Chapter 723
"come here."

Lin Qing said to Lu Chen with a cold face.

Although she has never eaten pork, how could she not have seen pigs running away?

While staying in the group, she occasionally heard people making dirty jokes, so she understood what Lu Chen's words meant.

This guy is getting more and more courageous and dares to make fun of her.

"Hey, wife, I'm here."

Lu Chen was now immersed in extreme joy, and did not realize at all that Lin Qinghan's almond-shaped eyes were filled with evil, as if he was about to be eaten.

After arriving next to Lin Qinghan, Lu Chen rubbed his hands together excitedly.

Being able to get Lin Qinghan's "bite" would be like dying and becoming a ghost.

Lu Chen walked towards Lin Qinghan furiously, so excited that he was dying.

After all, he was about to have close physical contact with Lin Qinghan, so he was naturally excited.

Lin Qinghan stretched out his slender fingers, suddenly pinched Lu Chen's ears, and asked, "What did you just say? Do you dare to say what you just said again?"

Lu Chen instantly knew that he had been fooled. Lin Qinghan was trying to trick him into her presence. His eyes instantly became extremely firm and he said, "Honey, did I say something just now? You must have heard Wrong, I didn’t say anything just now.”

"Are you sure you didn't say anything?"

Lin Qinghan emphasized that at the same time, the strength in his hands began to increase.

Lu Chen nodded seriously and replied, "I'm sure I didn't say anything."

Lin Qinghan then let Lu Chen go and reminded him, "Hmph, next time you dare to tease me again, I will have to pluck your ears off."

"Honey, it didn't happen the first time, there won't be a next time."

Lu Chen assured again.

"Huh, I'll let you go this time."

Lin Qinghan snorted and let go of his hand from Lu Chen's ear.

Lu Chen instantly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt extremely depressed. He thought that the relationship between him and Lin Qinghan was settled, but he didn't expect that she was just joking with him.

Just when he was depressed, Lin Qinghan asked again: "Lu Chen, let me ask you, when you went to pick up my parents this afternoon, did something happen between you?"

"What happened? Nothing happened."

Lu Chen was obviously stunned, then he shook his head firmly and said.

Indeed, nothing happened. He couldn't say what happened, because Li Ruyan obviously didn't want Lin Qinghan to know about losing money.

But he was thinking, how could Lin Qinghan know what happened to them, otherwise why would he say this?
Lu Chen suddenly felt a little embarrassed now. If he told the truth, he might offend Li Ruyan. If he didn't tell the truth, he might offend Lin Qinghan.

He was caught in the middle, a little uncomfortable.

"Are you sure nothing happened?"

Lin Qinghan gritted his silver teeth and his face turned cold.

"Honey, do you already know something?" Lu Chen asked tentatively.

"Humph, I know everything I need to know. Do you really think I don't know what happened when you picked up my mother this afternoon? If you tell the truth, I will let you go. If you don't tell the truth, Then don't blame me for being rude to you."

Lin Qing said coldly.

Lu Chen must have drugged his parents this afternoon, especially his mother. Otherwise, how could his mother force him and Lu Chen to have a baby now?

"Okay, now that you know everything, I'll explain it."

Lu Chen sighed and secretly wondered if Lin Qinghan had arranged for some master to follow him, but he denied this possibility.

It is impossible for any master to be able to silently follow him without him knowing about it.

He said: "In the afternoon, your mother was defrauded of all her money. She was afraid that you would tell her, so I transferred 1000 million to her and said that the 1000 million was mine, so she could rest assured. I accepted the money."

"What, my mother's money was defrauded? Who defrauded her, and what exactly happened?"

Lin Qinghan originally wanted to ask what kind of drug Lu Chen gave her mother, but she didn't expect that something else came out of Lu Chen's mouth.

Immediately, Lu Chen briefly described what happened in the afternoon to Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan's face immediately became extremely angry.

"Lu Chen, this matter is all your fault. I don't care what method you use, you must find this person for me, otherwise I have to make you look good."

Lin Qing coldly ordered Lu Chen.

"Honey, why is this my fault?" Lu Chen felt aggrieved. Why did he suddenly become the scapegoat?
"Hmph, this matter is obviously your fault. If my mother hadn't wanted to have a good relationship with you, would she have asked about other people's apps? If she hadn't asked about the apps, how could she have disclosed the bank card information?"

Lin Qinghan said.

After all, she was Lin Jiangong's daughter. The two fathers and daughters simply thought about it together.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault, I'll look into it."

Lu Chen said, "Don't worry, I will solve this matter perfectly within one day."

He was even more wronged.

"Also, let me ask you again, did anything else happen between you and my mother? For example, did you give my mother drugs?" Lin Qinghan asked again.

"Give me drugs. Why should I give your mother drugs?"

Lu Chen was really confused now, because he really didn't give Li Ruyan the drug.

Lin Qinghan didn't bother to answer Lu Chen's words directly. He lifted the quilt and said, "My mother let him go."

What appeared in front of Lu Chen was Zao and Guiyuan on the bed.

The meaning of Xiang Zheng could not be more obvious, that is, he was urging Lin Qinghan to have a child.

"Honey, I really didn't say anything to Mom. Maybe she's getting old and wants to have a baby."

Lu Chen analyzed it and said, feeling happy at the same time.

Why did I forget to do work for my parents?

If Lin Jiangong and Li Ruyan were dealt with first, wouldn't it be much easier to deal with Lin Qinghan?
Sometimes, saving the country through curves can also save the country.

"It's best not to say anything. If you let me know that you want to get me through my parents, I have to make you look good." Lin Qinghan said again.

"No, absolutely not." Lu Chen assured again, and Lin Qinghan finally let her go.

"Okay, that's it for tonight. You can take out the quilt and lay it on the floor."

Lin Qinghan said to Lu Chen, but after she finished speaking, she shook her head and said, "Forget it, you can sleep on the bed, but use another quilt for yourself."

She thought about it and realized that she had given her mother the key to the room. It would not be good if the other party opened the door and saw something.

Anyway, the bed is big enough now, so it's not too crowded if one person sleeps half of it with Lu Chen, and it won't have any impact if the two of them are covered with separate quilts.

(End of this chapter)

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