My cold CEO wife

Chapter 255 The Big Difference Between People

Chapter 255 The Big Difference Between People

The diamond card shone brightly under the light.


Everyone's eyes were attracted by this light.

"Don't believe this guy. He is a liar. At noon, he deceived President Luo and made him treat him as a big shot."

"What kind of background does he, a prodigal son who has become a monk, have? Can someone like President Luo personally receive him?"

"He came to our province and made up the identity of a rich young man in Kyoto. He must have found someone to visit him for this diamond card."

Liu Juan stood up and exposed Zhao Wenlong's "lie".

Everyone believed Liu Juan's words.

Zhao Wenlong couldn't stand up to a group of people with one mouth. He wanted to argue for Lu Chen, but no one gave him a chance to speak.

"Okay, everyone stop arguing."

Monitor Yang Cheng stopped everyone and everyone quieted down. Yang Cheng continued: "It has been three years since we graduated. Let's talk about the development we have made in the past three years."

"If given the opportunity, I hope that everyone can help each other in society in the future and take each other's affairs to a higher level."

Yang Cheng's prestige is quite high. After hearing his words, everyone began to introduce their achievements in the past three years.

Boys are obviously more proactive when it comes to careers.

Especially those boys who have achieved good results in three years are very proud now.

Lu Chen discovered that this was simply a class for the rich second generation. These people had only graduated in just three years and were worth at least tens of millions.

If it were not for the support of his family background, he would not have been able to earn so much money in just three years.

After the boys finished talking, the girls started talking about their achievements in the past three years.

These girls obviously did not focus on their careers, and they began to compare themselves with what kind of boyfriend or husband they found.

"My husband is only two years older than me, but he is now a captain of the provincial patrol team." A girl said proudly.

The girl is only 24 years old, and her husband is really good enough to be a captain at the age of 26.

"My husband is now the general manager of Xiangyang Industrial."

Xiangyang Industrial is now a star enterprise in the province. Some of its snacks are very popular among young people, and its business is spread all over the country.

Soon, many girls introduced their husbands’ jobs.

These girls are also extraordinary. The husbands they marry or the boyfriends they find are either rich or noble.

Everyone's eyes fell on Liu Juan.

"Liu Juan, I heard that your current boyfriend is the general manager of Tianyu Tower? This Tianyu Tower is President Luo's property. Their general manager can earn 500 million yuan a year, and this is still visible. I don’t know how much income there is, whether it’s visible income or invisible income. You are really capable.” A girl looked at Liu Juan with some envy.

There is a lot of oil and water in the Tianyu Building, and sometimes you have to ask Du Chun to pay for it when you go to the back door to eat, and the prices of many ingredients inside are inflated, so Du Chun can get kickbacks inside.

It can be said that if you stay in Tianyulou, your annual income will be at least tens of millions.

The key is that these tens of millions of dollars do not bear any risk of corporate bankruptcy.

This is a position that everyone covets.

If it was before noon, Liu Juan would definitely smile when she heard everyone's compliments.

But Du Chun had been fired by Luo Nanfeng at noon, and she had no capital to show off.

"Du Chun is a useless waste. He is not good at that. This girl dumped him."

Liu Juan said: "I have found a new boyfriend. This boyfriend may not be as profitable as Du Chun, but his status is very extraordinary. You will definitely seek my help in the future."

"Oh, tell me, who is he? Let us all ask for you." Someone asked curiously.

Liu Juan said proudly: "To tell you the truth, he is the most proud protégé of Wen Hao, the director of the Provincial Hospital, Qian Duo. In a few years, the Provincial Hospital will definitely be controlled by Qian Duo. Whoever has no one in his family who has grown old, sick and died, you just say Say, will you beg for help on my head?"

"Oh my God, I heard that Dean Wen is the most comprehensive disciple of Dr. Li Tuo, right? And at his birthday party last year, Dr. Li Tuo also said that Dr. Wen would be able to be as good as him in medical skills in a few years. That means , Qian Duo is not the disciple of the miracle doctor?" Someone who knew Wen Hao's story revealed shocking news.

"Haha, who is the miracle doctor Li Tuo? Let me tell you even more exciting news."

Liu Juan said proudly: "The miracle doctor Li Tuo also has a master, and my boyfriend has met Li Tuo's master, who is also his ancestor."

"The master of Miracle Doctor Li Tuo said that my boyfriend is extremely talented and may even surpass Miracle Doctor Li Tuo and reach his level in the future."

"Oh my God, Liu Juan, you have found such an awesome boyfriend. From now on, when our family members get sick, we will look for you. Just ask for whatever you want. Our family is not short of money."

"Yes, Liu Juan, such a good man must be captured and we should arrange marriage as soon as possible. Your husband must take care of my family's illnesses in the future."

"This woman, she really needs to try a few more men before she finally knows which man suits her best. Liu Juan, you have found a good husband."

Everyone compliments Liu Juan.

Liu Juan became more and more proud. First she glanced at Zhao Wenlong with disdain, then she looked at Lu Chen and said, "How come the gap between people is so big? We are all young people, but some young people are The pride of heaven, but some young people can only eat soft rice."

"Liu Juan, don't criticize me here, you just found a doctor boyfriend, what's the big deal?" Zhao Wenlong was very unhappy when he saw Liu Juan quarreling with Lu Chen, so he stood up and replied.

"Yeah, I just found a doctor boyfriend. Is it better than a useless loser like you? Is it better than a man like your brother-in-law who relies on women to support him?"

Liu Juan sneered.

Zhao Wenlong couldn't answer the question immediately.

Because Liu Juan's words are true.

He is not welcome in the Zhao family, and the Zhao family does not support his discovery. It can be said that he is the most miserable person in the class now.

Lu Chen is indeed a pretty boy who feeds off his cousin.

"Liu Juan, at the class reunion tonight, many people have brought their boyfriends and girlfriends. Why don't you call your boyfriend over too, so we can all get to know each other!"

Someone had the idea that Liu Juan's boyfriend had a lot of money.

Obviously, these people want to make more money.

Now that they have more money and have not yet become famous, they have a greater chance of making friends with him. If they have more money and become famous in the future, they will not be able to curry favor with him even if they want to.

A figure like Qian Duo, who controls the life and death of patients, is destined not to be short of money.

Now is the best opportunity to make more money.

"Don't worry, my boyfriend has just been learning a set of acupuncture techniques passed down to him by his ancestor. He will be here soon."

Liu Juan glanced at Lu Chen proudly again, "Once he learns this acupuncture technique, he will be promoted to a famous doctor immediately, and his worth will rise greatly by then."

(End of this chapter)

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