Chapter 509


Qi Shu and Zuo An looked at Zhang Yue in puzzlement. They couldn't imagine why Zhang Yue had changed so much before and after.

"I'll tell you later, now I have to go and bring Mr. Lu back in person."

Zhang Yue said to the two of them.

Lu Chen was probably some big shot. They had offended Lu Chen just now and were afraid of making him unhappy, so they planned to invite him personally.

Maybe they need Lu Chen's help to break through their predicament.

"Who is Cheng Jin?"

The moment Zhang Yue left, Qi Shu looked at Zuo An. He felt that the problem was with this person named Zuo An.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, wait!"

When Lu Chen went out, he saw that Xiao Ting did not show up, so he walked slowly just to wait for her to come out, so he was soon overtaken by Zhang Yue who was chasing him.

"Is something wrong?"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, a little suspicious that Zhang Yue chased him out.

Zhang Yue said: "That's it, Mr. Lu, I was a little emotional just now. My daughter was cheated by a scumbag some time ago, so I hate people like you and I got a little emotional. Now I realize my Wrong, I hope you can stay, we are willing to cooperate with you.”

"You didn't even look at my medicines and decided to cooperate with me?" Lu Chen asked.

"Haha, we never give up any business opportunities. We are willing to cooperate with you on a trial basis." Zhang Yue smiled and said to Lu Chen.

"Believe me, if you choose me, it will definitely be beneficial to you and not harmful at all in the future!"

If it were Lu Chen in the past, and these people had rejected him, he would not pay attention to them at all.

But now he wants to build the Lu Group as quickly as possible, so he is willing to change himself and give Zhang Yue and others a chance.

At first, Zhang Yue would have thought that Lu Chen was talking big words, but after listening to Xiao Ting's words, he didn't think it was talking big words.

Even people like Cheng Jin, who must be extremely respected, must not be ordinary people.

Lu Chen returned to the reception room and took out several pills he had brought.

"This is a hemostatic pack, this is a dysmenorrhea powder..."

The medicines Lu Chen took out all had functional names, and you could tell what they did as soon as you heard them.

Therefore, Qi Shu and the others did not take Lu Chen's medicine seriously.

Because they were willing to cooperate with Lu Chen, it was not because they valued Lu Chen's medicine, but the possible identity hidden behind him.

"Mr. Lu, I already understand what you mean. In this case, you give us [-] million first, and we will sell it. After the sales are completed, we will discuss how to divide the profit."

Everyone chatted for a while, and finally Qi Shu made the decision.

Because of Lu Chen's identity, he was willing to spend [-] million on Lu Chen. He believed that the [-] million would be well spent.

"it is good!"

Lu Chen didn't think much about it. Now that they agreed to cooperate with him, they could just start business directly.

When the three agreed, he called Lu Yuanzhen and asked Lu Yuanzhen to deliver the goods here.

Lu Yuanzhen was extremely efficient. He arranged for someone to pick up the goods that night and delivered the goods to Qingtian City early the next morning.

In the next few days, Qingtian City seemed particularly calm, but the mood of Qishu and others was not as good as expected.

The reason is simple. They currently have no competitive products, and if they enter into a price war with Qingtian Pharmaceutical, their drugs will have no advantage.

Now the company of three people is stuck in a bottleneck. There is no way to expand the market. The market share is still gradually being eroded by Qingtian Pharmaceutical.

Three days later, Qi Shu summoned Zhang Yue and Zuo An for another meeting.

The focus of their meeting this time was different from the last time.

Because now they know that their product research and development will take a while, and there is no advantage in the price war, they are ready to shrink their business in an all-round way to ensure that their three-person company can survive this cold winter so that they can jointly fight against Qingtian Pharmaceutical.

At the same time, the three of them were preparing to study the plan and let Lu Chen contribute.

Since Lu Chen has a background in the provincial capital, he is very likely to be able to achieve the effect he wants through the opponent's background. In this way, he might be able to unexpectedly win against Qingtian Pharmaceutical.

"Tell me, what are we going to do now? Are we going to shrink our business scope, or are we going to ask Lu Chen for help?" Qishu analyzed the problems currently encountered by his three companies to Zhang Yue and the others, and then raised the question, hoping that The two give their respective suggestions, and then the three make a decision.

"I'm wondering if our decision to agree to help Lu Chen sell his drugs was a bit reckless. Now our market share is still being eroded and there has been no change."

"Also, although Lu Chen has connections in the provincial capital, the provincial capital belongs to the provincial capital. We are just a prefecture-level city."

"It is said that the sky is high and the emperor is far away. He is powerful in that place and he can't control our Qingtian City."

Left Bank put forward his own opinion.

He didn't know why Zhang Yue wanted to pull on Lu Chen, at least the past few days had passed, and he hadn't seen Lu Chen's contribution.

Therefore, he wanted to give up on Lu Chen.

"I think it's up to me to talk to Lu Chen. If he can help us, that would be the best. If he can't help us, then let's return his medicine."

Zhang Yue said at this time: "Although we don't need to stock his medicines and are only selling them on behalf of others, people still occupy our personnel and warehouses. Now we have to shrink our business to have a chance to survive."

"Good news, good news!"

While the three of them were discussing, Qi Shu's assistant suddenly rushed into the conference room excitedly, with a look of excitement on her face.

"Secretary Zou, why are you so excited? Don't you know you have to control your emotions during work?" Qi Shu frowned slightly and criticized Zou Mei.

Only then did Zou Mei calm down and said, "Mr. Qi, it's like this. All the drugs of the Lu Group are selling like hotcakes. In just three days, one-third of them have been sold. At this rate, , we can reach [-] million sales in ten days.”


After her words came out, no matter whether it was Qi Shu, Zhang Yue or Zuo An, they all stood up directly.

There was disbelief in their eyes.

Now the pharmaceutical market is firmly controlled by Yuan Qingtian, so it is very difficult for them to seize Yuan Qingtian's market.

According to Zou Mei, more than 1000 million yuan of medicine can be sold in a day, and [-] million yuan can be sold in a month. So how popular is this medicine?

"Quick, Zou Mei, arrange experts immediately to conduct corresponding tests on the ingredients and efficacy of Lu Chen's medicines. When the test results come out, hand them over to us immediately." Qi Shu felt that these medicines were very unusual.

"Yes, Mr. Qi."

Zou Mei stuck out her tongue.

Just now Qishu was still saying that he should be careful not to lose his composure. Didn't he also lose his composure?
After Zou Mei left, Qi Shu and the others looked at each other, and then he said: "Perhaps, we don't need to ask him for help. His medicines can tear a huge gap in our pharmaceutical market in Qingtian City." opening, allowing us to expand our market share.”

(End of this chapter)

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