My cold CEO wife

Chapter 238 Prepare a big gift

Chapter 238 Prepare a big gift

Lin Jiangong was a little embarrassed to speak.

After all, Lu Chen was a prodigal and a scumbag. Not only the people in Guiyuan City knew about it, but also many people in the provincial capital knew about it.

So famous!

How could such a person become the son-in-law of his Lin family?
But this was Lin Qinghan's choice, and his daughter was relatively strong, so he couldn't make the decision.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Liu Bihua slapped the armrest of the wicker chair, and the wicker chair made a snapping sound.

"Mom, don't be angry at Jiangong. They just got a marriage certificate and didn't hold a wedding, so they didn't tell you. And you also know Qinghan's character. No one can change what she decides." Zhao Yuping said The man next to him helped.

"What you said is quite right. In this regard, her personality is like mine."

Liu Bihua nodded and asked, "She won't bring Lu Chen with me this time, right? I heard that this person has bad character and is a playboy. I don't want to see him."

"Yes, Mom!"

Lin Jiangong answered, thinking that he would call Lin Qinghan later and ask her not to bring Lu Chen over.

"Grandma, Dad, Mom!"

However, as soon as the three of them finished their discussion, Lin Qinghan appeared in the living room with Lu Chen.

The atmosphere immediately became a little disharmonious.

Liu Bihua did not respond to Lin Qinghan's words, but fell on Lu Chen next to her, the look of disgust in her eyes getting stronger.

"Qinghan, I don't want to see him. Please tell him not to appear in my Zhao family."

Liu Bihua pointed at Lu Chen.

Lin Qinghan frowned slightly and emphasized: "Grandma, Lu Chen is my husband."

"He is your husband. I have not recognized him. If you want to recognize him, then don't recognize me. You don't have to attend my birthday party two days later." Liu Bihua said calmly, obviously a little angry.

"Qinghan, don't make your grandma angry. Why don't you let Lu Chen live outside first? When grandma's birthday comes, ask him to prepare a big gift for you. Then grandma's anger may be gone and she will admit it by then. Lu Chen’s identity.”

Zhao Yuping knew that both Liu Bihua and Lin Qinghan had strong personalities. If he didn't persuade them, they might really conflict.

When Lin Qinghan heard this, he looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen nodded and said: "Qinghan, then I will live outside for two days. After two days, I will prepare a big gift to let grandma recognize me."

After all, she was Lin Qinghan's grandmother, and Lu Chen didn't want her to be in too much trouble.


Lin Qinghan was a little apologetic.

"If you want to feel sorry, why don't you kiss me when no one is around?" Lu Chen chuckled in a low voice.

"You are beautiful!"

Lin Qinghan gave Lu Chen a charming look.

Lu Chen chuckled and said to Liu Bihua and others: "Grandma, Dad, Mom, I'll leave first."

After saying that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

Liu Bihua invited Lin Qinghan to sit down and began to ask Lin Qinghan for help.

He still liked this niece very much.

"Qinghan, since there hasn't been a formal wedding between you and Lu Chen, I think it's better that you divorce him and grandma arrange for you to find a young man from the provincial capital?"

Liu Bihua suggested and said: "The one I am most optimistic about is actually Qi Tian from the Qi family. Let's not talk about his personality. His family background alone is unmatched by other young masters in their lives. He is from the Qi family in the provincial capital. First heir."

"Grandma, I have decided that Lu Chen will not marry anyone else in my life." Lin Qinghan's eyes were firm.

She didn't know that Qi Tian had been abolished by Lu Chen. Yesterday when she asked Lu Chen how he escaped, Lu Chen replied that Qi Tian received an important call and left in a hurry.

Lu Chen lied because he didn't want Lin Qinghan to feel that he was cruel.

Qitian wanted to get his hands on Lin Qinghan, and he deserved it.

"Then this matter is not up to you. Unless you disown me as your grandmother and your parents, I will not agree to this marriage."

Liu Bihua's attitude was firm, "Not only is Lu Chen a prodigal, but he is also a scumbag. If a man like this becomes your husband, I don't know how many girls in your Lin family and my Zhao family will be raped by him in private."

"Grandma, I can supervise Lu..." Lin Qinghan bit his teeth lightly.

Liu Bihua stretched out her hand to interrupt Lin Qinghan, "You have just arrived in the provincial capital and are a little tired. Go down and rest first."

Lin Qinghan stopped talking, gritted his teeth and backed away.

Qi Xian prepared the heavy gifts and went to Jiangting Villa in Guiyuan City with the heavy gifts. As a result, he got the news from Zhao Qing that Lu Chen accompanied Lin Qinghan to the provincial capital to wish Liu Bihua a happy birthday.

"I forgot. It's Aunt Liu's birthday in two days. It seems that I have to prepare this gift again."

Qi Xian had other thoughts in mind when he heard that Lu Chen wanted to give Liu Bihua a life.

After all, he was kind to Zhao Qing, so he left the heavy gift prepared for Lu Chen with Zhao Qing and asked Zhao Qing to deliver it to Lu Chen.

At the same time, he asked Zhao Qing to bring a message to Lu Chen, saying that when Liu Bihua passed away in two days, he would personally go and give him a big gift.

"Grandpa, I'm back!"

Zhong Dongyang was sitting alone in Dongyang Pavilion fishing, and Zhong Xue's clear voice rang out.

"Why did you come back alone? Where is Lu Chen?"

Zhong Dongyang saw a hint of joy on his face when he saw Zhong Xue.

He hadn't seen his granddaughter for a while.

"He accompanied Sister Qinghan to give birth to Grandma Liu, so I will come back to stay with you for two days. When he finishes giving birth to Grandma Liu, I will go back with him." Zhong Xuejian replied in a lively voice, like The crispest lark.

"Haha, this is a bargain for me, an old man, and I can stay with my most precious granddaughter for two more days."

Zhong Dongyang showed a smile on his old face, and said at the same time: "After two days for Old Sister Liu's birthday, it seems that I have to prepare a heavy gift."

After all, she was Lu Chen's grandmother, so Zhong Dongyang didn't dare to be careless.

"Hmm, I will also go to give birth to Grandma Liu when the time comes." Zhong Xue nodded quickly beside her.

"Old Zhong, it's better for you to be comfortable. You can fish leisurely every day."

While Zhong Dongyang was chatting with Zhong Xue, a hearty voice sounded, and then a figure appeared next to the fish pond.

"Old Li, you came uninvited, it's time for me to talk to you." Zhong Dongyang complained in his words, but his face was full of smiles.

The eight heavenly kings in the provincial capital are the four major clans and the four major forces.

The Li family is considered a large family.

The four families are the Qi family, the Li family, the Hua family and the Chu family.

The Hua family was destroyed by Lu Chen because of Hua Mingxian and Hua Mingchen. Although they have not been removed from the four major families, they have quietly retired.

The Chu family was also killed by Lu Chen because of Chu Nanming's enmity with Lu Chen.

Of the four major families, the only ones left now are the Qi family and the Li family.

If Lu Chen hadn't wanted to go on a killing spree, the Qi family would have followed in the footsteps of the Hua family and the Chu family.

The head of the Li family, Li An, is on good terms with Zhong Dongyang.

As for the four major forces.

The first force is the provincial chamber of commerce headed by Luonan Feng, which has a semi-official nature.

The second force is the Provincial Private Entrepreneurs Association headed by Jin Yuanfu. This association was originally used by Jin Yuanfu to compete for the president of the provincial chamber of commerce. Unfortunately, he has been suppressed by the Luonan wind. .

(End of this chapter)

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