My cold CEO wife

Chapter 553 The Strange Request

Chapter 553 The Strange Request

"Sun Group wants to cooperate with our company and hopes that our company can visit their group site and have business exchanges."

Liu Qian quickly replied: "I went to see Mr. Lin just now. He asked me to go to the Sun Group with you. She hopes that we can complete this project."

The Sun Group is a large enterprise in the world's top [-]. It is of great benefit to the Lin Group to be able to cooperate with the Sun Group.

However, because the Lin Group currently has a patent on new energy, Sun Group is not particularly good at this area, so it needs the Lin Group to provide technical support and on-site guidance.

"Okay, then you make the arrangements."

Lu Chen pursed his lips when he heard Liu Qian's words.

If he went to the island country with Lin Qinghan, he would still be very interested, but if he just went to the island country with other people, then his interest would not be so high.

Liu Qian frowned slightly when she saw that Lu Chen didn't look happy, but she didn't show her unhappiness excessively.

Moreover, Lu Chen was now Lin Qinghan's husband, and Lin Qinghan was her benefactor. She did not dare to think too much about Lu Chen.

"Okay, then I'll make the arrangements." Liu Qian agreed.

She quickly booked a flight to Sukyo, the island country. After booking the flight, she contacted the people at the Sun Group of the island country and told them the time they would arrive.

After all, it was their first time to go to an island country, so when they arrived in an island country, they were unfamiliar with the place, and they needed someone from the island country to receive them.


Liu Qian took Lu Chen and the two boarded a plane to Xujing.

With a rumble, the plane quickly took off from the ground.

Because the trip was quite hasty, Liu Qian did not book a luxury business room, but only booked an ordinary plane ticket, and the two of them sat in ordinary seats.

As soon as he got on the plane, Lu Chen closed his eyes and began to collect himself.

As for Liu Qian, she sat next to Lu Chen and leaned her body as far back as possible on the seat. She looked sideways at Lu Chen with a satisfied look on her face.

If she could just look at Lu Chen like this for the rest of her life, she would be satisfied.

"What a pretty girl!"

Sitting next to Liu Qian was a young and handsome man, but when this man smelled the faint fragrance coming from Liu Qian, an evil light and desire appeared in his eyes.

His hand couldn't help but slide towards Liu Qian's thigh.

Liu Qian was wearing a formal business skirt, so his hand touched Liu Qian's skirt, but the touch from under the skirt also made the man very excited.

He started to hit Liu Qian and found that Liu Qian didn't respond, so he seemed to be greatly encouraged and emboldened, and he became even more unscrupulous. His hand further reached towards Liu Qian's thigh. He began to slide irregularly on Liu Qian's thigh.

He was convinced that women were afraid of being harassed, and would regard it as a shame and dare not speak out, so he used even greater force.

"what are you doing?"

However, unexpectedly, Liu Qian yelled at him.

The man was startled and quickly retracted his hand. He closed his eyes and pretended as if nothing happened.

When Liu Qian saw that the man had become more behaved, he could not continue to have an attack.

Seeing that Liu Qian did not cause any further trouble for him, the man breathed a sigh of relief. He thought about the pleasure he felt when his fingertips slid over him just now. It was like being addicted to marijuana. When Liu Qian was not paying attention, he went to touch his hand again. He reached towards Liu Qian's thigh.

"Damn hooligan, what are you doing? If you mess around again, I'll be called a flight attendant."

Liu Qian is not the weak person she imagined. She especially takes her innocence very seriously. Now that someone is taking advantage of her, how can she resist letting the other person take advantage of her?

When Liu Qian screamed, the man took his hand back again.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Liu Qian and the man.

"You damn gangster, what are you touching with your hands?" Liu Qian asked.

Naturally, the man would not admit that he touched Lu Chen randomly at this time, and asked back: "Which hand of yours saw me touching him randomly?"

"Hmph, your left hand was groping around on your leg. Flight attendant, please help me change his position." Liu Qian said confidently.

"Bah, stinky woman, please don't slander me casually. I didn't touch you randomly. It was you who just told me that you were empty and lonely and asked me if I wanted to touch you. It was obviously you who wanted to seduce me." He said equally confidently.

Liu Qian was so angry that her delicate breasts were heaving.

She didn't expect that it would be so shameless for a thief to shout "Catch a thief" now.

"I didn't, he was talking nonsense."

Being watched by so many people, Liu Qian, as a woman, always felt a little embarrassed and her face was slightly nervous.

Her nervousness was regarded by the man as a sign of guilty conscience. He said loudly: "Look, she is scared now and her voice has become softer. She was clearly the one who seduced me. She told me that After getting off the plane, she wanted to book a room with me, but she had to pay money and we didn't agree on the price, so she was dissatisfied and deliberately framed me." The man said more and more confidently.

"Oh, women nowadays are so indecent."

"No, the more beautiful a woman is, the more shameless she is. Nowadays, many women like to make money lying around and sell them."

"I see, she just wants to go to the island country to earn a lot of money, so that others will think that she is a woman from the island country, so that she can earn money from men in the future."

When people outside heard the man's words and saw Liu Qian's expression, they felt that the man's words were more credible and started talking.

Hearing these comments, Liu Qian felt particularly aggrieved. Her eyes were so red that she almost cried.

He was clearly the one who was taken advantage of, and now he was still being misunderstood.

"Apologise to my friend and squat in that corner for me. This matter is over."

At this time, a faint voice sounded, with no doubt about it.

The man was very proud. When he heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "What are you talking about? Do you have the guts to say it again?"

"I'll let you squat in that corner and apologize to my friend again." Lu Chen's voice increased.

"Haha, it's not my fault to apologize. Why should I apologize? Why, if I don't apologize, are you going to hit me?"

The man immediately laughed, raised his head and said, "Come on, hit me if you dare, hit me here."

"I have never heard of such a weird request. Since you have such a request, I will naturally satisfy you." Lu Chen stood up and slapped the man in the face.

The man's face was immediately swollen, and he was almost thrown away.

"Fuck you, how dare you hit me? I will fight with you." The man was beaten by Lu Chen and rushed towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stretched his feet out slightly. The man immediately lost his balance and fell out.

"Flight attendant, where is the flight attendant, he hit someone."

After being tripped by Lu Chen, the man stood up and started yelling.

(End of this chapter)

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