My cold CEO wife

Chapter 240 He Can't Go

Chapter 240 He Can't Go
Luo Nanfeng looked at Lu Chen, who nodded.

A group of three people walked towards Rong He's room.

However, many people had gathered outside Rong He's room.

"Rongjie, what are you doing standing here?"

Rong Dong touched his son Rong Jie and asked.

"Dad, my second uncle invited the miraculous doctor Li Tuo here. Now the miraculous doctor Li Tuo is treating grandpa inside." Rong Jie replied very happily.

He has a very good feeling for his grandfather. If his grandfather's illness can be cured, he will be happy from the bottom of his heart.

"That's it!"

Hearing this, Rong Dong glanced at Luo Nanfeng apologetically, and then said to Lu Chen: "Brother Lu Chen, I'm really sorry. Now that the miracle doctor Li Tuo has been invited, it seems there is no need for you to take action."


Lu Chen nodded slightly. He still recognized Li Tuo's medical skills, and he could treat common and difficult diseases.

If you cultivate it properly, you can go further.

He came to treat Rong He, not for fame or fortune, but just at Luo Nanfeng's request. Now that someone can cure Rong He, it is also a good thing.

"Dad, what did you say, he is Lu Chen?" Rong Jie shouted instantly.

"You know him?"

Rong Dong was a little surprised and asked.

"Wait, let me confirm."

After Rong Jie finished speaking, he suddenly took out his mobile phone, took a photo of Lu Chen, and sent the photo through VX.

Soon, he VX replied.

"I know, Dad, this guy is the Lu Chen who started to be in trouble with his cousin and finally abandoned him. He is a prodigal son well known to everyone in Guiyuan City. He ruined the Lu family and forced his parents to death."

"Moreover, he is even more of a scumbag. In just a few years, he has played with hundreds of women, and my cousin is one of the victims."

"You don't know, now my cousin is still thinking about this guy every day, so I don't see what's good about him? Wait, you said you asked him to see a doctor for grandpa? Can a guy like this treat grandpa?"

Rong Jie just happened to send VX to his cousin to confirm Lu Chen's identity.


Lu Chen had a black line on his forehead.

During this period of time, there were almost no women who harassed him. He thought he had said goodbye to his past love debt, but he did not expect that he would encounter such a thing now that he was in the provincial capital.

Even if he had the words, he couldn't explain it clearly.

After all, he did owe a lot of romantic debts in the past.

"Boy, tell me, did you pretend to be a doctor and come to my house to defraud me of medical expenses?"

Because of his cousin, Rong Jie had a very bad influence on Lu Chen. He even pushed Lu Chen when he asked questions.

"Friend, I'm deeply sorry for what happened to your cousin, but this is definitely not the reason for you to slander my medical skills. My medical skills are unparalleled in the world."

Although he was pushed by Rong Jie, Lu Chen was not angry.

After all, he was the one who abandoned this guy's cousin.

However, he was curious about who Rong Jie's cousin was.

"I doubt whether you have medical skills or not. You dare to say that your medical skills are unparalleled in the world. You still want to show off. As for my cousin's matter, you don't need to apologize to me, let alone her."

"When two people fall in love, it's a matter of mutual consent. It's only her fault that she saw the wrong person. You are a scumbag and a heartless person."

"But I think it is necessary to take you to see my cousin, explain the matter clearly to her, and let her give up her love for you. She is still obsessed with you, which is not a good thing."

Rong Jie's words are immature, but there is some truth in what he says.

Lu Chen could only hold his nose and admit it, not daring to say anything.

He could only help the former Lu Chen to recognize this matter.

Being a man is hard sometimes.


While Rong Jie was talking, the door to Rong He's room was opened.

Then Rong Dong's second brother Rong Xi came out with an old man. The old man sighed and continued: "My medical skills are limited and I can't save the old man."

When the Rong family heard Li Tuo's words, their hearts fell to the bottom.

Li Tuo's medical skills are very famous throughout the country. There are really not many diseases that he can't cure, but even with such medical skills, everyone declared that Rong He could not be cured.

It seems that the old man's life has come to an end.

"Doctor Li, is there nothing you can do?" Rong Dong came to Li Tuo with a look of hope.

The old man has worked hard for the Rong family all his life, and they want to stay under his knees for a few more years to show their filial piety.

"It's not that there's no way, it's just that it's too late."

Li Tuo sighed and said: "If my master is willing to take action, he will definitely be able to save the old man. Unfortunately, the old man is dying soon. Even if my master comes, it will be too late."

Because Lu Chen was standing behind everyone, and Li Tuo had just come out of the room, there were several people between them, so he didn't see Lu Chen here.

"Where is your master? I'll have someone fly a helicopter to pick him up." Rong Xi interrupted and asked from the side.

Li Tuo shook his head and replied: "He is in Guiyuan City. Even if you fly a helicopter to pick him up, it will be too late. According to the old man's physical condition, the old man will not survive for three hours."

"That's easy, let's send the old man to him in a helicopter." Rong Xi said again.

He was born in the military, so his style of doing things was vigorous and resolute.

"The old man's current physical condition cannot withstand the hardship. It's too late." Li Tuo shook his head again and replied.

Everyone's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

"I think it may not be too late."

At this moment, Lu Chen's voice sounded here.

"Doctor Li has no right to interrupt what he's talking about? Get out of here."

Rong Jie didn't know that Lu Chen was a guest brought by Luo Nanfeng, and since the other party betrayed his cousin, he had a very bad impression of Lu Chen, and now he just kicked him out.

"Boy, who are you?"

Rong Xi was also a little unhappy. His father was almost dead, and yet there was still someone who didn't know whether to live or die and was joking here.

he is very angry.

"Second uncle, this is the Lu Chen who betrayed my cousin. I don't know how he got in. He also said that his medical skills are unparalleled and he can treat grandpa."

Rong Jie quickly replied to Rong Xi, "If I hadn't raised him well since childhood, I would have wanted to kick him out now."

"If you don't kick me, I'll kick you."

Rongxi was also in a bad mood. He was usually in the army. He heard that his grandfather was seriously ill and rushed back immediately, so he invited Li Tuo. As a result, his grandfather was not long to live.

Now that he heard that Lu Chen was the man who betrayed his niece again, he immediately became furious.

"Second brother, stop!"

Rong Dong stopped Rong Xi, then looked at Lu Chen apologetically and said, "Mr. Lu Chen, how about you and I, Brother Luo, leave first?"

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" Lu Chen asked playfully.

Rong Dong nodded affirmatively and said: "Definitely and definitely."

Rong Xi's personality is relatively straightforward. If Lu Chen continues to stay here, he will probably be beaten, and he will not be able to explain to Luo Nanfeng.

"No, he can't go."

Just when Rong Dong was about to invite Lu Chen away, Li Tuo took the initiative and trotted over to Lu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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