Chapter 254
Anlong Hotel is a paradise for young people.

This is a large hotel integrating entertainment and dining.

The first and second floors are dining areas, the third and fourth floors are KTV, the fifth and sixth floors are bathing areas...

In short, the entire twelve floors of the building are all places to play.

Young people from the province don't want to leave when they come here.

Tonight, Zhao Wenlong's class reunion will be held here.

When Zhao Wenlong arrived at the scene, many people had already arrived.

"Hey, Zhao Wenlong, everyone else brought their girlfriends, why did you bring a guy here?"

Sure enough, Zhao Wenlong showed up with Lu Chen, which still attracted people's attention, and someone asked jokingly.

"Hmph, why am I bringing a boy? Let me introduce to you, this is my brother-in-law Lu Chen. He is fine tonight. I called him over." Zhao Wenlong ignored the strange looks from everyone and said to everyone.

"Ah, he can't be the Lu Chen from Guiyuan City, right? Wait, let me see his photo."

Lu Chen's reputation is really not that great, a girl asked screaming, then she took out her mobile phone, looked at the photos on the phone, and then ran towards Lu Chen with a look of infatuation.

"Ah, it's you, brother Lu Chen. I like you so much. Why don't you sign your name for me? Come on, sign it on my back."

While talking, the girl actually took out red lipstick, stuffed it into Lu Chen's hand, and then showed her white back in front of Lu Chen.

"Beauty, I don't know you."

Lu Chen was sweating in his heart. The Lu Chen of the past was too romantic. Women in the provincial capital knew his name and were actually interested in him.

"But you know my cousin. My cousin's name is Miao Fengfeng. She likes you. She often tells me how good you are. I was so fascinated by it that I found that I fell in love with you unconsciously."

The beauty continued to show a nymphomaniac expression and said: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Chu Lulu. You can call me Lulu. You don't have a female companion, right? Can I be your female companion tonight?"

As soon as Chu Lulu finished speaking, several murderous looks appeared around her.

She is beautiful and lively, and several boys in the class are interested in her. Unfortunately, she is not interested in them.

As a result, a young man just showed up tonight and snatched away their sweetheart in one fell swoop. How could they be happy?
"not good!"

But just when these people thought Lu Chen was going to agree, Lu Chen coldly rejected Chu Lulu.

Chu Lulu showed an expression of disbelief.

She asked herself that she was still confident in her appearance, but Lu Chen actually rejected her as a female companion, and her eyes immediately turned red.

I feel very wronged.

"Sorry, I already have a wife!"

When Lu Chen saw that Chu Lulu wanted to cry, he never wanted to make a girl sad, so he explained in passing.

"Hmph, kid, you have a reputation for being self-aware."

"Yes, your appearance is not worthy of Lulu."

"Don't be sad, Lulu, there are so many of us, you can choose."


No one thought that Lu Chen had a wife. After all, it would be nice for a beautiful woman like Chu Lulu to take advantage tonight.

Lu Chen must have been frightened away by their looks.

Chu Lulu ignored the boys and walked away on the pretext of going to the toilet.

Da da da!
Just then, a woman appeared wearing high heels.

As soon as she appeared, she attracted everyone's attention.

Because she was dressed too dazzlingly tonight, with two huge pearls hanging from her ears, which were dazzling.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is that she is wearing a green princess hat tonight.

"Tsk, tsk, Zhao Wenlong, isn't this your first love Liu Juan?"

"Ouch, she came wearing a cuckold."

"She must have cuckolded you a lot in the past few years. It's quite cowardly for you to think of yourself as a man."

Everyone saw Liu Juan appearing and laughed at Zhao Wenlong.

Of course, it was more the boys who mocked Zhao Wenlong. After all, Lu Chen, whom Zhao Wenlong brought, deceived the goddess in their hearts.

No matter what, they would give Zhao Wenlong some discomfort.

Liu Juan glanced at Zhao Wenlong, with resentment in her eyes.

It was obvious that she came here wearing a cuckold tonight on purpose.

Zhao Wenlong actually made her kneel down and call her daddy at noon today. She must avenge this tonight.

"Hey, isn't this Lu Chen? You're here too!"

She was originally planning to ridicule Zhao Wenlong tonight, but her eyes suddenly fixed on Lu Chen, and her target shifted instantly.

"Wo Cao, is this boy so popular with women?"

When everyone heard Liu Juan's words, they thought Liu Juan was going to date Lu Chen like Zhao Lulu, and they all felt jealous.

Although Liu Juan didn't know how many men she had slept with, she was very attractive. Otherwise, how could any rich man be willing to sleep with her?

Many men in the class still have thoughts about her and are willing to have a one-night stand with her.

However, what Liu Juan said next surprised everyone.

"You think I won't deal with you if you don't speak, right?"

Liu Juan continued: "Zhongjin was in Tianyu Tower today. President Luo obviously recognized the wrong person. I launched an investigation into you in the afternoon."

"You are just a waste from Guiyuan City, the prodigal son of the Lu family. After ruining the Lu family and forcing your parents to die with nothing, you were found by Lin Qinghan."

"Lin Qinghan gave you a sum of money to marry into his wife. Because you had no money to spend, you agreed without hesitation. A man like you is a freeloader and is the most despised."

After hearing her words, everyone was in an uproar.

Originally, they thought that Lu Chen was a romantic talent, otherwise how could he have charmed Chu Lulu when he came here, but now they found out that this guy turned out to be a famous scumbag, a prodigal, and a pretty boy.

This is interesting.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be a pretty boy. I opened a company, and now its market value is tens of millions. I just need a security guard. For Zhao Wenlong's sake, if you come to my company as a security guard, I will provide you with food and accommodation. .”

"Qiyong, this is your fault. How can you compete with me for talents? The cleaning lady in my company resigned because of something going on in her hometown. Now we just need a cleaner. I think this pretty boy is quite suitable."

"Don't fight with me. I am the leader of the provincial environmental protection department. Our provincial environmental protection department is still short of a sewer worker. This is a public institution. Do you think I can give brother-in-law Zhao Wenlong a decent job?"

Everyone started teasing each other there.

"Shut the fuck up."

Zhao Wenlong couldn't listen to these people's words at all.

These people were just scolding his brother-in-law for being useless, but they didn't know that Lu Chen's ability was far beyond their imagination.

"Zhao Wenlong, I didn't say anything about you, you are so excited here."

Qi Yong originally had some disagreements with Zhao Wenlong in college, so he said, "Why, your brother-in-law has the courage to be a pretty boy, why don't you let people talk about it?"

"Fart, he's not a badass."

Zhao Wenlong roared and took out the Rongshi Bank diamond card and said, "Did you see it? This is the Rongshi Bank diamond card. It belongs to my brother-in-law. If he is a pretty boy, can he get this card?"

(End of this chapter)

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