My cold CEO wife

Chapter 565 Let him come and get people

Chapter 565 Let him come and get people

"This kid is so crazy. He dares to grab our president's fist."

"Yes, I don't know how he died later."

"President Maekawa, break his fingers."


The boy below saw Lu Chen grabbing Maekawa's fist with his five fingers and laughed at Lu Chen's ignorance.

However, their discussion suddenly stopped before they could finish speaking.

I saw Lu Chen holding Maekawa's fist firmly in his palm, and no matter how hard Maekawa struggled, he couldn't get away.

"Let me go."

Maekawa wanted to take his fist back from Lu Chen's hand, but found that he couldn't do it.

Because the power of Lu Chen's fingers was too great, a feeling of horror arose in his heart.

"Let go!"

Seeing that Lu Chen wouldn't let go, Maekawa kicked Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen saw this, he smiled coldly, and then he kicked Maekawa first and then kicked the knee of Maekawa's other leg that was off the ground.

Maekawa struggled and immediately knelt down.

Lu Chen's hand grabbed Maekawa's fist and exerted a slight force. As a result, there was a sound of bones breaking in Maekawa's hand.


People outside couldn't help but gasped when they saw Maekawa's miserable condition.

In their eyes, Maekawa was an unattainable existence, extremely powerful, but he was such an existence, and as a result, he couldn't even resist in Lu Chen's hands, which shows how powerful Lu Chen is.

At first Lu Chen said that only their president liked him, and they thought it was Lu Chen who was showing off. But as Lu Chen gradually revealed his strength, everyone discovered that Lu Chen was probably not faking at all. force.

"Call your president and ask him to pick up the person."

Lu Chen's eyes turned to Yoshida Shoichi and said at the same time: "I will only give you an hour. If you don't grow up within an hour, I will kill this person directly."

"Okay, I'll contact our president right away. I'll contact our president right away." Masaichi Yoshida agreed instantly. He took out his cell phone and started reporting the situation to the meeting.

When he contacted Ichiro Yamaguchi, Lu Chen also took out his mobile phone and started calling Ishenmaru.

Because Jingshenmaru might be needed in the future, when Lu Chen left Jingshenmaru, he asked Jingshenmaru to provide him with a mobile phone number so that he could contact the other party.

Naturally, what Jingshenmaru provided was his personal mobile phone number. When he received the call from China, Jingshenmaru's hands couldn't help but tremble.

Because his mobile phone number is very private, there is only one person in Huaguo who has his own mobile phone number, and that is Lu Chen.

Now Lu Chen actually called him. Could this be a way to liquidate himself?

He was a little scared, but he had to answer the call because Lu Chen could find his base camp.

"Excuse me, is this Your Excellency Lu Chen?" After answering the phone, Jing Shenwan asked cautiously.

"You're not stupid, it's me."

Lu Chen opened his mouth and said, "Come to Banana Street!"

"Your Excellency Lu Chen, can you tell me why you asked me to go to Banana Street?"

He was very afraid that Lu Chen would go back on his agreement and liquidate himself.

"You don't want your cherry blossoms to be wiped out by the Yamaguchi Society. You don't want Yamaguchi Ichiro to settle the score with you after I leave the island country? I haven't given you the Prajna Kung Fu I promised you. Don't you want it anymore?" Lu Chen Leng Said coldly.

The three questions he asked in a row are all problems that Jing Shenmaru urgently needs to solve.

Now if Lu Chen is willing to help him, these three problems will no longer be a problem.

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

Jing Shenwan did not ask Lu Chen any more questions, but chose to believe him. After all, Lu Chen had followed the agreement not long ago and did not kill him.

Wealth is found in danger, and he is now going to pursue his own wealth.


Lu Chen responded and hung up the phone.

Let’s talk about Yamaguchi Ichiro.

He received a call from Yoshida Shoichi, who asked him for help and asked him to save Maekawa.

Maekawa is a powerful general of the Yamaguchi Association. If he does not save such a person, it will be a huge loss to Yamaguchi.

However, after his fight with Lu Chen today, he did not dare to act rashly.

He was very afraid that this was Lu Chen's trap, just to lure him out.

"How old is this person? Did he say his name?" Yamaguchi Ichiro asked to confirm.

"I didn't say his name, but he should be considered a middle-aged man."

Yoshida thought for a while and replied.

"Are you sure you are a middle-aged man?" Yamaguchi Ichiro confirmed again.


Yoshida Masaichi looked in Lu Chen's direction and nodded sharply.

Half of his face was swollen by Lu Chen, which affected his vision. In addition, it was rainy and his vision was also affected. He directly mistook Lu Chen for a middle-aged man.

"Okay, I'll go over right away. I want to see who dares to touch my Yamaguchi Club members." Yamaguchi Ichiro immediately agreed.

He didn't know when there was such a master in the island country who could easily crush Maekawa, but as long as this person was not Lu Chen, that would be fine.

In his eyes, Lu Chen was a young man, and the person Yoshida Shoichi was talking about was a middle-aged man. The other person could not be Lu Chen.

Therefore, he now dares to go boldly and safely.

"I want to see who dares to bully my Yamaguchi Club members."

Not long after, Yamaguchi Ichiro appeared on Banana Street. He got out of the special car and walked towards where everyone was.

Because now the people from the Yamaguchi Club surrounded Lu Chen three times inside and three outside. In addition, everyone was quite tall, so they just blocked Yamaguchi Ichiro's sight.

Therefore, after Ichiro Yamaguchi got off the car, he did not see Lu Chen immediately, otherwise he would definitely run away like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Meet the President."

When everyone saw Yamaguchi Ichiro appear, their faces flushed.

It was this man who led the entire Yamaguchi Club to the pinnacle of the island nation and to the world. Even internationally, the Yamaguchi Club was very famous.

Now this man has appeared, and tonight they can see this man show off his skills, how can they not be excited.

Everyone almost greeted Yamaguchi Ichiro.

When Ichiro Yamaguchi walked towards Lu Chen, everyone couldn't help but get out of the way.

Yamaguchi Ichiro raised his chest and raised his head, and the aura of a superior person was released. He liked this feeling of being respected as a god.

However, just as the crowd moved out of the way and he entered the circle surrounded by everyone, his eyes immediately fell on Lu Chen.

Then, his eyelids twitched fiercely.

When he saw Lu Chen's first reaction, he wanted to run away, but then he reacted in just a split second.

Where does he need to escape?Firstly, escaping would greatly damage his image in front of his younger brother, but behind Lu Chen, there was a beautiful little girl. Unless Lu Chen didn't want her life, he would definitely not dare to take action against him.

Once he takes action against him, he can let the people below arrest Liu Qian.

Thinking of this, Yamaguchi Ichiro felt reassured again.

(End of this chapter)

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