My cold CEO wife

Chapter 575 Who gave you rights

Chapter 575 Who gave you rights

"What, you dare to do it and don't allow others to say it?"

The young tourist said with a sneer.

The security guard's face turned gloomy immediately, and then he took out the walkie-talkie and said, "North of Mt. Fuji, someone is causing trouble, send a few people over."

Only 2 minutes after he finished speaking on the walkie-talkie, several security guards appeared here.

These security guards surrounded the young tourists.

Several other people saw that things here seemed to be getting serious. They were a little afraid of things, and then left towards the distance.

"No one is allowed to leave."

At this time, the security captain who led the team spoke.

At the same time as he spoke, several other security guards moved a few steps and stopped several tourists who were about to leave.

Although there are very few people here now, there are still a lot of people.

"What are you doing?"

Another tourist with a more fiery personality asked angrily: "Let me tell you, we are international friends. You are restricting our freedom of life. I will sue you in the international court."

Just as he finished speaking, the security captain slapped him in the face.

After the security captain finished slapping the other person's face, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please take out the relevant documents for me to register. Today's events are all in my stomach. If anything happens to our Mount Fuji security guards in the future." If the news spreads, I will conduct a strict investigation and directly trace the eighteenth generation of your ancestors. No matter where you are in the world, I will definitely be able to find you, and I will have to kill him at that time."

These words are extremely serious, and asking others to show relevant documents is already an invasion of these people's privacy.

However, now people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

A few timid people had already taken out relevant documents and started to cooperate with the registration process.

The young man who started to point out that these security guards deliberately prevented them from going up had just criticized the security captain's tourists. The two of them were beaten up because they were not cooperative. The two finally became honest and took out their passports obediently.

"Beauty, please take out your relevant documents."

A security guard came to Liu Qian and gave instructions.

"Sorry, I didn't bring my ID. It's at my friend's place. I called him to come over." Liu Qian did not bring her passport. She gave her passport to Lu Chen for safekeeping.

In her heart, she was also unwilling to provide her passport. This was an invasion of her privacy, but she also understood that if she resisted now, she would suffer.

Call Lu Chen over. As long as Lu Chen is around, she will have the confidence to confront these security guards.

"Call, then call your friend quickly." The security guard ordered impatiently.

Liu Qian said "hmm", took out her cell phone, and called Lu Chen very quickly.

"Hey, Brother Chen, come here. I ran into some trouble at the toll booth at the foot of the mountain."

After Liu Qian made the call, she waited there quietly.

Not long after, Lu Chen appeared at the scene. When he saw several security guards here, a hint of joking appeared on his lips.

He came to Liu Qian's side and asked, "What's going on?"

"Is such that……"

Liu Qian said to Lu Chen, but before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the security guard here.

"Boy, take out your IDs and register." The security guard didn't give Lu Chen a chance to listen to Liu Qian's story.

"Documents, registration? Why should I take out my documents to register? Are you going to let us in?" Lu Chen asked doubtfully.

"Let you in? You're probably dreaming."

A security guard explained: "Your friend knew something she shouldn't know. In order to make her shut up, she must show her relevant ID card and let us register. If this matter gets out in the future, Our people will give her trouble.”

"Who gave you the right to cause trouble for her?" Lu Chen asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

He guessed that Liu Qian should have become an innocent victim, but hearing things that he shouldn't have heard was obviously not Liu Qian's original intention.

If something was related to state secrets that really couldn't be said, he would be able to accept it if these people gave him and Liu Qian good words. But now it seems that this person's tone is not as kind as expected.

And to be honest, these people are just security guards. What right do they have to ask Liu Qian to show his relevant documents?
"I gave her the right to cause trouble for her. Young man, let me tell you, I'm afraid you can't afford to mess with our backs."

The security captain stood up and said to Lu Chen: "You should have heard of the Sakura Club and the Yamaguchi Club, right? Let me tell you, the Sakura Club is an old force and is very famous in the world. As for the Yamaguchi Club, it is even more famous internationally. One of the top ten forces in the world, the two major forces have now been completely merged, and the president of the Sakura Club is none other than the grandfather of our young master Fujioka."

"Master Fujioka, that is our boss."

"You'd better cooperate. Otherwise, when you return to China, you may find that something has happened to your relatives and friends."

The tone of the security guard's speech was very arrogant.

However, both the Sakura Club and the Yamaguchi Club are very famous internationally, and he does have an arrogant tone.

Unfortunately, this arrogant and arrogant person is wrong.

"President of the Sakura Club? Tell Ishenmaru to come here."

When Lu Chen heard what the security guard said, he couldn't help but feel happy.

He is from the Sakura Club again. It seems that in the island country, the overall strength of the Sakura Club should exceed his imagination.

"Baga, can you also call our Lord Ishenmaru by his name?"

When the security captain heard what Lu Chen said, he said angrily, and then ordered the other security guards: "Come here, arrest him."

Several security guards quickly surrounded Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stood far away, fearless.

He didn't take these little shrimps seriously at all.

"Everyone, wait a minute, listen to what I have to say."

Seeing that these people were about to take action, a warm-hearted old man walked out. He stood in front of Lu Chen and said to the security guards: "Brothers, don't be impulsive. Give me some time and I will let them cooperate with you." Work."

After he stood up, the security guards stopped.

The old man turned to look at Lu Li and said: "Young man, from your accent, you should be a Chinese. You and I are compatriots, and we are destined to be together. Just listen to my advice. We heroes will not suffer the consequences. Show them the ID photo, give them a guarantee, and let the matter be over."

"Yeah, young man, let's forget about this matter, you may implicate us."

"No, this is abroad, and you have nothing to rely on here. It would be bad for you to have a dispute with them."


Several other people also advised Lu Chen that they did not believe that Lu Chen would be a match for the security guards from the security company run by the Tai Party.

(End of this chapter)

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