My cold CEO wife

Chapter 241 Li Tuo Meets Master

Chapter 241 Li Tuo Meets Master
"Dad, you see it's better now. This kid made Dr. Li Shen angry."

Rong Jie saw Li Tuo walking towards Lu Chen in a hurry and complained to Rong Dong next to him: "If you had just asked me to kick him out, nothing would have happened."

"Doctor Li, since this kid is bothering you, I will throw him out. Why do you need to take action?" Rong Xi saw Li Tuo looking anxious and thought he was angry, so he said.

Although Li Tuo could not save the old man, they still respected Li Tuo.

Even Li Tuo can't be saved, which can only mean that the old man's life is over.

No one will offend the miracle doctor, because everyone has birth, old age, sickness and death.

Even Rong Dong regretted being too polite to Lu Chen.

If Lu Chen really made Li Tuo unhappy now, and if someone in their Rong family got seriously ill in the future, it would be impossible to ask Li Tuo to take action.

Thinking of this, Rong Dong made a decision in his heart.

For Luo Nanfeng's sake, he would politely ask Lu Chen to leave.

However, just when he was about to take action...

Li Tuo suddenly bowed fiercely to Lu Chen, and said excitedly: "Li Tuo paid a visit to Master, but I didn't expect you to appear here, Master. It seems that Mrs. Rong deserves to die."

Everyone's brains roared.


Li Tuo actually asked Lu Chen to call him master?The master Li Tuo said was Lu Chen?

Rong Jie broke into a cold sweat when he thought that he had just kicked Lu Chen out.

My dear, he offended the master of a nationally famous miracle doctor.

Rong Dong looked at this scene in surprise, and immediately took back the words that came to his lips.

"Divine Doctor Li, did you admit the wrong person?"

Rong Xi was also a little surprised, but after being surprised, he reacted.

Li Tuo must have admitted the wrong person.

"Wrong person? What, Rong Xi, are you talking about my Li Tuo presbyopia?"

Li Tuo snorted coldly and said, "You Rong family should be happy to see my master here now, but you are still skeptical."

"I can tell you that now that my master is here, it means that the old lady does not have to die. If you want to make him unhappy, and he is unwilling to take action, you will be the one who kills the old lady."

After hearing Li Tuo's words, everyone's expressions changed.

Yes, they are still thinking here that Lu Chen is not Li Tuo's master, but if the other party is Li Tuo's master, he can cure the old man's disease.

"Mr. Lu, I apologize to you and forgive my short-sightedness." Rong Xi was the first to speak.

Einishi is from the team, so he acts more straightforwardly.

He began to doubt Lu Chen's medical skills because Lu Chen was too young. He didn't believe that the other party was so awesome, so his straightforward personality made him speak straightforwardly.

Now that he saw that Lu Chen was actually Li Tuo's master, he apologized directly.

"Mr. Lu, I also apologize to you, I'm sorry!" Rong Jie also apologized.


Lu Chen waved his hand and said calmly: "Seeing that I am so young, you doubt that my medical skills are normal. Now I will let you see my real medical skills."

Firstly, Lu Chen came here with Luo Nanfeng, so he had to give him some face; secondly, after he came to the Rong family, Rongdong's attitude towards him was quite good; in addition, Rongxi's personality is now more straightforward, Lu Chen had a good impression of their family as a whole.

If it were a different environment, if someone started to talk about kicking him out, he would be too lazy to waste energy to save people now.

"Great, my master is going to take action. Your old man must be saved."

Hearing that Lu Chen was about to take action, Li Tuo was extremely excited. He said something to everyone, and asked cautiously: "Master, can I study hard with you?"


Lu Chen nodded.

Li Tuo was as excited as a child.

Rongdong and Rongxi looked at each other, with indelible shock in their eyes.

How powerful Lu Chen's medical skills were, it actually made a miracle doctor like Li Tuo look enthusiastic. Even being able to observe him once seemed like the greatest blessing in life.

However, this also indirectly shows that Lu Chen's medical skills are very good.

Thinking of this, Rong Dong came to Lu Chen and bowed: "Mr. Lu, please come here. As long as you can rescue the old man, you will be the great benefactor of our Rong family from now on."

The main reason why the Rong family can be as strong as it is now is because of Mr. Rong.

When Mr. Rong was young, he taught for a period of time, and he was very good at educating people. All the people he taught entered prestigious schools.

By now, he is already famous all over the world.

Especially in provincial capitals, many leaders of important units are now disciples of the old man.

Just one word from the old man could shake the entire provincial capital.

This is the energy of the old man.

If the old man died now, then death would be the end of the world, and many relationships might fade away.

But if the old man is still alive, he will be a living fossil of the Rong family. The Rong family can use the light of the old man to develop for a while.

Of course, this is not what the Rong family values ​​most. The Rong family hopes that the old man can live for a few more years, so that they can show their filial piety for a few more years.

"Is there any ginseng that is over 500 years old?"

When Lu Chen went in, he only glanced at Old Mrs. Rong and judged that Old Mrs. Rong was too old and couldn't keep up with his energy and energy. In addition, he had endured hardships in his early years, leaving behind hidden diseases, which eventually led to Such a result.

"Yes, yes!"

Rong Dong ordered Rong Jie: "Quick, go get Mr. Lu's 500-year-old ginseng."

Soon, Rong Jie handed Lu Chen the 500-year-old ginseng, and everyone looked at him expectantly.

Obviously, everyone was curious about how he planned to treat the old man.

"Except for Li Tuo, everyone else should leave." Lu Chen's voice was very calm, but there was no doubt about it.

Rong Jie and the others looked at each other and retreated regretfully.

Li Tuo closed the door smoothly and came to Lu Chen.

"Master, if you need my help if you need anything, just ask."

Li Tuo kept his posture very low.

Every time I watch Lu Chen treat patients, it is definitely a pleasure.

Lu Chen treated the patient very smoothly and naturally, which was pleasing to the eye.

"Just watch from the side. Today I am going to use the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate. If you can learn this stitch, it will be of endless use in your life." Lu Chen said calmly.

"The thirteen needles of the ghost gate."

Li Tuo's eyes showed unprecedented enthusiasm.

The so-called thirteen needles at the ghost gate are the thirteen needles against the sky. After the thirteen needles go down, they can pull people from the ghost gate.

This is fighting for life with the Lord of Hell.

There are many Thirteen Acupunctures of the Ghost Gate circulated in the world, but none of the Thirteen Acupunctures of the Ghost Gate are authentic. They are all used in its name to commit fraud.

However, Li Tuo believed that Lu Chen was definitely not committing fraud by using the Thirteen Needles of Ghost Gate.

With such great medical skills, Lu Chen didn't even bother to do this.


Lu Chen took out the front-facing silver needle he brought with him and began to apply the needle.

"The first shot is the Renzhong point."

Lu Chen drank softly, and at the same time, the silver needle penetrated the philtrum from bottom to top for three to five minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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