My cold CEO wife

Chapter 590 Wu Lan invites you

Chapter 590 Wu Lan invites you
"No more orders, you can get out!"

Lu Chen waved his hand impatiently.


Qinggang responded, not daring to stop, and quickly walked outside.

After leaving, Lu Chen came to Lin Qinghan and said hehe, "Honey, do you want to give me some reward since my business trip went so smoothly this time?"

While speaking, Lu Chen put his face in front of Lin Qinghan, pointed to his own face, and said.

Obviously, he wanted Lin Qinghan to kiss him.

A cold light flashed in Lin Qinghan's eyes, he stood up and asked, "You want me to kiss you?"

Lu Chen nodded fiercely.

Lin Qinghan hooked his hand at him.

Lu Chen was immediately overjoyed and stretched his neck even longer.

He had been waiting for a long time when Lin Qinghan took the initiative to kiss him.

I remember that Lin Qinghan took the initiative to kiss him last time. The feeling was really unforgettable.

Of course he didn't know that at that time Lin Qinghan just put some water on his hand with his finger and pressed it gently on his face.

Seeing Lu Chen's eyes closed, Lin Qinghan casually put a light in his coffee cup, and then pressed it on Lu Chen's face.

Lu Chen only felt a little coldness sliding across his face, and his whole body became extremely excited.

"Okay, I have to work, you can go out."

Lin Qinghan forced himself to suppress the smile in his heart and said to Lu Chen.


Lu Chen walked out excitedly.

Lin Qinghan looked at Lu Chen's leaving figure with a smile on his lips.

She could see that Lu Chen really liked her, like a child. During the time he was with her, Lu Chen's performance was very good. She could accept Lu Chen's past as a scumbag.

However, it is a common problem for men to not cherish something if it is too easy to get. She could not really let Lu Chen get her so easily.

Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Qinghan's lips grew stronger, and even she didn't realize that she was more motivated to do her work.


After Lu Chen left Lin Qinghan's office, he jumped up and down like a child, and even made a scissor hand gesture.

After he passed the scissor hand competition, he felt that there was still a touch of coolness on his face. He wiped the coolness with his fingers, brought it to his nostrils and smelled it, and felt something was wrong.

"Why does it smell like coffee?"

Lu Chen muttered to himself.

He was thinking that when he was in Lin Qinghan's office just now, Lin Qinghan made coffee but never drank it. How could this coolness have the smell of coffee?

Finally, Lu Chen thought about it and felt that this was the second cup of coffee that Lin Qinghan drank. Lin Qinghan drank one cup of coffee at first, so that the taste of coffee was still on his lips.

"Yes, that's the case, that must be the case." Lu Chen nodded firmly.


Wu Lan's life was not easy during this period.

Although she was a legendary queen and a billionaire goddess in Guiyuan City, she encountered a lot more troubles when she arrived in the provincial capital.

If you want to gain a foothold in the provincial capital, if you don't have your own core competitiveness, it will be impossible to expand your business.

Lu Chen had introduced the big forces in the provincial capital to Wu Lan before.

But with Wu Lan's arrogance, he would only ask these people to take action unless he encountered a problem that could not be solved. After all, these people were all powerful families in the provincial capital.

This is a strong and resilient woman.

However, recently she encountered harassment, which came from a young man from Donghua Club.

Shao Xin is the son of Shao Jingang, one of the Twelve Great Vajras, and a figure in the provincial capital.

Due to his status, his eyes are higher than the top. He looks down on any women in the provincial capital, and none of these women can catch his eye.

However, he met Wu Lan by chance and was immediately fascinated by Wu Lan's beauty.

Wu Lan is a beautiful and domineering woman. Such a woman is most likely to make men desire to conquer.

Now Shao Xin just wants to conquer Wu Lan.

Wu Lan had almost no power in the provincial capital, just a large group. Shao Xin was not worried that he would not be able to catch up with Wu Lan.

Because now Shao Jingang has returned to his hometown to develop, and there is another Shao family in the provincial capital.

"Send me an invitation letter to Wu Lan and ask her to attend the banquet tonight."

Shao Xin gave instructions to the brothers below.

He does not hold a position in the Donghua Society, but this does not prevent Shao Jinguang from arranging for him some masters to be his younger brothers and protect his safety.

"Yes, Master!"

The younger brother below said to Shao Xin and left immediately to get the invitation letter and send it to Wu Lan.

"Shao Xin's invitation?"

When Wu Lan received the invitation from Shao Xin, she frowned slightly because she knew what the invitation meant, that Shao Xin wanted to have fun with her.

Except for Lu Chen, he didn't think much about anyone else.

However, if Shao Xin invited her not to go tonight, it would be difficult for her to handle it when Shao Xin used this to make trouble.

Although Shao Xin is not very good, there is Shao Jingang standing behind him.

Shao Jin had just settled in the provincial capital, and now he wanted to step on a force to prove himself.

It may be difficult for him to move other established forces, but it is not difficult for Wu Lan to move.

Wu Lan obviously knows this, so she is very cautious in the provincial capital now, basically not letting anyone seize the opportunity or leverage.

If you don't go to Shao Xin's appointment today, it might become an excuse for Shao Jingang to attack her.

But if she goes, she is afraid that Shao Xin will use force on her. After all, Shao Xin's father, King Kong, is a master of martial arts. She can't deal with such a character now.

But for such a trivial matter, someone from the provincial capital had to come forward, and Wu Lan felt that he couldn't lose face.

But without a master by her side, she felt insecure.

"Ding Dang, please call Mr. Lu."

Wu Lan thought for a while, she hadn't seen Lu Chen for a while, and it would be more convenient to ask Lu Chen for this matter.

"Forget it, I'll make the call myself." Wu Lan thought for a while and said.

While speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Chen's number.

"Master Lu, do you have time today? Xiaoyue misses you, can you come to the provincial capital?" Wu Lan asked.

"Okay, I'll go to the provincial capital." Lu Chen nodded and agreed.

He had something to do when he went to the provincial capital.

During this period, Zhong Dongyang encountered some difficulties in his practice, and he just needed Lu Chen's guidance.

During this period of time, Zhong Dongyang also did a lot of things for Lu Chen, and Lu Chen saw it.

Moreover, Zhong Xue had not returned to her hometown for a long time, so she wanted to go back and visit.

Lu Chen just wanted to take her back to the county town.

"Thank you, Lord Lu."

Wu Lan didn't expect Lu Chen to agree so easily, she was grateful.

"Don't call me Master Lu from now on, just call me Lu Chen!" Lu Chen felt that the name Master Lu was a well-known name, so he said to Wu Lan.

Wu Lan was overjoyed and suddenly replied playfully: "Yeah, brother Lu Chen."

(End of this chapter)

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