My cold CEO wife

Chapter 243 Sending a great-granddaughter

Chapter 243 Sending a great-granddaughter
Lu Chen knew what Li Tuo was thinking, but he just wanted to give him some advice.

He agreed immediately.

Li Tuo was so happy that he called the directors of several major hospitals in the provincial capital to the Rong family.

Each of his apprentices is extremely talented in some aspect, so they can become the head of a courtyard.

For example, Hou Changjun, president of the Provincial Orthopedic Hospital, Zhou Zhijing, president of the Provincial Dermatology Hospital, and Chu Wen, president of the Provincial Internal Medicine Hospital.

Every one of them is a big shot in the medical field in the provincial capital.

They were all disciples led by Li Tuo.

Especially his most proud young apprentice Wen Hao, given a few more years, he could even be called a miracle doctor.

"If you have enough money, prepare a car for me immediately. I want to go out."

Wen Hao gave instructions to his favorite student Qian Duo.

"Teacher, the leaders of the provincial capital are coming to our hospital for examination soon. Where are you going?"

Qian Duo was a little shocked when he saw Wen Hao going out.

The identity of the leader who came today was not ordinary, and he was here to inspect the work. As the director of the provincial hospital, how could Wen Hao not be present?

Wen Hao interrupted Qian Duo and gave Qian Duo instructions.

"You call Xiang Qianqian and ask him to come and receive you on my behalf. I have something urgent to do and I have to leave today. You can drive for me right away."

Seeing Wen Hao's firm look, Qian Duo knew that the other party had made up his mind, so he stopped asking any more questions and quickly went to drive. At the same time, he called the vice president Xiang Qiangqian and conveyed Wen Hao's intention and asked him to come to the hospital to do reception work.

Soon after, Wen Hao got on the bus and Qian Duo became the driver.

"Teacher, where are you going, even ignoring the city leaders?" Qian Duo finally couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

"I'm going to see my master's master." Wen Hao looked yearning.

Qian Duo looked shocked and asked: "Teacher, your master is my master, and he is also the miracle doctor Li Tuo. With such superb medical skills, you still have a master?"

"Of course, and I'm at the Rong family now. Master asked me to come to the Rong family right away. Why do you think I can take care of other things?"

Wen Hao was excited. When meeting the master today, the master would definitely give them a greeting gift, and the greeting gift would most likely be to teach them medical skills.

"Teacher, can I follow you to see the Patriarch?" Qian Duoye asked excitedly.

How awesome would it be to be your own teacher’s master?
I'm afraid he's an old man with a white beard and an immortal spirit!
"Wait a minute, I'll ask my master for instructions."

Wen Hao replied, took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Tuo's personal number.

Soon, I got a positive answer from Li Tuo.

I'm so happy with the money, I feel so excited about driving.

After resting, Mr. Rong has woken up, and now that he has absorbed the medicinal effects of 500-year-old ginseng, his body has some strength.

After meeting the Rong family, the old man specially left Lu Chen behind to chat with Lu Chen alone.

Lu Chen agreed.

"Old Master, I don't know what you want to tell me?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Mr. Lu, please wait!"

Old Mrs. Rong motioned for Lu Chen to sit down.

Lu Chen sat next to him, and Mr. Rong poured him tea himself.

Soon after, the door to the room was opened, and a young beauty pushed the door open and entered.

The beauty looks young, just over 20 years old, small and exquisite, and very spiritual.

"Ling'er, come here and see Mr. Lu."

Old Master Rong waved to Rong Linger.

Rong Ling'er obediently came to Lu Chen's side and greeted Lu Chen.

"Ling'er has met Mr. Lu. Thank you Mr. Lu for saving your life. Ling'er is very grateful." Rong Ling'er's voice was clear and moving, as sweet as a lark.

Lu Chen nodded to Rong Ling'er, motioning for her to sit next to him, and then looked at Old Mrs. Rong next to him, wondering what the old lady meant.

"Mr. Lu, I don't think you have a maid to take care of your daily life, right? I want to give Ling'er to you, and she will take care of your daily life from now on." Old Mrs. Rong ordered.

Lu Chen opened his mouth in surprise, and then explained: "Mr. Rong, I have good hands and feet, why do I need someone to take care of me?"

"A person like Mr. Lu should be taken care of. If you don't agree, old man, I will never be able to kneel in front of you."

After Mr. Rong finished speaking, he really stood up and knelt down to Lu Chen.

"Old Master, aren't you shortening my life?"

Lu Chen supported Old Mrs. Rong and said speechlessly.

"Mr. Lu, do you agree?" Old Mrs. Rong asked excitedly.

"Old Master, I appreciate your kindness. Ling'er is a person, not an object. How can I give it away casually?"

Lu Chen rejected Mr. Rong.

Mr. Rong was not discouraged and continued: "Ling'er is indeed not an object, but she is very happy to follow you."

"Mr. Lu, please accept Ling'er. Ling'er can serve tea, pour water, spread clothes and fold quilts. From now on, Ling'er will be Mr. Lu's."

Rong Ling'er quickly knelt in front of Lu Chen.

"Ling'er, get up quickly!" Lu Chen was startled.

Rong Ling'er shook his head, "If you don't accept Ling'er, Ling'er will never be able to kneel down."

"Ling'er, I really can't take you in. I have a wife. If she knows that I have taken in a girl, she will have to divorce me." Lu Chen made an excuse casually.

He was a little speechless. How many years had passed and he was still sending his daughter away? This thought was too feudal, right?

"Mr. Lu, don't you like Ling'er?" Rong Ling'er was about to cry, looking very charming.

"I'm sorry, I really can't accept it."

Lu Chen replied apologetically.

Hearing this, Rong Ling'er stood up and ran outside.

Lu Chen didn't chase her out. He only had a one-time relationship with Rong Ling'er. If he chased her away, he would be tainted by the cause and effect, and Rong Ling'er might be pestering him instead.


Mr. Rong next to him couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

The reason why he was willing to give his great-granddaughter to Lu Chen was because he guessed Lu Chen's identity.

Lu Chen was so young but had such superb medical skills. He could only be someone who came down from the mountain.

The people on the mountain are unattainable to the Rong family, and they are not even qualified to see these people.

Now that he met Lu Chen, he naturally wanted to hug Lu Chen's thigh tightly.

But unexpectedly, Lu Chen refused.

"Old Master, you are reckless in this matter."

Rong Ling'er left, and Lu Chen criticized Mr. Rong.

Mrs. Rong accepted Lu Chen's criticism humbly.

After a while, because Li Tuo was afraid of disturbing Lu Chen's chat with Mr. Rong, he sent him a message telling him that Wen Hao and others had arrived.

Lu Chen stood up and said, "Old Master, if there is nothing else, I will go to the living room first."

"I'll see Mr. Lu off."

Old Master Rong sent Lu Chen out and sighed again.

It was because of his poor family fortune that he had no chance to establish a deeper relationship with someone like Lu Chen.

"Rongdong, from now on, you must pay attention to everything Mr. Lu does. As long as it is something Mr. Lu wants to do, even if it puts the foundation of my Rong family, you must do your best to help Mr. Lu. Do you understand?"

After Lu Chen left, Mrs. Rong called Rong Dong over and warned him.

(End of this chapter)

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