My cold CEO wife

Chapter 550 Conquering Long Xiangtian

Chapter 550 Conquering Long Xiangtian

Lu Chen stood far away, looking at Long Xiangtian playfully.

Long Xiangtian said: "I want to make a second bet with you. If you can let me break through to the first glimpse of martial arts in an instant, I will also be willing to become your teacher."

Obviously, he is more eager to break through to a higher level.

Because he has been stuck in the peak state of martial arts entry level for a long time.


Lu Chen agreed and said, "Show your dragon essence body protection, and I will stimulate your potential."

"it is good!"

Long Xiangtian also agreed, and then he began to display the Dragon Essence Body Protection.

After he performed it, Lu Chen slowly approached him.

Long Aotian was nervous as never before.

Lu Chen threw the dog's tail out, breaking it with the eight seals of the universe, and his dog's tail landed on the stem position.

Qian is the sky, and the flying dragon is in the sky.

At this moment, Long Xiangtian's almost invisible energy seemed to be pulled by something, and it turned into a divine dragon of vitality and soared into the sky.

Then, the vitality dragon rolled backwards and entered Long Xiangtian's body.

Long Xiangtian's body immediately felt an invisible energy entering his body. With the impact of this energy, he felt as if his whole body was about to explode like a hot furnace.


He roared wildly.

Following his roar, the Qi in his body could no longer be restrained.

Then, the dragon roared to the sky, and his whole body felt refreshed, as if an invisible force appeared in his body between heaven and earth.

As for the surrounding crowd, they felt completely different. They felt a majestic aura coming from Long Xiangtian's body, which made them almost unable to stand still.

Especially those who are weak, they almost surrender to the ground.

There is a dragon aura in Long Xiangtian's body, and this dragon aura is more noble than human beings.

That is the bloodline suppression of low-level creatures by high-level creatures.

Now Long Xiangtian's strength is not strong enough. If he were stronger, it is very likely that these people would not be able to bear it and fall to their knees.

"Breakthrough, I finally broke through." Long Xiangtian laughed and stood up, looking very energetic.

"Congratulations to Boss Long, congratulations to Boss Long."

When Long Xiangtian broke through, several Vajra-level people in the entire Donghua Association began to cheer loudly, and other younger brothers below also cheered.

When everyone had finished cheering, Snake Kingang said: "Boss Long, you must not accept this guy as your teacher as promised. This guy is a blind cat who met a dead mouse. He may happen to know what kind of skills you practice, and his strength is not good." How about it."

"If you want to worship him as your teacher, there will be no way to avenge the hatred between our Donghua Society and him."

"Moreover, your current strength has become so powerful that you don't need to be afraid of him at all."

As Snake King Kong's words came out, everyone else echoed.

"Kill him, Boss Long, kill him, and avenge the dead King Kongs."

Zhao Qing looked vaguely worried.

After all, the aura exuded by Long Xiangtian is too powerful, and he himself has made a breakthrough now. Can Lu Chen take down Long Xiangtian?
His eyes couldn't help but fall on Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen looked very indifferent, he just looked at Long Xiangtian quietly, wanting to see what choice he made.

If Long Xiangtian's choice was to kill him, then the other party was a person who broke his word. He would not accept such a person as his disciple, no matter how talented he was.

His disciples must not have evil minds.

But if Long Xiangtian is willing to accept him as his disciple as agreed, then he is willing to do his best to cultivate him.

There is no reason not to go all out to cultivate such a person who is talented and has a righteous nature.

"Disciple pays homage to master!"

Just when Lu Chen was thinking this, Long Xiangtian knelt in front of him.

Long Xiangtian is a very committed person, and he will never fail to do what he promises.

Now that the bet with Lu Chen has been lost, according to the agreement, he should become Lu Chen's disciple.

Lu Chen's eyes showed a smile.

He recognized Long Xiangtian's talent, but he was not sure about the other party's character.

Obviously, Long Xiangtian's character has now withstood the test.

"You're glad you didn't attack me just now, otherwise you would be a dead person now."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said at the same time: "Your inheritance of skills is not complete. Now I pass on the complete skills to you as a meeting gift to you."

While Lu Chen was speaking, he pointed a finger at Long Xiangtian's eyebrows.

Long Xiangtian felt as if his memory inheritance had been opened. He felt as if there was an ancient dragon roaring at the heaven and earth.

That day, the dragon looked down at the world from a bird's eye, with a look that looked down on the world.

Suddenly, a special temperament appeared on his body. This special temperament made everyone feel more like surrendering.

"Thank you Master!"

Long Xiangtian had sincere respect for Lu Chen.

This respect comes from two aspects. The first aspect is that Lu Chen did give him a great gift. This gift will be of endless use to him throughout his life.

Another great gift was because the stronger he became, the more he felt that Lu Chen was special.

The feeling Lu Chen gave him was still unfathomable. He had a feeling that if he made a move against Lu Chen now, he might still be defeated by one move.

"Take all your people away. Everything that needs to be rectified has been rectified. I don't want what happened tonight to reach the ears of my wife."

Lu Chen said to Long Xiangtian.

"Yes, master, this disciple understands." Long Xiangtian agreed.

"You guys should disperse." Lu Chen said to Zhao Qing and others.

After speaking, Lu Chen turned around and left.

Originally, he thought he was going to go on a killing spree tonight, but in the end he discovered that the killing spree might not be possible.

Because Long Xiangtian is very good, and Lu Chen doesn't want to touch his people.

After Lu Chen left, Long Xiangtian took the initiative to ask Zhao Qing to ask him everything about Lu Chen, his hobbies and dislikes, etc.

He will definitely not make Lu Chen unhappy in the future.

After learning that Zhao Qing was Lu Chen's apprentice, he took the initiative to treat Zhao Qing as his junior disciple.

Now that Zhao Qing has such an awesome junior like Long Xiangtian, he feels that following Lu Chen is the right choice.

Only by following such characters can we have a future.

After Zhao Qing left, Long Xiangtian gave death orders to everyone below.

"Everyone here obeys my order. No one is allowed to tell anyone what happened tonight. If I, Long Xiangtian, find out, I will destroy his whole family."

When Long Xiangtian said this, he completely unleashed his momentum. The younger brother, who couldn't bear it outside, actually had his legs trembling.

The current Long Xiangtian is too powerful and they cannot bear it.

He issued the death order mainly because what Lu Chen confessed should not be known to Lin Qinghan. If the other party did not know, then no one could publicize what happened tonight, otherwise it might spread to Lin Qinghan. inside the ear.

(End of this chapter)

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