My cold CEO wife

Chapter 724 Brothers from the Four Gangs

Chapter 724 Brothers from the Quad
Moreover, Lin Qinghan thought about it and promised his mother that she would conceive the child within three months. The only suitable man she could find to give birth to the child now seemed to be Lu Chen. She might as well take advantage of the opportunity. Develop a relationship with Lu Chen.

"My dear wife, I obey."

Lu Chen's face was ecstatic.

Being able to sleep in the same bed as Lin Qinghan means that the distance between the two is shortened.

Then Lu Chen rushed over to get the quilt and slept next to Lin Qinghan.


Lu Chen sent Lin Qinghan to the group, and Zhao Qing called.

"Master Lu, I have found the person. What should we do next? Should I bring the person over directly, or should you take action?" Zhao Qing asked Lu Chen for his opinion.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Leave it to me. If he dares to defraud my old mother-in-law of her money, I won't make it easy for him."

"Yes, Mr. Lu, then I will send you the character's profile and his address." Zhao Qing said to Lu Chen.

At the same time, he secretly admired Yafei. Yafei's reconnaissance ability was really powerful. With Yafei's help, he quickly found the young man who had deceived Li Ruyan.

The young man's name is Lai Yong, and he is living a very comfortable life now.

Originally, his life was not very good now, and he felt that he was very satisfied with being able to defraud Li Ruyan of several thousand yuan. How could he have imagined that he had defrauded Li Ruyan of more than 600 million yuan.

This is more exciting than winning 500 million in the lottery.

Now, he is a millionaire.

Lai Yong bought a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms without hesitation. He also bought a BMW car and started living a petty bourgeoisie life.

With so much money, he can use it for financial management and earn an annual return of 5.00% to [-]%, which will give him an income of hundreds of thousands. He will not have to take risks to deceive people in the future.

After all, it is illegal to do this if you are caught, and you might just have to do it inside in the future.

"Lili, when will we get married?"

A cute-looking woman named Lili was nestled next to Lai Yong, looking at him expectantly.

"Get married, don't be in a hurry, wait until the day is better!"

Lai Yong said nonchalantly while taking advantage of Lili.

To be honest, before he bought a house and a car, he chased this woman named Lili like a dog, but now that Lili found out that he was rich, she quickly paid back.

This is reality, this is the charm of money, and he deeply understands the magic of money.

Now, he takes the initiative.

He enjoyed the feeling.

"Brother Yong, my mother said that before getting married, no matter how much you like a man, you can't sleep with him. But you see that he gave himself to you last night. Don't you still see his feelings?" Li Li started acting coquettishly again.

"Haha, of course I know what you mean. I don't want to give you the best wedding. You definitely don't want me to find a random date to marry you. When the time comes, we will break up like this, right?" Yong explained.

Of course, he had other ideas on his mind.

It is true that men become bad when they have money.

He now wants to find a better woman, and a woman like Lili can only barely fall into his eyes.

Hearing what Lai Yong said, Lili felt that he wanted to live a good life with her and be happy.

She said angrily: "Brother Yong still knows how to love others, they love you so much."

"Haha, that's necessary. Come on, Lili, let's fight again." Lai Yong looked at Lili with some enthusiasm.

Lili's appearance is average, but her figure is really good, and he is a little eager for her.

"Fight again? I'm afraid you have no chance."

However, just when he was about to pounce on Lili, a disembodied voice sounded.


Lai Yong couldn't help but shrink somewhere and was startled.

Because he always does bad things, he is really scared at this time.

While he was talking, a handsome figure walked in from outside in a hurry.

"Your other men?"

When he saw that the person coming was someone he had never seen before, Lai Yong couldn't help but look at Lili next to him.

He knew that Lili was not a good woman and he was just having a playful attitude.

Now seeing a strange man appear, he couldn't help but feel that this was the trouble Lili had caused.

As for the person who came to find him, the possibility is relatively small, because he will not defraud young people's money, and young people are smart and difficult to deceive.

"Brother Yong, I don't know him."

Lili shook her head.

"Haha, if you don't know him, how did he find him?" Lai Yong sneered.

"Because I'm here to find you!"

At this time, the person spoke.

The person coming was none other than Lu Chen.

"You're looking for me. Do you know me? What do you want from me?" Lai Yong asked in confusion.

"You don't know me, but I know you. Do you remember the woman you lied to at the airport two days ago?"

Lu Chen asked lightly.

Lai Yong's pupils shrank instantly, and he denied it randomly: "I have never been on a plane or been to an airport. I don't know what you are talking about."

"Ha ha!"

Lu Chen came to Lai Yong, slapped him in the face, and asked again: "Do you remember now?"

Lili next to her was so frightened by Lu Chen's behavior that she screamed and hid beside him shivering.

Lai Yong shook his head and said, "I don't know what you are talking about. It is against the law for you to hit someone like this."

When the money was transferred from Li Ruyan's account, his account was a Swiss bank account, which was very confidential. No one could find out that this account was related to him.

"Really? If it's against the law, then I'll continue to do it to you."

Lu Chen slapped Lai Yong in the face again with his backhand. Lai Yong's face was instantly symmetrical.

However, Lu Chen had no intention of stopping now. He slapped him away one after another, and soon Lai Yong's face became swollen.

"Boy, let me tell you, as long as you can't kill me today, then I will kill you. Tell you, the Sihehui knows, right? There are my brothers in the Sihehui. If you don't want to die, just Kneel down and apologize to me immediately."

Lai Yong knew that he could not admit that he had defrauded Li Ruyan of money. Once he was convinced of the matter, he would be guilty of fraud and his life would be really over.

He was afraid that Lu Chen would beat him to death, so he moved all the brothers from the Sihe Club out.

"Haha, brothers from the Sihe Club? In this case, I will ask you to call the brothers from the Sihe Club. You ask them to come over and bring as many people as you can." Lu Chen laughed instantly when he heard this .

This guy probably doesn't know that he is the real boss behind the Sihe Guild.

"Boy, did you say that?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Lai Yong's eyes lit up.

He originally just wanted to use Sihehui to scare Lu Chen, but he didn't expect that the other party would pretend that he was not afraid and let him call his brothers in Sihehui.

Once the people from the Sihe Society come over, they will definitely turn on him, and he will beat Lu Chen to death.

(End of this chapter)

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