prodigal son of Lu Chen, right?"

Zhao Yuping's mother Liu Bihua sat in the upper seat and asked with doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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