Chapter 754

"Probably not. How about I ask Lu Chen to go out and take a look."

Wu Lan muttered and winked at Lu Chen next to him.

Wu Changhui is an ordinary person, so his hearing is average, but Lu Chen and Wu Lan are not ordinary people, so they heard the cry outside, which was obviously the cry made by Hu Tu not long ago.

Obviously, after being dealt with by him and Wu Lan, Hu Tu was now looking for trouble.

"Uncle, let me go out and help you take a look."

Lu Chen understood Wu Lan's meaning and obviously told him to go out and deal with it so as not to disturb Wu Changhui and his wife.

Because Hu Tu only knew that Lu Chen and the others were from the slums, but he didn't know where exactly they were in the slums because the last time he came here, he was beaten until he fainted.

Now when he shouted Wu Changhui's name, he had already walked over to the unit building where Wu Changhui was located. When Lu Chen came out, he appeared behind them.

"It seems that you are not afraid of being beaten yet."

Just as Hu Tu was shouting, a voice sounded from behind them.

When he saw this figure, Hu Tu was the first to turn around. After turning around, he found that it was indeed the person he was looking for. He pointed at Lu Chen and said, "Brother Qiang, that's him."


However, as soon as he said these words, there were a lot of gasping sounds in the distance, and he only felt an intense toothache.

the reason is simple.

At first they thought that Hu Tu was Zhao Wenqiang's helper, but now they found out that Hu Tu was also taken care of, and Zhao Wenqiang was hired to be the thug.

Zhao Wenqiang was taken care of by Lu Chen not long ago, but now this guy is back to cause trouble for Lu Chen. Isn't he sticking his face out for Lu Chen to beat him again?

As Hu Tu finished speaking, Zhao Wenqiang and others quickly turned around and looked at the visitor. Then their bodies could not help but tremble, including the younger brother below him.

Because Zecai and the others had been beaten and had not returned to their own territory, the people Zhao Wenqiang brought here were still the same people who were beaten by Lu Chen not long ago.

Lu Chen was a murderer in their eyes. How could they dare to cause trouble to Lu Chen now?
"Hehe, boy, didn't you think that I can make all the difference if I have money?"

Hu Tu was obviously not aware of Zhao Wenqiang's changes and was immersed in his own world. He said proudly: "Tell you, tonight I called Brother Qiang, the boss in our area, and he has hundreds of people under his command. Man, what the hell are you doing? I’m going to beat the shit and piss out of you today.”

"Is he the boss of your area?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "But in front of me, he is just a dog. If I ask him to kneel down and imitate a dog barking, he has to kneel down and imitate a dog barking."


Hu Tu heard this and looked at Zhao Wenqiang.

Someone actually called Zhao Wenqiang a dog. This feud has become serious. Zhao Wenqiang will probably be very angry and will punish Lu Chen to death today.

Thinking of this, he was very excited.

When his eyes fell on Zhao Wenqiang, he seemed even more excited.

Because he found that Zhao Wenqiang's body was trembling.

How can I tremble?Of course, he trembles only when he is very angry.

Thinking of this, he said proudly: "Boy, you actually called Brother Qiang a dog, and forced the dog to kneel down and bark like a dog. You're fucked. Did you see that? Brother Qiang was so angry that he was trembling. Are you serious?" It's over."

He thought Zhao Wenqiang was trembling because he was angry, but it was not the case. They were trembling because they were afraid of Lu Chen. The two concepts were completely different.

"Really? Zhao Wenqiang, are you angry?"

Lu Chen smiled playfully and his eyes fell on Zhao Wenqiang.


Zhao Wenqiang immediately shivered, and then ran over in front of Hu Tu, knelt down in front of Lu Chen, and started calling me like me.

Can he not learn to bark like a dog? If he doesn't listen to Lu Chen now, he estimates that all the teeth in his mouth will be knocked out.

Hu Tu's eyes widened in disbelief.

His slap in the face came so quickly.

Just now, he said that Zhao Wenqiang was angry and wanted to deal with Lu Chen, but the next moment, Zhao Wenqiang knelt in front of Lu Chen and started barking like a dog.

He suddenly had a bad feeling that he might have kicked the iron plate.

Thinking of this, he quickly slipped back.

"Stop him for me."

He wanted to leave, how could Zhao Wenqiang let him leave.

Now that Hu Tu is here, Hu Tu is the mastermind behind Lu Chen's punishment. If Lu Chen wants to vent his anger, the first person to bear the burden must be Hu Tu. If Hu Tu runs away, then he will have to bear the responsibility. Naturally, he will not be happy.

Naturally, the younger brothers below also had this idea. They quickly surrounded Hu Tu and held up Hu Tu's hands. Zhao Wenqiang boldly stood up, pushed Hu Tu in front of Lu Chen, and explained : "Brother, I didn't know he was going to cause trouble for you. If I knew he was going to cause trouble for you, I wouldn't have come over at all."

The implication is that we should make trouble for Hu Tu, not ourselves.

"Since he wants to cause trouble for me, shouldn't you show some signs of it?"

Lu Chen said calmly.

"Brother, I will definitely give you a satisfactory expression."

Zhao Wenqiang reacted immediately. He laughed twice and ordered the younger brother below: "Beat me and beat this kid to death."

The people below started punching and kicking Hu Tu. In just a moment, Hu Tu was beaten to the ground by these boys.

He couldn't help but screamed and begged: "Brother Qiang, I beg you to tell them to stop. Stop fighting. If you fight again, people will be killed."

But the people below didn't stop, Zhao Wenqiang said: "Please, don't beg me, please this brother in front of you, if he wants to let you go, I will let you go, if he doesn't let you go, today I will be considered I will beat you even if I beat you to death.”

After hearing this, Hu Tu reacted and shouted: "Brother, I beg you, please let me go. I was really wrong. I kowtow to you."

"Stop it."

Lu Chen gave instructions to everyone.

His words now were even more effective than Zhao Wenqiang's, and the younger brother below really stopped.

"Remember, you are not allowed to set foot on this street in the future, and you are not allowed to cause trouble for my uncle. If you cause trouble for him, and I find out, I will skin you."

Lu Chen raised his lowered eyelids and reminded.

"Brother, don't worry. We will never enter this street in the future, let alone cause trouble for your uncle. If your uncle encounters any trouble in the future, he can even come to us to solve it."

Zhao Wenqiang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lu Chen did not continue to cause trouble for him and assured him.

Hu Tu next to him also expressed his assurance.

After they finished making promises, Lu Chen waved his hand and ordered: "Go away."

Zhao Wenqiang and the others had experience. They really just lay down on the ground and rolled away into the distance.

Hu Tu was obviously stunned, and then he followed the same example and rolled away into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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