Chapter 576

"Everyone, I appreciate your kindness, but I feel that good people are bullied, and good people are bullied. I must seek justice for this matter today."

Lu Chen knew that these people were basically doing his best, but after all, these people were just ordinary people. How could these ordinary people have the confidence to challenge a well-established force like Sakura Club, which was very famous in the world.

Therefore, even if they are being treated unfairly now, they have no choice but to admit it.

"We have already advised you where you need to be persuaded. If you don't listen, then let it be as you wish."

When the old man saw Lu Chen's firm attitude, he said no more and moved away from Lu Chen, exposing Lu Chen to these security guards.

He wanted to help Lu Chen, but Lu Chen wouldn't let him. He couldn't always put his hot face on Lu Chen's cold ass.

Others stopped trying to persuade Lu Chen, and some even taunted Lu Chen in a low voice for not knowing his own abilities. They stood aside and simply watched the show.

Lu Chen's mentality of not recognizing good people made them dislike Lu Chen and felt that Lu Li deserved to be beaten.

There must be something hateful about a truly pitiful person.

"Boy, I gave you a chance, but since you don't cherish it, don't blame us for being rude."

When the security captain saw that everyone stopped speaking for Lu Chen, he immediately said harsh words to Lu Chen. He then waved to the security guards next to him and ordered: "Catch him."

Several security guards quickly approached Lu Chen.

"Oh, this boy is going to be in trouble."

Everyone shook their heads when they saw this scene.

Bang bang bang!
However, the next scene made these people's eyes fall to the ground.

I saw these security guards rushing towards Lu Chen, but flew backwards at a faster speed than before, and hit the ground.

Lu Chen stood there with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "For people like you, I can fight as many as you come. Don't waste my time. Inform Jing Shenwan immediately and let him come to see me. "

The security captain felt something was different about Lu Chen at this time, but he couldn't tell exactly what was different.

At least, he knew that Lu Chen was a more powerful being than him. He couldn't afford to offend such a being. Now he had no choice but to seek help from his own organization.

The security captain called the leader of his security company, and the leader called Qingtian.

Kiyota is the Sakura Club's top manager in charge of the Sakura Club's Mount Fuji area.

When Qingtian heard that someone else wanted to call Ishenmaru, a sneer appeared in his eyes, and then he ordered the people below that he would go to the foot of Mount Fuji himself.

Yesterday, he almost moved his head because he was causing trouble for Lu Chen. He couldn't hold back all the resentment and didn't dare to vent it out.

Now that someone dared to hit the gun, he had to let the other person die miserably.

As for the person at the foot of Mount Fuji, could it be Lu Chen?He didn't have to think about this issue at all.

The reason is very simple. He knew that at the stage of Lu Chen's practice, he would not be interested in traveling at all, and it was even more impossible to go to Mount Fuji.

Now that Lu Chen has negotiated cooperation with Sun Group, he must have returned to China.

So, he can now be arrogant again.

"Haha, boy, let me tell you, you are dead. One of our presidents will come here in person, and you won't know how you died."

When the security captain heard that Qingtian came here in person, he seemed very excited.

Although he is also a member of the Sakura Club, he is only from a security company contracted by the Sakura Club. To him, these Sakura Club members are all superior.

Now not only are people coming to the Sakura Club, but one of the presidents is coming in person.

If he climbs up to the president today, his future promotion will be faster.

During the confrontation between the two sides, Qingtian quickly appeared here.

He asked loudly: "Who is making trouble here? Stand up for me."

Firstly, Qingtian didn't think Lu Chen was here, and secondly, because Lu Chen was in the crowd and someone blocked Qingtian's view, he didn't see Lu Chen, so after he came over, he roared directly at the crowd in the distance.

After roaring, he quickly got out of the car.

Behind him were more than thirty people from the Sakura Club.

After these people got off the car, they quickly surrounded Lu Chen and the others.

Lu Chen was almost standing in the middle, and Qingtian's line of sight was blocked again.

"President Qingtian, this is the boy. He dared to be disrespectful to our president, and he also beat up our security guard just now. You have to make the decision for us." The security captain confessed to Qingtian.

When those watching the excitement saw that Qingtian had brought so many people, they surrounded Lu Chen three times inside and three times outside. Everyone sympathized with Lu Chen.

Although they had seen Lu Chen's skills just now and Lu Chen could indeed fight, what if Lu Chen could fight?
Now that Sakura Club has brought so many people here, and Qingtian must be a master, Lu Chen will definitely die today.

Upon hearing this, Qingtian walked towards Lu Chen.

The people surrounding Lu Chen couldn't help but spread out, allowing Qingtian to walk inside.

When the crowd moved their eyes away, Qingtian saw clearly the figure in the middle, and immediately shivered all over his body.

When he came, he analyzed everything and concluded that the person causing trouble here could not be Lu Chen, otherwise he would not be here even if he was beaten to death.

But now that sentence is really fulfilled, the more you are afraid of something, the more you want something.

Who is this person if he isn't Lu Chen?
Yesterday when he was at the Sun Group, Lu Chen almost killed him, and today he had to surrender his life here.

Thinking of this, his whole body trembled.

"Haha, boy, you are dead. Did you see that our President Qingtian is trembling with anger. He must kill you today."

Seeing Qingtian trembling all over, the security captain smiled proudly.

The other security guards followed suit.

The surrounding tourists also became worried about Lu Chen.


However, before the security captain finished laughing, Qingtian took a few steps sideways, came to him, and slapped the security captain on the face.

Qingtian's slap left almost no force behind him. He slapped the security captain and threw him away, causing several of his teeth to fall out.

"President Qingtian, did you hit the wrong person?" the security captain asked in disbelief, covering half of his swollen face.

Everyone else had the same idea. Qingtian must have hit the wrong person.

"I hit the wrong person? I hit you by mistake and paralyzed you. You were the one I hit. Are you the one you can offend Mr. Lu?" Qingtian said in a deep voice.

After he finished speaking, he came to Lu Chen, bowed almost 180 degrees, and said in panic: "Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were here. If I knew it was you here, I wouldn't know anything. Appeared here."

(End of this chapter)

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