My cold CEO wife

Chapter 247: One person drank several people down

Chapter 247 One person drank dozens of people
"What, you don't have confidence in me? If I lose, I'll give you this."

Lu Chen reached into his trouser pocket and took out the diamond card given to him by the Rong family.

Now, he only has this card.

"Wocao, brother-in-law, how did you get this card? It couldn't have been stolen, right?"

The most boasted thing in the provincial capital is the Rong family's diamond card. Everyone is proud to have such a diamond card.

But yes, even the president of the Chamber of Commerce Luo Nanfeng is coveted. If they can get a diamond card, it is indeed worth bragging for a lifetime.

This card cannot be obtained just by having an identity. Only if you show great kindness to the Rong family will the Rong family be willing to give the card away.

Now that Lu Chen actually had one in his hand, he had to wonder if the origin of this card was bright.

"Do you think I look like a thief?" Lu Chen asked.

"It's very similar!"

Zhao Wenlong nodded seriously, and then said hehey: "Okay, I will promise you. When the time comes, if you lose, this card will belong to me."

This is the anonymous diamond card of the Rong family, so even if it appears in his hand, the Rong family will not be able to trouble him.

Once he has this card, he will be able to pretend to be a force for the rest of his life in the provincial capital.

So what if he becomes the younger brother of the two Li Xiang brothers in the future?

After discussing with Lu Chen, Zhao Wenlong looked at the two brothers Li Xiang and ordered: "You call someone, I agree to this bet."

"Second brother, call someone."

Li Xiang gave an order to Li Jie, "Call all the people in the company who can be called over. I will take Zhao Wenlong away today, and let him carry my shoes every day from now on."

Since Lu Chen dared to bet, it meant that he must have a certain amount of drinking capacity.

However, Lu Chen gave them half an hour to call for help. In order to prevent himself from losing, he decided to target the company's employees.

The Li family is also a small family in the provincial capital. The family also has its own company, and the company has many employees, with more than 200 people.

Li Jie quickly sent a message in the company group using his identity as the group leader.

"Everyone in the company has paid attention to this young master. From now on, anyone who can reach the night market street within half an hour will be rushed over immediately. Anyone who comes to the scene to drink will be rewarded with 1 yuan."

The average salary for employees working in the company is only 5000 to [-] yuan. Now Li Jie directly spent a lot of money, and countless people responded.

People who were far away from here even went through traffic lights in order to get here.

Anyway, you can't deduct much money for running a traffic light. If you arrive within half an hour tonight, you can get 1 yuan.

Within half an hour, more than thirty people appeared in front of Li Xiang.

Zhao Wenlong's face turned green.

These two guys are so shameless.

"Brother-in-law, how about we stop betting? I'm afraid that you will be sent to the hospital for gastric lavage tonight, and your body will be injured by then, and I won't be able to survive." Zhao Wenlong reminded him kindly, wanting to cancel the bet.

Lu Chen couldn't help but nodded.

Now Zhao Wenlong is not thinking about winning or losing, but his body. He is indeed a good cousin.

"Yes, I am your brother-in-law. You were often bullied in the past. I will help you bully me tonight. From now on, these two brothers will be your little brothers. If they are disobedient, you will beat me. If they dare to fight back, tell me I, I will beat them myself." Lu Chen waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Boy, do you really take yourself seriously? You make it sound like you can really win over dozens of us?"

"Even if you are the reincarnation of the Jiuxian, you will be drunk by us tonight. Zhao Wenlong just waits to be dealt with by our brothers."

"And you, if you drink to death here tonight, we two brothers will not bear any responsibility."

The two Li Xiang brothers sneered when they heard Lu Chen's crazy words.

"Prepare better than a bar."

Lu Chen snapped his fingers and ordered the shop owner, "Boss, bring all the wine you have here."

Soon, the boss came out with twenty packages of beer and five packages of liquor.

"Come, let's drink something white first."

Lu Chen took a bottle of liquor, looked at Li Xiang and others provocatively, and asked, "Which one of you will come first?"

"I come!"

A young man stood up.

Lu Chen nodded, then motioned for the other party to get a bottle of liquor, and said, "Come on, let's just blow on the bottle."

"Zhou Qiang, if you can drink this kid down, I'll give you an extra 5 yuan." Li Xiang ordered Zhou Qiang.

When Zhou Qiang heard this, he felt as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

He picked up the bottle of liquor, gritted his teeth, and blew down the bottle of liquor in one breath.

Lu Chen picked up a bottle of white wine, drank it down, and asked Zhou Qiang, "Do you want to continue drinking, or change?"

"Continue to drink." Seeing that Lu Chen did not lie down, Zhou Qiang gritted his teeth and replied.

He fought hard for 5 yuan.

While recruiting business, the two drank their second bottle of white wine.

Lu Chen was just fine, but Zhou Qiang fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

"What a waste. Two bottles of white wine were poured down."

Li Xiang cursed lowly and ordered to the person next to him: "Fight the demon Erling, let the ambulance take him for gastric lavage, the next one."

Soon, the second person who appeared was a beautiful woman.

This beauty is the public relations woman of the Li Group. She usually socializes a lot and is good at talking and drinking.

"Sir, if they offer you a bottle of white wine, you should be gentle and don't make them drunk. Otherwise, if they can't find their way home tonight, they will have to go home with you." The beauty said angrily.

"Blow it!"

Lu Chen was too lazy to talk to such a woman, so he opened a bottle of liquor and motioned for the beauty to blow on the bottle.

There was a hint of resentment in the beauty's eyes. This guy really didn't understand the charm. He, a woman, actually asked him to blow off.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he blew away a bottle of liquor without giving the beauty time to react.

"Liu Jiao, what are you doing here? Drink quickly!"

Li Xiang cursed when he saw that Liu Jiao didn't drink.

Liu Jiao gritted her teeth and drank a bottle of white wine. As soon as she finished drinking, she fell to the ground.

This was not her usual amount, but she drank very quickly tonight and didn't eat any food to fill her stomach at the beginning. As a result, she just drank one bottle and passed out.

"Next person!"

Lu Chen put the wine bottle aside and shouted disdainfully.

"Brother-in-law, you are so awesome. Why do I feel like you drink water? Did you take any hangover medicine before coming here?"

Zhao Wenlong was stunned by Lu Chen's drinking capacity.

After drinking three bottles of white wine, and without any food to rest his stomach, Lu Chen has nothing to do.

It's so scary.

"Are you like that?"

Lu Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Then, Li Xiang continued to send people to drink with Lu Chen.

However, there are only two bottles of baijiu that can insist on drinking at most, and when drinking the second bottle of these two bottles of baijiu, many people did not drink it, and people hid.

"You two brothers are lucky, the baijiu has been drunk, now let's drink beer instead."

When everyone else at the scene was lying down and only brothers Li Xiang and Li Jie were left, Lu Chen was still full of energy and looked at them provocatively.

(End of this chapter)

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