My cold CEO wife

Chapter 239 Rongfu Rongdong

Chapter 239 Rongfu Rongdong
Not long ago, Jin Yuanfu wanted to forcibly seize Luonan Feng's power. He met Lu Chen and was defeated, so this power also faded.

As for the fourth force, it is an association established by the president of the martial arts association in the provincial capital. The president is Rong Dong.

Three of the eight forces have fallen into Lu Chen's hands.

Lu Chen hasn't come to the provincial capital yet, but there are already many legends about him in the provincial capital.

Maybe ordinary family legends are more about Lu Chen's reputation as a prodigal and a scumbag, but among these eight major forces, there are whispers about something different about Lu Chen.

This is a ruthless man, and a very powerful one.

"I came here uninvited, but there is a reason."

Li An sat next to Zhong Dongyang, poured himself a cup of tea rudely, and then said: "The Qi family has given up."

"What do you mean?"

Zhong Dongyang asked in confusion.

"You really don't know?" Li An asked in surprise.

Zhong Dongyang shook his head.

"I thought you had a good relationship with Mr. Lu and would know the news as soon as possible."

Li An smiled and said: "For some unknown reason, that boy Qitian showed up in Guiyuan City. He saw that Lin Qinghan was beautiful and teased her. Mr. Lu happened to be there too, so Qitian was deposed."

"Even Uncle Da was killed by Mr. Lu. In the end, Mr. Lu asked Qi Xian to go and make amends in person. Qi Xian arrived in Guiyuan City and wasted no time. He heard that Lu Chen came to the provincial capital to give birth to Grandma Lin Qinghan."

Li An has his own news channel, and he can know a lot of news at the first time.

The reason why he called Lu Chen sir was because no matter what Zhong Dongyang said or the information he learned, Lu Chen was very strong.

Among the eight major families in the provincial capital, there was no one who could compete with Lu Chen.

"Haha, fortunately Qi Xian gave in. If he hadn't given up, I guess he would have been the next Huajia." Zhong Dongyang smiled.

Lu Chen had already destroyed the Hua family, the Chu family and even the Jin Yuanfu family, and now one more Qi family wouldn't be too much.

Fortunately, Qi Xian bowed his head, otherwise he would have brought disaster to the Qi family.

"Mr. Lu is really a powerful person. He actually destroyed three of the eight major forces in our provincial capital. Lao Zhong will see if it is convenient for him to introduce Mr. Lu to me."

As the family grows, there are all kinds of birds.

Li An knows the younger generations of his Li family very well. These guys are all high-minded but low-handed guys, and they are usually lawless.

He was very worried that a descendant of his family would interact with Lu Chen one day and end up bumping into Lu Chen, causing disaster for his family.

Therefore, he now wants to have a good relationship with Lu Chen.

"Old Li, as long as I, Zhong Dongyang, are here, what you are worried about will never happen. My old face can still be brushed off by Lu Chen."

Zhong Dongyang and Li An have been friends for many years. They are both roundworms in each other's belly and know what the other is thinking.

"That's different. It's your face. Just tell me if you want to introduce him to me."

No matter how much Li An is the head of the family, how could he come to Zhong Dongyang if something happens?

Zhong Dongyang suggested: "Okay, let me give you a tip. It will be Lin Qinghan's grandma's birthday in two days. Lu Chen loves Lin Qinghan very much. Do you know what to do?"

"I understand, haha!" Li An laughed.

Lu Chen left Zhao's house, thinking that he would only be familiar with Zhong Dongyang in the provincial capital, and planned to stay at Zhong Dongyang's house for two days.

But when he was about to go to Dongyang Pavilion, he received a call from Luo Nanfeng.

"President Luo, what's the matter?" Lu Chen answered the phone and asked.

"Mr. Lu, I heard from Xiaolan that you have unparalleled medical skills. It just so happens that the father of a good friend of mine is seriously ill, so I want to ask you to see him. Can you come to the provincial capital for your convenience?" Luo Nanfeng asked cautiously. .

Since the last incident with Jin Yuanfu, he regarded Lu Chen as his benefactor.

"I happen to be in the provincial capital, give me your address." Lu Chen replied to Luonan Feng.

Luo Nanfeng was immediately overjoyed and asked, "Where are you now? I'll drive to pick you up."

Lu Chen took a look around and gave Luo Nanfeng an address.

Not long after, Luo Nanfeng drove to pick up Lu Chen and asked, "Mr. Lu, why did you come to the provincial capital?"

"Grandma Qinghan passed away the day after tomorrow, and I came here with her." Lu Chen replied casually.

Luo Nanfeng heard his casual words in his heart.

The day after tomorrow is Liu Bihua's birthday, it seems that he has to prepare a generous gift.

Soon, Luonan Feng showed up at Rong Mansion with Lu Chen.

Rong Mansion is a very old mansion, left over from the previous dynasty.

Moreover, in the previous dynasty, this place was still an official court, and it was passed down later.

Because it is well preserved and has been renovated twice, it is almost the same as the new one.

The Rong family has a small population and cannot be called a family, but the energy possessed by each generation of the Rong family is enormous.

The Rong family was involved in mining in the previous dynasty, and the relationships accumulated over generations should not be underestimated.

It is clear that the Rong family does not have a master of martial arts, but none of the eight major forces in the provincial capital dare to underestimate the Rong family.

"President Luo, you are here!"

As soon as the two set foot in Rong Mansion, the security guards here quickly greeted them.

Luo Nanfeng nodded and motioned to the security guard to lead the way.

Soon the security guard took Luo Nanfeng to the living room to report to Rong Dong.

Rong Dong appeared in the living room and warmly received Luo Nanfeng, but there was a bit of sadness between his eyebrows.

"Brother Luo, why are you interested in coming to my Rong Mansion today?" Rong Dong asked curiously as he gestured for Luo Nanfeng to sit down.

"Come on, brother Rong, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Lu Chenlu, a little friend of mine. I heard that the old man was seriously ill, so I specially asked him to come over and see the old man."

Luo Nanfeng quickly introduced Lu Chen to Rong Dong.

"Hello, Mr. Lu Chen!"

Rong Dong stretched out his hand and shook Lu Chen's hand enthusiastically, "It's really troublesome to bother Mr. Lu Chen with this matter. Regardless of whether you can cure my dad's disease today, I will be honored." Dongdu accepts your favor, and if you have anything to do in the future, just give me your orders."

Lu Chen was particularly surprised to find that Rong Dong was not talking politely to him, but was really grateful to him.

The other party didn't even ask about his medical skills and directly accepted his offer.

He instantly felt a sense of recognition for Rongdong.

"Old Rong, don't worry, as long as your father is not dead, I will be able to rescue him." Lu Chen had a good impression of Rong Dong, and boldly expressed his promise.

"I hope it will be like what Mr. Lu Chen said."

Rong Dong was not optimistic about Lu Chen in his heart. After all, he knew about his father's illness, and since Lu Chen was so young, he didn't have high hopes.

However, due to Luo Nanfeng's willingness to introduce him, he did not express his disapproval clearly on his face.

"Brother Luo, Mr. Lu Chen, how about asking you two to go to my father's room and give him a medical checkup?" Although he didn't hold out much hope, Rong Dong was still willing to give it a try.

Firstly, it was to give Luo Nanfeng an explanation, so that Luonanfeng would not refuse directly after bringing a doctor. Secondly, it was also to hold on to a glimmer of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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