My cold CEO wife

Chapter 248 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 248 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
The faces of brothers Li Xiang and Li Jie were a little ugly.

Dozens of them started fighting with Lu Chen, but in the end, all of them were drunk by Lu Chen alone. It would be embarrassing to say this.

But tonight they must defeat Lu Chen, otherwise they will have to be Zhao Wenlong's little brother in the future, which is definitely something they cannot accept.

"Come on, drink beer, drink beer."

The two brothers have a very good drinking capacity. They believe that Lu Chen has reached the edge of drunkenness. Now that they drink beer with Lu Chen, Lu Chen is equivalent to drinking mixed wine, making it easier to get drunk.

"My brother-in-law is so awesome."

Zhao Wenlong was dumbfounded at the side.

Li Xiang and Li Jie called a total of 36 employees, but all 36 people lay down.

By now, Lu Chen had drunk 25 kilograms of wine.

But he found that Lu Chen's stomach didn't even have a bulge. Was he still a human?

Awesome, my brother-in-law is a great person.

He saw the dawn of victory!
Soon, two boxes of empty beer bottles were placed in front of Lu Chen.

As for the two brothers Li Xiang and Li Jie, they each drank a box of beer and lay down.

"Brother-in-law, you win. I love you so much. You are so awesome."

Zhao Wenlong almost jumped on Lu Chen, but Lu Chen dodged him, and then he laughed awkwardly.

Lu Chen ignored Zhao Wenlong, came to Li Xiang, lifted him up, and then slapped him several times.

Then, he pressed Li Xiang's back casually a few times.


Li Xiang immediately spit out a lot of filth, which was stained with the smell of alcohol.

After he vomited out all the filth, he slowly woke up.

Lu Chen looked at Li Xiang and said calmly: "You lost."

"Lu Chen, you are ruthless and willing to admit defeat. From now on, Zhao Wenlong will be my boss."

Li Xiang was upright. He did not deny the debt, but acknowledged it. He looked at Zhao Wenlong and said: "Zhao Wenlong, you will be my boss from now on. I will call you Brother Long, but don't think of deliberately making things difficult for me, otherwise I will I won’t recognize you as the boss.”

Zhao Wenlong: "..."

However, being able to recruit brothers Li Xiang and Li Jie as his younger brothers was enough for him to brag in front of his friends, and he was satisfied.

"Don't worry, as long as you recognize me as the boss from now on, I won't hurt you." Zhao Wenlong promised.

The status of the two of them was no lower than that of Zhao Wenlong, and neither of them was short of money. They did not believe Zhao Wenlong's words at all.

Li Xiang looked at the staff and his younger brother who were lying on the ground, and said, "Brother-in-law, boss, I will arrange for someone to send you to the hospital for gastric lavage first, and I will leave you alone today."

He was very reluctant to call him brother-in-law, but now that Zhao Wenlong was his boss, and Zhao Wenlong called Lu Chen brother-in-law, he had no choice but to call him brother-in-law.

But he didn't know that the two words he called brother-in-law made his Li family become one of the few wealthy families in the provincial capital.


Lu Chen nodded.

"Boss, pay the bill."

Lu Chen called the owner of the seafood barbecue restaurant over.

After the owner of the seafood barbecue restaurant came over, Lu Chen took out his Diamond Card from Rong's Bank.

Seeing this diamond card, Zhao Wenlong suddenly felt his heart aching badly.

How could he forget that once Lu Chen loses, he can get this card.

The two brothers Li Xiang and Li Jie were recruited just to show off, but wouldn't it be even more showy if they had a diamond card from Rong's Bank?
Just now Lu Chen won and he was very happy, but now he found that he couldn't be happy.

The Rong's Bank Diamond Card was destined to miss him.

"Okay, sir, please wait. You have spent a total of 900 yuan."

Soon, the waiter calculated the bill and Lu Chen quickly swiped his card.

"Brother-in-law, I want to discuss something with you. For my class reunion tomorrow night, can you lend me your card for one day? How much did it cost and how much money will I put into it?"

Soon, Zhao Wenlong came up with the idea of ​​this card.

Lu Chen nodded, threw the card to Zhao Wenlong, and said, "You must not use the money in this card indiscriminately. You must know that there is less money in it, so don't blame me for turning against you."

It's not that he is stingy, it's that he is worried that Zhao Wenlong can't control his spending, which is detrimental to the other party's growth.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, I just used it for pretending."

Zhao Wenlong chuckled and said: "Brother-in-law, I have some good news for you. I found that my cousin cares about you a little."

"How did you find out?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

He still cared very much about Lin Qinghan's feelings for him.

"I have a good relationship with my cousin, and I know her quite well. If she didn't care about you, she wouldn't have arranged for me to come out to receive you tonight."

Zhao Wenlong continued: "I heard that my cousin asked you to marry me just to compete with the old woman of the Lin family for power, so you are just a victim."

"But now it seems that your role is slowly changing."

"Of course, I also know something about your identity. In Guiyuan City, you were called a scumbag and harmed hundreds of girls. I hope you really love my cousin and will not abandon her all the time. One day, if you really abandon her, I will find a way to kill you."

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched. This cousin must be too cruel.

"Don't worry, my heart for your cousin will never change."

Lu Chen patted Wenlong on the shoulder.

Zhao Wenlong nodded fiercely, then took Lu Chen to the hotel, and then went home by himself.


Lu Chen dialed Zhong Dongyang's phone number.

After all, it will be Liu Bihua's birthday soon, and his gift is not ready yet.

He wanted to ask Zhong Dongyang if he had any suggestions or opinions.

After all, he was somewhat familiar with Zhong Dongyang in the provincial capital.

"Mr. Lu, it's a real honor for me to receive your call. Where are you now? I will drive to pick you up personally." Zhong Dongyang kept his posture extremely low.

Ever since he knew that Lu Chen's strength was comparable to that of Chu Piao, Zhong Dongyang treated Lu Chen as a senior and did not dare to be careless at all.

Lu Chen reported the address to Zhong Dongyang, and Zhong Dongyang drove over.

After the two parties sat in the car, Zhong Dongyang said: "Mr. Lu, Liu Bihua is a strong woman. She is different from ordinary women who like rouge and gouache. What she likes is antiques or calligraphy and painting, so if you want to give her As a birthday gift, I suggest you give her antiques or calligraphy and paintings."

"Oh, antiques or calligraphy and painting?"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised, and then he ordered: "Okay, you show me a place in the provincial capital that sells antiques or calligraphy and paintings."

"Mr. Lu, although you have excellent medical skills and martial arts, it does not mean that you also study antiques."

"Most of the antiques in this antique market are fakes or fakes. If you go here to buy them, it's a small matter if you put the money in. When the time comes, Liu Bihua will know that the antiques you gave her are fake. She will treat you badly. My impression is probably below freezing."

"I'm just not talented. I have collected some antiques over the years. How about you go directly to my place and pick out a few pieces for Liu Bihua?"

Zhong Dongyang quickly suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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