My cold CEO wife

Chapter 554 I am something you can’t deal with

Chapter 554 I am something you can’t deal with
Under the man's cry, the flight attendant quickly walked over.

She asked: "What's going on?"

"Don't you care if this kid hits me? Look, half of my face is swollen."

The man pointed to his swollen face and said to the flight attendant.

When the flight attendant heard this, he walked towards Lu Chen and said, "Sir, what happened? Why did you hit this gentleman?"

"He asked me to hit him."

Lu Chen pursed his lips and said.

"Nonsense, I didn't ask you to hit me. You obviously hit me on purpose." The man roared.

Lu Chen admitted frankly: "Yes, I did hit you on purpose because I couldn't stand you."

"Did you hear that, he hit me on purpose, I want you to ask him to apologize to me, put him on the blacklist of your shift, and never let him take your car in the future."

When the man heard Lu Chen admit that he hit him on purpose, he started shouting at the flight attendant.

"Sir, please apologize to him."

The flight attendant heard the man's words and said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen played with taste: "Why, you just believe his words like this? Then why don't you ask me why I beat him?"


The flight attendant was a little embarrassed.

The man roared and said, "This kid is having an epileptic fit, and he hit me on purpose. Make him apologize to me right away, or I will file a complaint against you."

The flight attendant was in a dilemma because she was caught in the middle. In the end, she set her sights on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen pursed his lips and said, "Beauty, I won't embarrass you anymore. You can go and question your video surveillance today. Once you see the surveillance, you can make your own judgment."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The flight attendant felt that Lu Chen's words were very reasonable, and she immediately agreed. Then she started to watch the corresponding video, and then saw the man's rude actions towards Liu Qian.

"Sir, please apologize to this gentleman, and also apologize to this lady. Otherwise, our airline will put you on our company's blacklist and you will never be allowed to fly with us. flight."

The flight attendant came to the man and said to him.

As a woman herself, she naturally knew that this man was a pervert. She could not forgive such a man for doing such a thing to Liu Qian.

"Sir, I'm sorry. Beauty, I'm sorry."

When the man went to adjust the video recording by the flight attendant, he knew that he was the unreasonable party now, so he could only apologize obediently, but he took Lu Chen down.

When he got off the plane, he had to look good to Lu Chen.

After he apologized, the flight attendant arranged for him to be in a separate place, so as to prevent the other party from continuing to take advantage of Liu Qian.


The plane landed on the ground at some point. When the man got off the plane, he immediately called Momotaro's phone number.

Momotaro is the boss of a small organization in the island country.

The man's name is Muto, and he has a brotherly relationship with Momotaro, so he can impress Momotaro.

After Lu Chen and Liu Qian got off the plane, Muto quickly followed Lu Chen and Liu Qian. Now that Momotaro hadn't appeared yet, he couldn't let Lu Chen and Liu Qian disappear from his sight. within the range.

Within the Sakura Club, an elite named Jiang Fujiwara was arranged to receive Lu Chen and Liu Qian.

The strength of this elite is not high, but he is also the most suitable.

Because in the eyes of outsiders, the Sun Group is just an ordinary Fortune [-] company, and the characters inside certainly don't have any advanced martial arts.

If Sakura Club sends a master to receive Lu Chen and Liu Qian now, the authenticity of what happened to Lu Chen may be revealed.

As for the relationship between the Sakura Club and the Sun Group, in fact, it is the Sakura Club that controls the Sun Group.

"Hello, Miss Liu Qian, I am Jiang Fujiwara, the person responsible for receiving you. Are you at the airport now? I will pick you up."

Jiang Fujiwara guessed that Liu Qian and the two had already got off the plane, so he dialed Liu Qian's phone and asked.

"We've already got off the plane, let's make an appointment to meet at the coffee hut, I want to go there to punch a card."

The Coffee House is a place where Internet celebrities check in. Many people who come to the island country will check in there. Liu Qian naturally doesn't want to miss it when she comes here.

"Okay, then I'll pick you up at the coffee house. I hope you two have a pleasant trip." Jiang Fujihara said to Liu Qian.

It was daytime, and in public in the hall, it was difficult for people from the Sakura Club to attack Lu Chen, so he planned to take Liu Qian and Lu Chen to a less crowded place, and then the president would personally take action.

After all, Lu Chen was still very strong. He was worried that he would not be able to defeat Lu Chen but would expose Sakura, which would be self-defeating. So he had to first take Lu Chen and Liu Qian to the place where they had prepared an ambush. Then take action against the two of them.

Lu Chen didn't know that Sakura Club was dealing with him, but he had a vague feeling that coming to the island country might be part of Sakura Club's plot.

Along the way, Liu Qian led Lu Chen towards the coffee house, looking particularly excited.

She liked the feeling of being alone with Lu Chen very much. Although she also knew that Lu Chen would not like her, she still held on to the possibility.

When the two went to the coffee house, Muto quietly followed them, and Momotaro was also on the way.

Soon, Momotaro joins Muto.

"Brother, who are you going to deal with?" Momotaro asked Muto.

Wu Teng pointed at Lu Chen and Liu Qian not far away and said, "That's them."

"Hey, brother, where did you find such a decent girl? Did you take advantage of her and be taken care of by that man?" After seeing Liu Qian's background, Momotaro secretly asked.

He has rarely encountered such a decent girl.

"Hey, you've seen it all."

Muto smiled and said: "Second brother, as long as you can deal with that boy and that woman, then we two brothers will work together..."

When he said this, he smiled even more obscenely.

"make a deal!"

Momotaro also smiled, then he pointed at Lu Chen and said to the brothers behind him: "Brothers, come up here and surround that kid."

The people below heard Momotaro's words and quickly surrounded Lu Chen and Liu Qian.

Soon, more than ten people surrounded the two.

Wu Teng crossed the crowd and came to Lu Chen's side. He almost raised his head to the sky and said, "Boy, you didn't expect that I would find someone to surround you, did you?"

Lu Chen smiled faintly and said, "I had thought that you would find someone to surround me, but it's useless for you to surround me. I am something you can't deal with."

"Fuck you, I'm going to deal with you today. Come and see. Look at the people around here. They are all my brothers. If you don't kneel down in front of me today and apologize, then give your woman to me, I will beat you on the spot." Break your legs." Muto roared at Lu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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