My cold CEO wife

Chapter 566 Young people don't talk about martial arts

Chapter 566 Young people don't talk about martial arts

"Your Excellency Lu Chen, I didn't expect that we would meet again."

I don't know when the rain stopped. Yamaguchi Ichiro stood not far from Lu Chen, with disdain in his eyes and said, "I let you escape in Guya at noon. I didn't expect to meet you again so soon." Here we are, I want to see how you are going to escape this time."

Yamaguchi Ichiro is a person who cares about face very much. How could he admit that he is inferior to Lu Chen in front of his brothers in the Yamaguchi Club at this time?

Lu Chen wanted to protect Liu Qian anyway, so he didn't dare to take action against him today. Once he did, the people under him would immediately arrest Liu Qian and threaten Lu Chen.

"The president is invincible."

"The president is bull-nosed!"

"President, kill that kid."


The people below were so excited to death when they heard Yamaguchi Ichiro's words.

They began to be very afraid of Lu Chen. After all, Lu Chen was invincible. They didn't expect that he would be defeated by his own president. How could everyone not be excited?
"You are really shameless. At noon, it was you who saw me and wanted to run away, but now I saw you who wanted to run away. With your mouth, you can turn white into black, and black into white." ." Lu Chen smiled jokingly.

"Which of us is the one who calls black things white and white things black?"

Yamaguchi Ichiro sneered and said provocatively: "If you really think you are my opponent, then you have the guts to attack me."

"You are convinced that my friend is next to me, so I don't dare to attack you with all my strength, right?"

Lu Chen smiled jokingly, as if he had seen through Yamaguchi Ichiro, and said, "Then let me tell you, you made a mistake today. I have already solved the problem of my friend's safety."

While speaking, Lu Chen looked into the distance.

When Lu Chen looked into the distance, Yamaguchi Ichiro couldn't help but look into the distance. He originally thought that someone was coming to protect Liu Qian, but when he looked at the street in the distance, he found that there was only endless darkness and nothing else. .

He couldn't help but sneer, and just when he was about to continue laughing at Lu Chen, his pupils shrank sharply, and he saw a figure in the distance walking out of the darkness unhurriedly.

When he saw this figure, he lost his voice: "Jing Shenwan."

If he saw Ishenmaru in normal times, his overall strength would be much stronger than the opponent's and he would not be afraid of him at all. But now that Ishenmaru appeared, he was extremely scared.

It is very possible that Jing Shenwan was hired by Lu Chen as a helper.

After Jingshenmaru came over, he walked straight towards Lu Chen and Yamaguchi Ichiro. Soon after, he stood in front of Lu Chen and asked, "Your Excellency, Lu Chen, what are your orders?"

"Help me protect my friend and leave the rest to me." Lu Chen said calmly, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

"Yes, Your Excellency Lu Chen."

After hearing Lu Chen's words, Jingshenmaru immediately agreed.

Only then did Lu Chen's eyes fall on Yamaguchi Ichiro, and he said with a playful smile: "Yamaguchi Ichiro, didn't you just keep saying that you beat me to pieces? Come on, come on, let's figure out who is worse than who?"

He didn't know that Yamaguchi Ichiro was determined to protect Liu Qian and couldn't spare any time to deal with him, so Yamaguchi Ichiro dared to speak nonsense to him so confidently.

But Lu Chen was already prepared. He called Jing Shenwan just to ask him to protect Liu Qian.

As long as Liu Qian is protected, Lu Chen will be completely free to deal with Yamaguchi Ichiro.

Yamaguchi Ichiro's mouth twitched violently.

Now Lu Chen clearly wanted to put him on top of the stove to roast him, and he couldn't get off at all. After all, the awesomeness just now had been blown away.

If he gives in at this time, what will his subordinates think of him?

Therefore, he had to bite the bullet at this time.

However, Yamaguchi Ichiro also has his own methods.

He looked at Lu Chen and said, "Don't you want to fight with me? Okay, at our level, the destructive power is very huge. If we fight in the city, it is easy to damage public facilities. Why don't we fight outside the city? how?"

"Where do I have time to accompany you to fight in the city? If you don't take action, I will kill you." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he rushed towards Yamaguchi Ichiro.

"Ah ah ah, you young people don't have martial ethics."

Seeing Lu Chen take action directly, Yamaguchi Ichiro couldn't help but roar.

Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to escape. When the time came, those who escaped from the Yamaguchi Society would think that he had led Lu Chen to fight in the suburbs.

As a result, Lu Chen didn't give him a chance to leave at all. As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chen attacked him.

"Wu De, in front of you, Wu De is not needed."

Lu Chen said indifferently, and shot at Ichiro Yamaguchi at the same time.

Lu Chen hit a very casual blow, but this very casual blow made Ichiro Yamaguchi feel tremendous pressure, and Ichiro Yamaguchi felt as if a mountain was pressing down on him.

Yamaguchi Ichiro had to take a breath and shot at Lu Chen just as quickly.

Seeing Ichiro Yamaguchi's attack, the younger brother roared excitedly again.

"President, kill this kid."

"Yes, this kind of young man has no martial ethics, so kill him."

"The president is invincible."


The boy below roared.

Following the roar of the little brother below, Ichiro Yamaguchi could only feel the blood surging in his chest, and the aura in his hands became stronger by two points.

"You guys in the Yamaguchi Society all use the moves of the wandering samurai, so today I'm going to let you experience the real wandering samurai's secret skill, Exile."

Lu Chen's palm immediately stopped in the air, and then he turned his fist into a palm and slashed towards Yamaguchi Ichiro with one palm.

When he slashed at Yamaguchi Ichiro, a layer of red light appeared on his palm. This layer of red light transformed into a sword in an instant, and then this energy sword, like this He slashed at Yamaguchi Ichiro.

"not good!"

When he saw a red slashing knife gathered in Lu Chen's hand, Yamaguchi Ichiro felt the hairs on his back go up, and he felt a strong sense of crisis.

Then, Yamaguchi Ichiro took a strong breath, and then a layer of cyan light filled his fist, and then he punched Lu Chen's sword.

The two attacks intertwined in the air.

Then, a storm sounded.

The two energy convections blasted a hole in the ground there.

Lu Chen stood in the distance without moving, but his clothes were rustling in the storm.

As for Yamaguchi Ichiro, he seemed a little helpless.

It was the same as when he fought with Lu Chen at noon, and he took three steps back again.

This regression is enough to illustrate the gap between the two.

The voice of the younger brother who had been frantically cheering Yamaguchi Ichiro on the outside suddenly stopped.

"You're nothing more than that. Come and tell me now, who beat and who escaped?" Lu Chen's joking voice sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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