My cold CEO wife

Chapter 510 It's Him Again

Chapter 510 It's Him Again

The three of Qishu never thought that the problem that caused them three headaches was solved by Lu Chen just like this.

Moreover, the three of them did not pay attention to Lu Chen's medicine at all at first. If it were not for Lu Chen's identity issue, they would not have given up Lu Chen's medicine at all.

I didn't expect it now, but it was because of Lu Chen's drug problems that they were now so competitive.

They suddenly looked forward to it.

Soon, Qishu’s secretary presented the test results.

The effects of these drugs are miraculous for them.

What is a miraculous effect?

That is, the effect of these drugs has reached the extreme that can be achieved, and the effect is countless times better than other drugs of the same type on the market.

"It's been issued. It's been issued now. With these drugs, it's very likely that we will directly dominate the pharmaceutical market in Qingtian City." The three of them looked at each other, with shock in their eyes.

At first, they had high expectations for Lu Chen's medicines, but now they find that such expectations are not enough. Lu Chen is not simply opening a hole for Qingtian Pharmaceutical, but is completely impacting Qingtian Pharmaceutical's market.

"This Lu Chen, who is he? How could he be trash and a playboy?"

Qishu asked his question and said: "It is said that the drugs he developed are at least ten years faster than the drugs on the market. How did he develop them?"

Both Zhang Yue and Zuo An shook their heads, both at a loss.

Ordinarily, no one in the world could study such a medicinal effect. Lu Chen was just a small company in a prefecture-level city.


City Hospital.

Yuan Qingtian is present here, accompanied by the hospital director and other leaders. Yuan Qingtian is the boss of the largest pharmaceutical company in the city, and deserves to be treated with such high standards by the entire hospital.

The purpose of his coming here was that he heard that his son had been beaten, so he wanted to see what happened.

When Yuan Qingtian appeared in the special care room, he found that both sides of Yuan Jun's face were wrapped, and even his right hand was wrapped with gauze.

But Yuan Jun was already asleep at this time.

"How is my son?"

Yuan Qingtian looked at the doctor next to him and asked.

"Mr. Yuan, Mr. Yuan... his face may have permanent scars, and his right... right hand may not be saved."

The doctor was afraid that Yuan Qingtian would be angry, so he whispered.

"What, I can't save my right hand. How do you open this hospital? If my son can't save his right hand, I want all of you to lose your jobs."

When the doctor said that Yuan Jun's right hand could not be saved, Yuan Qingtian became furious and yelled loudly.

For a moment, all the doctors, including the dean, were in a state of silence.

Because Yuan Qingtian really has such ability, Yuan Qingtian invested in this hospital and became one of the shareholders.

Yuan Jun was awakened by Yuan Qingtian's voice. The first thing he saw when he woke up was his father, crying profusely.

"Oh, dad, I don't want to live anymore. My right hand was crippled. You have to help me take revenge."

"Tell Dad, who crippled your right hand, I must make him look good." Yuan Qingtian asked in a deep voice.

Yuan Jun quickly replied: "It's Cheng Jin. It was Cheng Jin who crippled my right hand."

Hearing the word Cheng Jin, Yuan Qingtian's pupils shrank sharply.

If he were to make trouble for Cheng Jin, he would be looking for death.

Because Cheng Jin is now the young master of the Cheng family, one of the wealthy families in the provincial capital. Although he is the richest man in Qingtian City, there is still a huge gap between his overall strength and that of the Cheng Jin family.

If it was really Yuan Jun who was crippled by Cheng Jin, he really wouldn't be able to avenge this.

"What's going on? Don't you have a good relationship with Cheng Jin? Why did he cripple your hand?" Yuan Qingtian asked doubtfully.

Recently, he felt that his son had become successful and had become acquainted with Cheng Jin. From now on, it would be much easier for the Yuan family to develop in the provincial capital, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Dad, Cheng Jin was bewitched by Lu Chen. He must have been under Lu Chen's sorcery at that time, so he attacked me. The culprit was the man named Lu Chen." Yuan Jun thought for a while and replied. .

At that time, he was already stunned by Lu Chen, so he didn't know what happened. He only knew that Cheng Jin listened to Lu Chen's words and took action against him.

Now that he thinks about it, he really can't figure out why Cheng Jin listened to Lu Chen, so he just thinks that Cheng Jin was bewitched by Lu Chen's magic.

Yuan Qingtian had never heard of this name and couldn't help but ask: "Lu Chen, who is Lu Chen?"

"It can't be that playboy Lu Chen from Guiyuan City, right?"

At this time, a young nurse asked.

She is one of the many historical girlfriends of Lu Chen in Guiyuan City, so she has heard of the name Lu Chen and is quite impressed by it.

"Yes, that's him, that kid."

Hearing the nurse's words, Yuan Jun replied excitedly: "Dad, that kid is a prodigal. Because he owed so much debt, he forced his parents to death. Dad, you must avenge me. "

Yuan Qingtian did not speak, but fell into thinking.

"Boss, something is wrong."

While he was thinking, the secretary came in and spoke.

"What's wrong? How can you behave in such a panic?" Yuan Qingtian criticized.

Secretary He realized that he had lost his composure. He calmed down and said: "Our market is constantly being eroded, and the eroding speed is very fast. If we continue to develop at this rate, our market share will only take a week. If it drops to less than 50.00%, if one month later, our market may shrink to 30.00%."


Yuan Qingtian was shocked, and then he asked: "Who are the three of them?"

In Yuan Qingtian's view, the only three people in the city who might cause trouble to his industry are Qi Shu, Zhang Yue and Zuo An.

"It's them and it's not them," the secretary replied.

Yuan Qingtian directly grabbed the secretary by the collar, dragged him in front of him, and said, "Be careful when you speak."

"Those miraculous medicines were provided by a young man named Lu Chen. They borrowed the prayer books and sold them through their channels. So strictly speaking, it is this person named Lu Chen who is dealing with us." The secretary replied.

"Lu Chen? It's him again."

Yuan Qingtian's eyes flashed with anger.

His own son was defeated by this person, and now the other party has appeared again.

"I'm going to kill this kid."

Soon, Yuan Qingtian made a decision.

"Mr. Yuan, think again!"

The secretary heard that Yuan Qingtian was about to take action and said: "We should not conflict with this person named Lu Chen. If possible, I suggest convincing him to let him use our sales channels. This will help us occupy a larger market." market."

Generally, many people's secretaries are women, but Yuan Qingtian's secretary is a man. Because this man has excellent management skills, Yuan Qingtian leaves things to him and basically doesn't have to worry about the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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