My cold CEO wife

Chapter 246 Could it be that you are also cowards?

Chapter 246 Could it be that you are also cowards?

"No, my cousin invited me to dinner, so I won't eat here tonight."

Lu Chen shook his head, rejecting Rong Dong's kindness.

Rong Dong was a little disappointed, and looked at Li Tuo next to him.

If Li Tuo is willing to stay for dinner, then these deans will definitely stay too.

The Rong family also hopes to establish a good relationship with these deans.

Although these deans are not as rich as the Rong family, each dean's network is very impressive, because no matter how rich and powerful people are, they have to seek medical treatment from these deans.

Therefore, it would definitely be a good thing for the Rong family if they could gain the friendship of these deans.

"Master Li, you should be fine, right?"

"I appreciate the kindness of the head of the Rong family. I have something to do and need to return to Yuan City, so I won't wait at your house for too long. I will come to your house for dinner next time I have the opportunity." Li Tuo declined Rong Dong tactfully.

"Then Divine Doctor Li will definitely reward you, and everyone in our Rong family will sweep the couch to welcome him."

Seeing that Li Tuo was unwilling to stay here, Rong Dong said regretfully.

Li Tuo doesn't want to stay here for dinner, and naturally the directors of the major hospitals below don't want to stay here either.

So everyone left.

Lu Chen said hello to Luo Nanfeng and left. Then he went straight to the night market street.

The night market street is the favorite street for young people to visit at night.

This street is full of delicious food, various fresh brews, bars, etc.

Zhao Wenlong asked Lu Chen to eat seafood barbecue at a night market street.

"Hey, isn't this Zhao Wenlong?"

Zhao Wenlong arrived at the location first and found a small round table in the open air to sit down.

Two young people appeared next to them, and beside them were two little girls.

"Is something wrong?"

Zhao Wenlong glanced at the two of them provocatively.

These two young men are called Li Xiang and Li Jie, and they are two brothers.

In the past, the Zhao family and the Li family were neighbors, and Zhao Wenlong and the Li family brothers played together since childhood.

However, the two sides are not at odds with each other. On the contrary, they often clash.

Zhao Wenlong fought fiercely, and easily killed one of Li Xiang and Li Jie, but when the two brothers teamed up, he was no match.

So he would often pick two people to attack when they were alone, and the two would often team up to cause trouble for him.

The two sides often fight.

When we grow up, we no longer fight like children, but we often compare ourselves in all aspects.


Li Xiang smiled, sat on the table next to Zhao Wenlong, and then said with a smile: "Zhao Wenlong, aren't you a good drinker? You have the guts to challenge us two brothers tonight."

"Hmph, neither of you brothers can beat me, so what's the point?" Zhao Wenlong sneered.

"Why are there no easy choices? What I'm saying is that you provoked us two brothers. You were the one who drank from both of us." Li Xiang replied shamelessly.

Zhao Wenlong said sarcastically: "I'm going to drink the two of you, why the hell can you still order Bilian?"

"Why are we so shameless? If you are not convinced, ask your mother to give you a brother. It's a pity that your mother can't give birth to a brother. If you don't dare to compete, you are a coward." Li Jie sneered and mocked from the side.

"Hmph, I...I don't dare to compete, you bite me!"

Zhao Wenlong gave in immediately.

There was no other way. If he really had a drinking competition with these two brothers tonight, he would definitely get drunk.

He had been drunk before, and the two brothers had taken off his clothes and trousers and thrown them into the garbage. Now he did not dare to bet and drink with them easily.

"He is indeed a coward!"

Li Xiang said sarcastically, while looking at a little girl next to him, and said: "Zhang Li, remember to tell your good sister tomorrow that Zhao Wenlong is a coward. This kind of man has no sense of security, so let her break up with Zhao Wenlong."

"Brother Xiang, I listen to you."

Zhang Li said coquettishly next to her.

Zhao Wenlong was so angry that veins popped out on his forehead, and he cursed: "Li Xiang, you are so damn shameless, threatening me with my girlfriend."

"I'm threatening you. What's wrong with you? Come and bite me." Li Xiang said with a smirk.

Tonight he had to throw Zhao Wenlong off his feet, "If you are not convinced, come and drink us two brothers to pieces."

Zhao Wenlong was immediately frightened.

He didn't dare to drink tonight. If he drank too much and the scene of being stripped and thrown into the garbage dump was photographed by the two brothers and posted on Moments, he would become famous in the provincial capital.

These two brothers can do anything.

"How about I drink it for my cousin?"

Just when Zhao Wenlong didn't dare to take the call, a young man came over with a faint smile on his face.

"Who the hell are you? Why should I drink with you?"

Li Xiang just wanted to deal with Zhao Wenlong, but now he saw another young man walking over, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Why, you two brothers don't dare to drink with me? Are you too cowardly?" the young man said with a faint smile.

"That's right. Didn't you just say that I was a coward? What, now you are a coward too? Are you afraid to drink with my brother-in-law?"

Zhao Wenlong echoed from the side, feeling really relieved.

He suddenly felt that his brother-in-law was quite good and knew how to help him.

Putting aside his brother-in-law's drinking capacity, he recognized this brother-in-law just because of his courage.

Yes, the person here is Lu Chen.

"Hmph, what's wrong with us?"

Li Jie said: "First we two brothers drank with you, you didn't dare to compete, now your brother-in-law wants to drink with us, okay, you two drink with the four of us, do you dare to drink?"

Zhao Wenlong hesitated again.

After all, the two sisters Zhang Li have a very good drinking capacity.

If he really let the two of them join in, he and Lu Chen would most likely be drunk again.

"Four people? Too few!"

Just when Zhao Wenlong was hesitating, Lu Chen said: "Well, I'll give you half an hour. You can call as many people as you like. I'll drink them all. I'll drink you all up tonight. From now on, you two will recognize each other." My cousin is the boss, and if I get drunk by all of you tonight, I'll let you do whatever you want, how about that?"

Lu Chen was very concerned about the feelings between himself and Lin Qinghan, so when he came to see her cousin Zhao Wenlong, Lu Chen asked Ya Fei to check on Zhao Wenlong.

He needs to understand what kind of person Zhao Wenlong is before he can know what method to use to win his favor.

To get Lin Qinghan's approval, Lu Chen knew that he could only have a chance if he got the approval of the people around her first.

Lin Qinghan obviously recognized Zhao Wenlong as his cousin.

Yafei quickly sent Zhao Wenlong's information, and Lu Chen immediately knew that this guy often had conflicts with the two brothers opposite him.

If he can get the two brothers to recognize Zhao Wenlong as the boss, Zhao Wenlong will definitely recognize him as his brother-in-law in the future.

"We don't have any interest in you, so what are we going to do with you? In this way, we two brothers accept your bet, but if we lose, we will deal with Zhao Wenlong as we please."

Li Xiang pointed at Zhao Wenlong and asked, "Zhao Wenlong, do you dare to accept this bet?"

Zhao Wenlong did not reply to Li Xiang's words. He pulled Lu Chen aside and whispered: "Brother-in-law, are you crazy? The two brothers can call at least ten people over within half an hour. Can you drink them all by yourself?" How can I not be tricked to death by you?"

(End of this chapter)

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