My cold CEO wife

Chapter 591 Wu Lan goes to the appointment

Chapter 591 Wu Lan goes to the appointment
Shao Xin, Shao Jingang's son, can be said to be in high spirits in the provincial capital.

The reason is very simple, because he is now very popular in the provincial capital with the banner of his father. Many brothers in society give him face, and many little girls regard him as their idol.

Because his father, Shao Jingang, is a strong beginner in martial arts.

In the past, in the provincial capital, Zhong Dongyang was the only strong person who had officially started martial arts. Moreover, Zhong Dongyang was older and his intimidating power was slightly lacking.

Shao Jingang is younger than Zhong Dongyang, and Shao Jingang is backed by the Donghua Society and is a core member of the Donghua Society. The Donghua Society is one of the two superpowers in China. With this status, there are almost no people in the provincial capital. Dare to provoke.

His status has improved, and he naturally has higher pursuits and ideas.

Wu Lan is well-known in Guiyuan City as the billionaire goddess. She is a woman with both wisdom and beauty. Her reputation is very big even in the provincial capital.

Now Shao Xin naturally turned his mind on Wu Lan.

His villa is in the suburbs.

When he asked Wu Lan to have dinner, he wanted to have dinner in his own villa.

If you drink too much at night, everyone knows what will happen.

He was already ready, waiting for Wu Lan to come to the appointment.

"Master, Wu Lan agreed to keep the appointment."

At this time, Shao Xin received a positive answer from his subordinates.

"it is good."

Shao Xin was overjoyed, feeling that Wu Lan would be under his control soon, as if he could hold the beauty back at night.

Wu Lan did agree to Shao Xin. When Lu Chen promised her that she would go to the appointment, she agreed to Shao Xin. With Lu Chen here, there would be no danger of any kind.


During this time, Wu Yue followed Wu Lan to the provincial capital. She hadn't seen Lu Chen for a long time. Now that she saw Lu Chen, she immediately pounced on him.

"Hey, how are you doing with your practice recently? Come, daddy, check me out."

Lu Chen also liked Wu Yue as his goddaughter very much. He smiled, then put Wu Yue on the ground and began to examine her body.


After checking, Lu Chen was surprised to find that the strength of Wu Yue's breath was as strong as that of a second-rate warrior.

You know, Wu Yue is only seven years old now, but she has such strength and will definitely become a master in the future.

She is suitable for practicing ghost-like martial arts.

"That's right, keep practicing, your mother will need you to protect her from now on."

Lu Chen was very satisfied with Wu Yue's practice progress and scratched Wu Yue's little nose lovingly.

Wu Yue twitched her nostrils and said in an old-fashioned way: "I not only want to protect my mother, but also my father."

"Haha, okay, even dad will protect me from now on." Lu Chen replied with a smile.

His strength doesn't need Wu Yue's protection, but Wu Yue's filial piety is good.

Lu Chen played with Wu Yue for a while, and it was already dusk. Wu Lan said to Lu Chen, "I have a party tonight, can you go with me?"

She asked Lu Chen to come to the provincial capital on the grounds that Wu Yue missed her father. Now she didn't mention the matter of asking Lu Chen to go to the appointment. Now that she mentioned it, she was very afraid that Lu Chen would not agree, and she looked at Lu Chen with a nervous look in her eyes.

"Okay, you can make arrangements." Lu Chen agreed.


Wu Lan was overjoyed and started to drive. After the car was driven, she took Lu Chen and Wu Yue to Shao Xin's appointment.

"How long will it take for Wu Lan to arrive?"

Shao Xin was sitting in the courtyard, holding a sexy photo in his hand. Holding this photo, his mind had already been on Wu Lan.

Because the owner of this photo is none other than Wu Lan.

The more Shao Xin looked at Wu Lan, the more he liked him.

"Master, she said she would be ready at six o'clock, but there are still three minutes left." The younger brother below replied respectfully.

"Oh, there are still 3 minutes left?"

Shao Xin laughed and said, "Let's go to the gate and wait for him."

After saying that, he took the lead to go out, followed by his younger brother.

"Beep beep!"

As soon as the two of them appeared at the gate, there was the sound of cars outside, and then a BMW stopped in front of him.

Wu Lan got out of the driver's seat.

Shao Xin's eyes widened when he saw it. He felt that Wu Lan was many times more beautiful in person than in the photos.

He quickly walked towards Wu Lan.

However, Wu Lan ignored him and went to the back seat to help Lu Chen open the door.

Then, Lu Chen walked out of the car with Wu Yue in his arms. Wu Lan took the initiative to hold Lu Chen's wrist, and then she introduced to Shao Xin who came over: "Hello, new young master, let me introduce you." , this is my husband."

When she was in the car, she had already confessed to Lu Chen that she wanted Lu Chen to be her husband, and Lu Chen agreed.

Shao Xin stood there, slightly stunned.

Didn't I hear that Wu Lan was not married and her daughter was adopted?

Why did you find a husband now?

But now that Shao Xindu has invited Wu Lan here, how could he give up so easily?

He laughed, came to Lu Chen, took out his hand and said, "Brother, I'm Shao Xin, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

Lu Chen shook hands with Shao Xin casually, without saying his name.

However, the moment he held Shao Xinxin's hand, Shao Xin's hand suddenly became stronger.

Although Shao Xin said he was not a member of the Donghua Society, his father was a strong beginner in martial arts, so there was no problem in helping him keep fit.

Therefore, the power of his wrist is very strong, and ordinary people are no match for him.

Lu Chen was the first to marry Wu Lan, so how could he let Lu Chen be so cheap, he had to teach Lu Chen secretly with his strength.


The moment Lu Chen shook hands with Shao Xin, he immediately felt the force coming from Shao Xin's wrist. He immediately understood that Shao Xin might have thoughts about Wu Lan, and Wu Lan was asking him to be the boss. What about the shield.

Since Shao Xin wants to teach himself a lesson, don't blame yourself for being polite.

When Shao Xin was exerting force on Lu Chen, Lu Chen was also exerting force on Shao Xin at the same time. His strength was many times stronger than that of Shao Xin's hand. When he held Shao Xin's hand, Shao Xin couldn't help but He grinned and let out a cry of pain.

"Brother, what are you doing? I shook hands with you, but you actually want to trick me?"

Shao Xin didn't expect that Lu Chen's strength was so strong, and he failed with his dirty tricks, so he couldn't help but said to Lu Chen.

This seems to be for Lu Chen, but in fact it is for Wu Lan. He wants to tell Wu Lan that your husband is not a good person.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed. Wu Lan pretended not to see anything and looked up at the sky.

"Haha, I feel like you have practiced well, brother. I looked at your strength and I didn't expect it to be so bad." Lu Chen talked and laughed calmly, which in turn hurt Shao Xin.

Shao Xin's face was gloomy, but it was hard for him to explode at this time. He said, "Brother, your strength is indeed good. How about we compete with each other later and see who can drink better?"

(End of this chapter)

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