My cold CEO wife

Chapter 249 I want it

Chapter 249 I want it
"Let's go to the antique market!"

Lu Chen rejected Zhong Dongyang's proposal, "Since I am choosing a gift for grandma, I naturally have to choose the best one myself."

"Mr. Lu is determined. It is Liu Bihua's blessing to be able to become Mr. Lu's grandmother."

Zhong Dongyang sighed.

Before meeting Lu Chen, Liu Bihua was an inconspicuous little character in front of him, but now this little character made him look up to her.

Because Liu Bihua has a good grandson-in-law.

"I happen to know Fu Wenxue, the owner of Duobao Pavilion on Antique Street. If there is any place where you can find good treasures on Antique Street, it must be Duobao Pavilion."

Zhong Dongyang suggested, knowing that Lu Chen had never been to the province and was not very familiar with the province.

Lu Chen agreed, and Zhong Dongyang took Lu Chen to Duobao Pavilion.

Fu Wenxue, the owner of Duobao Pavilion, knew that Zhong Dongyang had arrived at Duobao Pavilion and greeted him personally.

"Mr. Zhong, what brought you here? You are a rare visitor!"

Zhong Yangdong was a big shot in the province, and Fu Wenxue had to fawn over such a person.

He was a little flattered today.

"I am not a rare guest. This Mr. Lu next to me is a rare guest. You have to entertain him. As long as Mr. Lu can find a treasure that he can like, money is not a problem."

The treasures in Duobao Zhai are mixed with authenticity, and the boss must know the authenticity.

Zhong Dongyang said this to remind Fu Wenxue that Lu Chen's identity was unusual and that he wanted good things. If he got a fake, Fu Wenxue wouldn't be able to afford it.

Thinking about it, if Lu Chen took the treasure sent to Liu Bihua and it was found to be fake in the end, Lu Chen would be so embarrassed.

Once someone like Lu Chen gets angry, I'm afraid no one in the provincial capital can withstand his anger.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhong, for the tip."

Fu Wenxue was also an old man, and he immediately understood the meaning of Zhong Dongyang's words.

Zhong Dongyang is one of the few big shots in the provincial capital. How can someone who can even be called sir have an ordinary background?

"Mr. Lu, I have a clock here from the Pre-Qin period. I wonder if you are interested?"

Fu Wenxue immediately reported the best clock he had here. This clock was worth hundreds of millions.

He believed that Lu Chen would be interested.

"Fu Wenxue, Mr. Lu came to see the treasure this time to give it away."

Zhong Dongyang has a black line on his forehead.

Fu Wenxue reacted immediately.

To send a bell is to send the end, isn’t it?
Thinking of this, he was so scared that he was sweating.

"Boss Fu, you don't need to make any fuss, I can just take a look myself!"

Lu Chen answered to Fu Wenxue.

"Yes, Mr. Lu!"

Fu Wenxue breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lu Chen was not angry.

"Mr. Lu, why don't you let Fu Wenxue recommend some antiques to you? You have to choose by yourself. When the fakes appear, Mrs. Liu will be embarrassed." Zhong Dongyang reminded kindly.

"Don't worry, the things I get will not be fake." Lu Chen replied confidently.

"Mr. Lu, I admit that you have excellent medical skills and martial arts skills, but when it comes to appraising treasures, it is very particular. If you are not careful, you may be punched in the eye." Zhong Dongyang is still not optimistic about Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is too young. Appreciating antiques requires accumulation over time.

The so-called eye-catching means picking a fake baby and suffering a loss.

"Then just follow me and see if I get punched in the eye."

Lu Chen smiled and didn't say much. He started walking around Duobao Zhai, with Zhong Dongyang and Fu Wenxue following behind him.

"How much does this cost?" Lu Chen pointed at a landscape painting and asked.

"Mr. Lu, this thing is not valuable. If you want it, I will give it to you."

Fu Wenxue smiled awkwardly and said, "Actually, this is a fake. I only get 1000 yuan, but I can't sell it to you."

"No, I want it." Lu Chen said firmly.

Fu Wenxue was so frightened that he said in panic, "Mr. Lu, don't embarrass the old man. This is really a fake. You want to give it to others as a gift. If you find out that it is fake, then this I cannot bear the sin."

Zhong Dongyang next to him also shook his head.

He knew that Lu Chen knew nothing about antiques, and the first treasure he picked out now was fake.

"Mr. Lu, please change it to another one. There are so many calligraphy and paintings next to it." Zhong Dongyang reminded him as he didn't want Lu Chen to make a fool of himself at the birthday party.

"You all think it's a fake, fake?" Lu Chen smiled playfully.

Zhong Dongyang and Fu Wenxue looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"I'll buy him for 1000 yuan first, and then I'll tell you whether it's true or false."

Lu Chen paused, and continued: "Boss Fu, please bring me a bottle of mineral water, and a candle and a lighter." Lu Chen suddenly ordered Fu Wenxue.

Fu Wenxue was puzzled, but he still went to get a bottle of mineral water, a candle, and a lighter.

The movement here quickly attracted other customers who came to the antique store to look for treasures, and everyone gathered around.

"What, this friend wants this landscape painting?"

"Little brother, this landscape painting is fake, don't be fooled."

"If you want to buy this thing back, you will definitely have to smash it into your hands."


Soon, everyone started to persuade.

This landscape painting has been here for two years, but no one has touched it, because everyone can see at a glance that it is fake.

Lu Chen ignored everyone's comments and ordered Zhong Dongyang and Fu Wenxue to unfold the painting and fly it in the air.

Then, he took a sip of mineral water, and then squirted it out with force.

With this spray, a stream of water mist filled the air, and the landscape painting was evenly coated with a layer of water mist.

"He doesn't really think this thing is real, is he going to use this method to identify it?"

"Have you ever seen anyone use this method to identify treasures?"

"Unheard of, unseen."


Everyone was confused by Lu Chen and started talking again.

Lu Chen lit the candle with a lighter, and then moved the candle under the landscape painting.

When the water mist encounters high temperatures, it begins to evaporate, and a mist spreads over the landscape painting.

"Wo Cao, this isn't true, is it?"

Everyone looked at the landscape painting with full concentration. When the landscape painting was filled with mist, everyone was stunned.

Because this landscape painting is actually changing color, and the color is changing very quickly.

In just a moment, the color of this landscape painting completely changed, and even the scenery inside underwent tremendous changes.

"This is a picture within a picture."

"Yes, you see, the painting is as slow as life, and it has a desert desolation, which is very similar to the original work of Wang Wei, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty."

"Look, look at the last signature, layman Mojie, this is really the work of the great poet Wang Wei."

"He is a great poet, and he has very few paintings, but every painting is a stunning painting. This is really his authentic work, a masterpiece."

"The value of this flower is definitely over [-] million."

Some professionals gave a relatively fair price for this painting.

"how can that be?"

Zhong Dongyang and Fu Wenxue looked at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief.

This painting has been kept here for two years, and no one has discovered its secret. Fu Wenxue was especially surprised. As the owner of this painting, he actually regarded a stunning work as an ordinary work.

(End of this chapter)

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