Chapter 242
"The second shot, Shaoshang point."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he used a special technique to stab the Shaoshang point from the outside inward.

"The third shot, Yinbai point."

Then, he stabbed from outside to inside, straight into Yinbai acupoint.


Thirteen stitches, each with a different technique.

After the thirteen stitches were administered, Lu Chen asked, "How was it? How many stitches did you learn?"

When asking questions, Lu Chen raised his head and looked at Li Tuo reflexively.

Then Lu Chen was stunned.

Li Tuo was actually holding his cell phone to record a video of him giving Mrs. Rong acupuncture.

"Master, I'm sorry. Last time you taught me my Li family's Five Elements Guiyuan Acupuncture. I took it for a long time, but I still didn't understand the essence. So I thought I would record it as a video this time and then study it slowly by myself."

Seeing Lu Chen looking at him, Li Tuo replied in fear, he was really like a disciple treating his master, he was very afraid of being scolded.

"It's okay, but you have to remember that this video cannot fall into the hands of anyone other than you." Lu Chen waved his hand and said.

Li Tuo was immediately overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Master, I will definitely not spread this video."

It's not that Lu Chen is stingy and unwilling to pass on the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate, but that he has requirements for the caster because of the Thirteen Ghost Gate needles.

The Thirteen Needles of Guimen are evil needles, which are used to treat evil.

If the needle is administered by a person with a good character, it will be beneficial to the patient; if the needle is administered by a person with a bad character, the patient may be killed, and the person who administers the acupuncture must also bear the responsibility.

Overall, Li Tuo has a good character, otherwise Lu Chen would not be willing to pass this set of silver needles to Li Tuo.

Li Tuo got the video and felt like he had found a treasure. He stood beside it and smiled very happily.

"There are two key points in this set of acupuncture techniques that you should pay attention to. The first key point is to apply the acupuncture, and the second key point is to apply the medicine." Lu Chen asked Li Tuo to solve the problem while taking over the 500-year-old ginseng next to him.

Then Lu Chen gently pinched the ginseng with his hand, and the ginseng turned into powder in Lu Chen's hand.


When Li Tuo saw this scene, his eyes almost bulged out.

How powerful is it to be able to gently knead ginseng into powder?

Although he was not a martial artist, he was a miracle doctor and had extensive knowledge. He understood that Lu Chen had martial arts skills, otherwise how could he easily crush ginseng into powder.

The master is actually a martial arts master.

Lu Chen applied ginseng powder on the silver needle in a special way.

The powder slowly fell around the silver needle, surrounding it in a circle.

Li Tuo miraculously discovered that the ginseng powder was slowly seeping into Master Rong's body.

"You don't have the strength to knead ginseng into powder. You can consider customizing a special machine to grind it into a very fine powder." Lu Chen reminded Li Tuo.

Li Tuo kept Lu Chen's words in mind.

As the ginseng powder soaked into Old Man Rong's body, a red light gradually appeared on Old Man Rong's completely pale body.

This is a manifestation of 500 years of ginseng penetrating into the body and forming sufficient Qi and blood.

After Lu Chen applied the ginseng powder completely, he waited for 5 minutes before removing the silver needle.

Li Tuo was watching very intently.

"Dad, do you think Mr. Lu can cure great-grandpa's illness?"

Rong Jie looked at Rong Dong, still a little unconvinced.

"I don't know, but I hope." Rong Dong replied uncertainly.

Rong Xi was stomping back and forth anxiously.


Amid their discussion, the door to Mr. Rong's room was opened.

Rong Dong was the first to greet him and asked, "Mr. Lu, what's the old lady's illness?"

"It's nothing serious. Take good care of her and live for another three to five years. But it's impossible to live for any longer." Lu Chen replied.

Mr. Rong has always suffered from severe physical decline due to his old age, and it is impossible for him to recover with any panacea.

“It’s good to live another three to five years.”

Rong Dong's face turned red, "Mr. Lu, is it convenient for us to go in and see the old man now?"

"Well, he should wake up soon."

Lu Chen nodded.

Rong Dong quickly said to Luo Nanfeng next to him: "Brother Luo, please stay here with Mr. Lu for a while."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran into Mr. Rong's room with his family.

The old man woke up soon.

The family was overjoyed.

But after all, the old man seemed very weak due to a long illness. After chatting with everyone for a few words, he fell asleep.

Rong Dong walked out with his family and looked particularly excited when he saw Lu Chen again.

A group of people knelt in front of Lu Chen and bowed down.

"Thank you Mr. Lu for saving the old lady!"

"Patriarch Rong, you are too polite, saving the old man is just a matter of effort." Lu Chen supported Rong Dong and the others.

It was easy for him, but it was difficult for the Rong family to reach the sky. Even asking Li Tuo couldn't save him.

This is great grace.

"Mr. Lu, I can't repay this great kindness. This is the diamond card of my Rong's Bank. I hope you can accept it. From now on, you will be the great benefactor of my Rong family. If you ask for anything, my Rong family will never give it to you." reject."

Rong Dong took out a diamond card and handed it to Lu Chen.

Luo Nanfeng next to him looked at the diamond card with fiery eyes.

Even with his status, he still desires this diamond card.

This card is an bearer credit card that can provide an overdraft of 100 billion in cash. There are only three such cards in the entire Rongshi Bank.

Although Luo Nanfeng is worth hundreds of billions, he only has billions of cash that can be mobilized at any time, because he has invested all the other cash in business.

"Okay, I'll accept this card."

Lu Chen naturally accepted the bank card. This was what he deserved for curing Mr. Rong's illness.

Seeing Lu Chen accept the card, Rong Dong breathed a sigh of relief.

It was an honor for the Rong family that Lu Chen could accept this card, because it meant that Lu Chen accepted the love of the Rong family.

If you can make friends with a miracle doctor like Lu Chen, you can ask him to help the Rong family if there is any illness or disaster in the future.

"Mr. Lu, please follow me to Dongyuan. I will arrange wine and food immediately to thank Mr. Lu for saving the old man's life."

After Lu Chen collected the card, Rong Dong warmly invited him again, hoping to get closer to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not refuse.

Rongdong was overjoyed and ordered a banquet in the kitchen. All kinds of delicacies were flown in from all over the world.

A table of dishes costs millions.

But if it could make Lu Chen happy, let alone millions, even if it was tens of millions or hundreds of millions, the Rong family would not even frown.

Everyone enjoyed the meal. During the dinner, Rongdong learned that Lu Chen had come to the provincial capital to celebrate the birthday of Liu Bihua, the old lady of the Zhao family, and he had another idea in his mind.

Of course, he didn't show it, but hoped to surprise Lu Chen at some time.

After finishing the meal, Li Tuo stood up and took the initiative to invite Lu Chen.

"Master, I want to call all my disciples to come to you and ask them to greet you!"

After finishing the meal, Li Tuo walked up to Lu Chen and said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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