My cold CEO wife

Chapter 551 Prepare to deal with Lu Chen

Chapter 551 Prepare to deal with Lu Chen
The news that Zuo Le and others lost contact in China reached the Sakura Club.

The cherry blossoms will vibrate up and down.

Zoler's strength is not low. If he were in the secular world, he would be absolutely invincible. Such a character ended up being unable to contact him.

The only possibility is that Zuole and others died.

The president of the Sakura Club sat at the top and didn't say anything, but everyone felt that a depressive atmosphere was brewing.

It was as if they were going to feel the eruption of this volcano.

"In my name, call Donghua Club. I want to know the specific situation." The president of Sakura Club sat at the top. After a long time, he finally spoke.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in China. If they go there rashly, they will go to the dragon pool and the tiger's den.

Therefore, there is only one thing they have to do now, and that is to first investigate the cause of death of Zoler and others, so that they can take the next step.

But now it is inconvenient for them to go to China, so they can only seek help from the Donghua Society.

The people below quickly dialed the Donghua Club's contact number, and then handed the phone to the president of the Sakura Club.

"Hello, who are you?"

Long Xiangtian's voice came from the other side.

Now Long Xiangtian has returned to the headquarters of Donghua Society, because the president of Donghua Society usually does not appear in the headquarters, and now Long Xiangtian's strength alone can crush everyone, so now he is almost The boss of Tung Wah Club.

There is a very important phone number in Tung Wah Club. Only a few people know this number, and the calls that come in are usually important calls.

This number is usually kept in the hands of the president, but the president gave this number to Long Xiangtian, which shows how much he valued Long Xiangtian.

"I am Ishinmaru, the president of the Sakura Club."

The name of Ishenmaru, the president of the Sakura Club, came immediately from the other side.

"I don't know what orders Mr. Jing Shen gave me when he called me?"

Hearing the call from Jingshenmaru, Long Xiangtian had already guessed what had happened. According to his guess, the fact that Zuo Le and others died here must have been known to the Sakura Society. Now Jingshenmaru Come and find out for yourself.

"Let me ask you, has Zuole contacted you since he arrived in China?"

Ishenmaru asked.

"I have contacted you. Mr. Zuo Le asked me for Lu Chen's contact information and information about Lu Chen." Long Jingang replied to Jing Shenwan.

He knew that if he said that Zoler had not contacted him, no one would believe him. If he said that he had contacted him, it would be true.

As for what he and Zuo Le had talked about, Zuo Le was dead now anyway, and Ishenmaru had no way of knowing.

"Really? You must be Dragon King Kong, right? Do you know the consequences of lying to me?" Jingshenmaru did not regard Dragon King Kong as a being on his own level, so he spoke very forcefully.

"Your Excellency Jingshenmaru, Mr. Zoler indeed only asked me about these things. What, did something happen to him?" Long Jingang asked pretending not to know anything.

"Hmph, since you haven't had much contact with each other, you don't need to know other things. Send me Lu Chen's relevant information." Jing Shenwan said to Long Jingang in a commanding tone.

To be honest, just with the way Ishenmaru spoke, Long Kongang could reject him.

Although the overall strength of the Sakura Club is higher than that of the Donghua Club in the international arena, the Donghua Club is a domestic organization in China and rarely contacts international forces. Even if he does not give Ishenmaru face, Ishenmaru Maruya couldn't do anything to him.

However, he still chose not to anger Ishenmaru. If the other party went crazy, he might be in a lot of big trouble.

"Mr. Jingshenmaru, please wait a moment and provide me with an email address, and I will send you Lu Chen's relevant information." Long Xiangtian agreed pretending not to know anything.

Only then did Ishenmaru hang up the phone.

After Jing Shenwan hung up the phone, Long Xiangtian dialed Lu Chen's number.

"Master, Ishenmaru from Sakura Club called me. He probably wants to deal with you. He also asked me to send him your relevant information. Do I want to send it to him?"

Now that Long Xiangtian is Lu Chen's apprentice, when he thinks about things, he naturally thinks about Lu Chen's gang first, "This Sakura Club is one level higher than the overall strength of the Donghua Club. What do you think I should do?"

The Sakura Society is a level higher than the Donghua Society. He wondered if Lu Chen could deal with such an old man like Jing Shenmaru.

Therefore, Long Xiangtian wanted to seek Lu Chen's opinion.

"Oh, Ishenmaru from Sakura Club? Who is he?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"This person is very famous among the older generation. He is a master among masters. I am definitely no match for him. There may be a gap between Master and him because he has been practicing for almost a hundred years." Long. Xiang Tian said to Lu Chen.

"Oh, that's it. Then give him my information. I want to see how he will deal with me." Lu Chen's lips curved.

"Yes, Master!"

Long Xiangtian agreed to come down.

Then Long Xiangtian began to sort out Lu Chen's relevant information and sent Lu Chen's information through the email address sent by Sakura Club.

Jingshenmaru quickly received everything about Lu Chen.

Then, they began to conduct a second meeting with Lu Chen.

If it were in China, this matter would not be so troublesome at all. They would just suppress Lu Chen forcefully and it would be over. But that was in China.

"I tell you clearly that Zuole and the others are dead. This is information about Lu Chen. Tell me, how should we deal with this guy now?"

Sitting in the large conference room, Jing Shenmaru motioned to his secretary to distribute the information about Lu Chen.

Everyone sat below and read attentively. Even when they were studying, they had never read the information so carefully.

"Darou Murakami, tell me how to deal with Lu Chen?"

Ishenmaru looked at Murakami Dairo and asked.

"President, you are so powerful. If you take all of us directly to China and slap Lu Chen to death, wouldn't that be the end of it?" Dairo Murakami replied.

Hearing this, Jingshenmaru showed a little dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to train Zoler the most, but Zoler is dead now, and this Murakami Dairo has become the existence second only to Zoler. He intended to train him, but this Murakami Dairo's head, It doesn't seem to be as useful as imagined.

"Does anyone else have any good ideas?" Ishenmaru glanced down and asked.

"President, I have a suggestion. What do you think?"

At this time, a middle-aged man stood up and saluted Ishenmaru.


Jingshenmaru ordered this person.

This person then said: "If we are to deal with Lu Chen in China, we must go to China. China is a mysterious country. After we go there, there is a high chance that we will never return, so I suggest that Lu Chen be sent to China." Bring him to our country and then attack him."

(End of this chapter)

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