My cold CEO wife

Chapter 508 Must cooperate

Chapter 508 Must cooperate
Loyalty Hall.

The three of them sat together.

They are Qi Shu, Zhang Yue and Zuo An.

These three people are the three bosses who occupy 30.00% of the entire pharmaceutical market in Qingtian City.

Qishu is one of the bosses, and the other two regard Qishu as the most respected person.

It’s not that Qishu has a larger market share than them, but that Qishu has more foresight than they do, and they are willing to follow Qishu to make things bigger and stronger.

"Zhang Yue, Zuo An, our current market share is being gradually eroded by Qingtian Pharmaceutical. Do you have any good solutions?"

The prayer book first opened up the topic.

Because Qingtian Pharmaceutical has now formed a scale effect, Qingtian Pharmaceutical is significantly reducing costs.

After they reduced costs, they became more competitive, so many customers and distributors were willing to purchase Qingtian Pharmaceutical's drugs.

This made the three people in Deqishu very embarrassed.

Because they have not yet reached a sufficient scale to form a scale effect, the cost of their pharmaceuticals remains high, and there is no way to lower the price.

Now what they want to discuss is how to deal with Qingtian Pharmaceutical.

Should they focus on high-quality drugs and earn high returns by winning by effectiveness, or should they compete for the market through price wars and fight each other to the death?

"I think we should fight a price war. We don't have enough funds for research and development right now. Even if we take the high-quality route, we will only have investment and no output in the early stage. But if we fight a price war, we can slowly increase sales, which can slow down Slowly expand the scale to form a scale effect." Zhang Yue was the first to speak.

As for Zuo An next to him, he held a different view. He said: "I think we should take the high-quality route. After all, if we take the high-quality route, we will not need a lot of labor. These labor forces can be streamlined, and then we can Save a lot of labor costs."

Qishu pressed his temples with some embarrassment.

This was also where he was in trouble. The two plans were not completely perfect. Both plans had flaws.

Now they are not large enough and have limited funds on hand, so they can only make correct decisions within this limited scope. He cannot make this decision now.

"Lao Qi, do you think it is possible for us to introduce several advantageous drugs, act as their sales agents, and then accumulate our funds. In this way, we can broaden our channels, seize our own market, and wait for our own drugs in the future. After the research and development and production are completed, they will have their own sales channels, and these drugs will soon reach the market." Zhang Yue suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Qi Shu's eyes brightened obviously.

Then he nodded and said: "Your analysis is good. We can indeed do this. It just so happens that a friend of mine recommended to me another friend who is planning to do pharmaceutical business in our Qingtian City. He has samples of their company's finished pharmaceuticals. , let’s take a look at their sample, if their sample is suitable for us, I think we can get it, what do you think?”

"I think it's feasible!" Zuo An also agreed.

There is nothing better than making money and being able to use the time to expand your sales and open up your own sales channels.

The three people quickly reached an agreement.

Qishu immediately took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Ting, asking Xiao Ting to take Lu Chen into their reception room.

Xiao Ting quickly brought Lu Chen into the reception room.

"Hi everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Lu Chen, the legal person of the Lu Group in Guiyuan City."

After Lu Chen came in, he smiled at everyone, his smile made people feel like spring breeze.

However, when Zhang Yue heard Lu Chen's words, he frowned slightly. The name Lu Chen seemed familiar.

Immediately something came to his mind, and he asked uncertainly: "Are you the most rumored good-for-nothing Lu Chen in Guiyuan City, the playboy Lu Chen who killed his parents?"

"I must be right!" Lu Chen touched his nose and secretly thought that the Lu Chen in the past was really notorious, and everyone knew his name from so far away.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Yue immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Lu, we do business based on honesty. With a playboy like you, no matter how good the medicine is, we don't want to cooperate."

Lu Chen was slightly stunned. He had no idea that the opportunity he had tried to create would be affected by his previous bad reputation.

His eyes fell on Qi Shu and Zuo An and asked, "You two also have this idea?"

Neither Qi Shu nor Zuo An spoke, but they both agreed with Zhang Yue's point of view.

"Okay, if that's the case, don't regret it!"

Different road non-phase plan.

Since several people didn't want to cooperate with him, he stopped talking.

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen stood up and walked directly outside.

Xiao Ting hesitated for a moment, but did not catch up, but said to Qi Shu: "Mr. Qi, I know a saying, if you don't participate, you have no right to speak. You just spread the rumors and think that Mr. Lu's character is not good. But that’s not the reality.”

"Just last night, I felt it deeply last night. I had a conflict with Yuan Jun last night, but he later resolved the conflict."

"I ask myself that my looks are pretty good. I stayed in a suite with him last night, but we slept in the same room. Just because of his handsome appearance and the fact that he saved me yesterday, even if he wanted to do something to me. No matter what, I won't resist, but he didn't, he is definitely not the kind of person you hear in your ears."

Xiao Ting briefly told a few people what happened last night, and wanted to help Lu Chen rectify his name.

She could see that Lu Chen attached great importance to the cooperation with the three of them. Lu Chen saved her life last night, and she wanted to do something for Lu Chen.


The three of them looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

They were not surprised because Lu Chen didn't touch Xiao Ting, but because Lu Chen had a conflict with Yuan Jun last night.

"Please tell me in detail how Lu Chen clashed with Yuan Junqi last night and what the final outcome was."

Qi Shu urged immediately, even breathing a little faster.

They seemed to have found a new breakthrough point.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

They are now thinking about how to deal with Yuan Qingtian. Now that Lu Chen has a conflict with Yuan Qingtian's son, it is very likely that they will become temporary friends.

"It's the way it is!"

In order to help Lu Chen win cooperation with Qi Shu, Xiao Ting told the three people about what happened last night in detail.

"Cooperation, must cooperate!"

At this time, Zhang Yue made the decision.

Although the main scope of his business is in Qingtian County, he actually has some industries in the provincial capital.

Cheng Jin is the son of a new wealthy family. Such a person treats Lu Chen with respect, which shows that Lu Chen's true identity is extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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