Chapter 592
"If you want to drink, I'll drink with you until you're done."

The corners of Lu Chen's lips curved.

No matter how much he drank, he would never get drunk. This kid was looking for death in a drinking competition with him.

"Haha, it suits my taste. Please come inside."

Shao Xin sneered, turned around and walked inside. At the same time, he ordered the boy next to him: "Go and tell the kitchen to prepare wine and dishes."

The younger brother responded and quickly ran towards the kitchen.

Shao Xin led Lu Chen and Wu Lan into the courtyard, and then he said to Wu Lan, "Excuse me, I'm going to use the toilet."

After saying that, he disappeared from everyone's eyes.

When Shao Xin appeared in his room, he put a pill in his mouth.

This pill is a hangover pill. Once he takes this pill, his alcohol capacity will be more than ten times that of usual. Even if he drinks several kilograms of liquor, there will be no problem.

Therefore, he was not afraid of Lu Chen at all when drinking tonight.

As long as he gets Lu Chen drunk tonight, Wu Lan can do whatever Wu Lan wants, how comfortable it will be.

After he took the rescue pill, he returned to the yard.

The people below put the wine in the yard one after another, and the dishes were also served.

Shao Xin appeared at the scene and said to Lu Chen: "Brother, what kind of wine do you want to drink, white, red or beer?"

"I can do it." Lu Chen said with a joking smile on his face.

"Haha, everything is fine, right? Then let's drink a 62-degree strong bar." Shao Xin said.

After finishing speaking, he took out the 62-degree spirits next to him, poured a glass for himself first, then poured another glass for Lu Chen, and said, "Come on, brother, can you marry a beautiful woman like Wu Lan?" Wife, brother, I admire you, I’ll give you a toast first.”

After finishing speaking, he picked up the cup and prepared to toast Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "You should admire me for being able to marry such a beautiful wife. I think it's better to do this. Let's just do it."

"Bottle dry?"

Shao Xin was obviously stunned.

He has never seen anyone drink liquor and ask for it from the bottle. Isn't this simply crazy?

"Why, you don't dare?" Lu Chen said sarcastically.

"Don't dare, whoever says you don't dare, come on, whoever is afraid of you."

Upon hearing Lu Chen's words, Shao Xin was excited by Lu Chen, and he immediately agreed.

The amount of anti-alcohol pills he takes now weighs several kilograms, and he still doesn’t believe that Lu Chen’s amount will be greater than his amount.

While speaking, he opened two bottles of liquor at the same time and placed one of them in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen picked up the liquor and blew from the bottle without any pause. After finishing the drink, his expression was quite calm, as if he had not drank.

Shao Xin looked a little frightened.

"Isn't this guy just taking anti-alcohol pills while I was taking them?" Shao Xin muttered in his heart, but even with a normal drinking capacity, he could kill many people in an instant. He believed he could He could drink better than Lu Chen.

Thinking of this, he blew the wine in the bottle in one gulp.

After he finished blowing, he obviously burped, his face was flushed, and he looked a little uncomfortable.

Although he has a good capacity for alcohol and drinks anti-alcohol medicine, it is the first time for him to drink a bottle of liquor at one time.

After finishing the bottle, he picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

There was too much wine in his stomach. If he didn't suppress it, the alcohol intensity would not be relieved at all.

However, just when he was about to eat the food, Lu Chen picked up another bottle of liquor and said with a smile: "Brother, since you gave me a bottle, I will also give you a bottle. You come and I go. It's a normal state of drinking."

Shao Xin immediately froze there.

He wanted to say that he wanted to eat some food first, but his eyes immediately fell on Wu Lan, who was looking at him intently.

How could he feel like he could give in in front of a beautiful woman?

Thinking of this, he quickly took a bottle of liquor and touched another bottle with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen drank another bottle in one go, still looking quite normal.

This time, Shao Xin was a little scared.

"What, are you afraid?"

When Lu Chen saw this, he couldn't help but joked.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Shao Xin was immediately aroused again. He said solemnly: "Humph, I will be afraid. I, Shao Xin, have never been afraid of anyone."

After he finished speaking, he took the bottle of white wine and drank it boldly.

This time, Shao Xin looked even more embarrassed after drinking.

If he drank slowly, he could still hold it, but if he drank it so fast, he couldn't hold it at all.

After two bottles, he was already a little drunk.

Lu Chen knew that Shao Xin wanted to jar him, so how could he let Shao Xin go?

After the two of them drank two bottles, Lu Chen picked up another bottle of wine, grinned, and said to Shao Xin: "Come on, brother, you were the one who greeted me first, and I gave you a bottle in return. Now I'll come I respect you for a bottle, how about you return me a bottle?"

When he said this, it meant that the two of them had to drink two more bottles.

Shao Xin's face turned dark when he heard this.

Lu Chen is addicted to drinking.

How could he survive drinking four pounds a year?

"I heard that Xin Shao is a master at drinking, and he will never get drunk after a thousand cups. Why, now my husband invites you to drink, don't you dare to fight?"

At this time, Wu Lan suddenly added a sentence with a hint of amusement on his face.

Originally, Shao Xin was going to admit he was afraid, and drink it slowly, but now that he heard Wu Lan's words, he immediately became enthusiastic again, and then said to Wu Lan: "Whoever said that he dare not fight, I am drinking wine!" It’s too much, my stomach is a little full, I need to go to the toilet first.”

After saying that, he quickly ran to the toilet.

When he got to the toilet, he started to choke his throat and vomited out at least half of the wine in his stomach. After vomiting the wine, he calmed down for a while and then returned to the yard.

After he came back, Lu Chen took out the wine again and said with a smile: "Xin Shao, I think you have almost finished it. I think two bottles are nothing to you, so we drank it directly."

"What's the button? I'm going to the bathroom." Shao Xin was already blushing from drinking, otherwise he would have been so irritable when he said this.

"Yes, yes, I went to the toilet."

Lu Chen responded, he had to drink Shao Xin to death today, yet he dared to plot against Wu Lan, "Come on, let's continue drinking."

"Come on, keep drinking."

He had already drank two bottles, and Lu Chen did not throw up. He believed that Lu Chen could only hold up to four bottles, so if he could bear the two bottles, Lu Chen would not be able to bear it.

After he drank it, his whole feeling felt wrong again.

Lu Chen took the wine again at this time and said with a smile: "Come on, my daughter will also offer you a bottle. You can't not give face to the wine offered by a child, right?"

"Uncle, come here, give you a bottle of Yueyue."

Wu Yue was quite obedient, and actually came to Lu Chen's side, took the wine in his hand, and stretched it out to Shao Xin.

Although Wu Yue is only seven years old, her current strength is equivalent to that of a second-rate warrior. Her physical strength is very high, so this amount of wine is nothing to her, she can bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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