Chapter 755
"Hey, this Lao Wu's son-in-law has done a good thing."

"No, no one from Zhao Wenqiang will dare to appear on this street in the future."

"If we have trouble in the future, we can go to Lao Wu for help and let him go to Zhao Wenqiang."


Many neighbors who were watching the excitement outside heard Zhao Wenqiang's assurance, and they cheered instantly.

At least, Lu Chen indirectly did a good thing for them, and they would not be bullied by Zhao Wenqiang in the future.

After these people had gone away, Lu Chen returned home.

"Is everything done?"

Wu Lan asked in a low voice in Lu Chen's ear, exhaling like blue.

She was already beautiful, but now she whispered like this, which really made Lu Chen feel distraught.


Lu Chen nodded.

Wu Changhui cooked home-cooked dishes for everyone, and both Wu Lan and Wu Yue were very happy to eat.

After dinner, Qin Ju suggested: "Lan Lan, tonight you, Lu Chen and Yueyue, the three of you can sleep on this big bed. Your dad and I will borrow a room from someone else's house, so we can save money." A lot of money.”

Although Qin Ju knew that Wu Lan had money, she and Wu Changhui usually had no money, so they were used to saving. They saved what they could and never wasted it.

When Wu Lan heard this, a blush appeared on his face.

Although she wanted to be with Lu Chen, and even hinted at hooking up with Lu Chen intentionally or unintentionally, it would still be a bit unnatural to actually sleep with him, and it would still be at her parents' house.

"Dad, Mom, don't bother me. Lu Chen and I went out to sleep. Lu Chen's snoring will affect Yueyue's sleep."

Wu Lan casually found an excuse and said to Wu Changhui and the others.

Upon hearing this, Wu Changhui and Qin Ju looked at each other, with surprise in their eyes.

Doesn't Wu Lan's words mean that she had a relationship with Lu Chen?
Otherwise, how would you know that Lu Chen was still snoring?

It seems that the relationship between the two is stable.

The two of them are not stubborn, so they don't care about what happens between their daughter and Lu Chen before they get married.

As long as two people are truly together, getting married is just a matter of proof.

"Okay, that's alright, you go out and sleep."

Considering Wu Yue's sleeping problem, Qin Ju had no choice but to agree.

Lu Chen was speechless for a while, Wu Lan sold herself like this. When did he sleep and snore?

"Xiaochen, auntie likes you very much. If Lanlan bullies you in the future, remember to tell auntie and she will seek justice for you." Qin Ju's eyes fell on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen couldn't help but touch his nostrils and replied: "Auntie, okay."

Afterwards, he took Wu Lan and Wu Yue out of the house.

"Chang Hui, this kid Lu Chen is a good kid. You should do more ideological work for your daughter and try to get her to get married to Xiaochen next year. If the marriage is not consummated, there will always be changes."

At home, Qin Ju said to Wu Changhui.

Lu Chen saved her life, and just because he saved her life, he was worthy of his daughter's commitment. Of course, the premise is that his daughter also likes Lu Chen, and now it seems that she does.

"Well, I'll talk more about this."

Wu Changhui echoed from the side.

Lu Chen didn't know that Wu Changhui and Qin Ju were discussing things between him and Wu Lan. After the three of them left the community, Lu Chen walked into the slums, found a good hotel, and took the two of them in for two nights. room.

Wu Yue is a clever little girl. She giggled and said: "Dad, Dad, you sleep and snore. I want to sleep in a room by myself, and you and my mother sleep in the same room."

She originally wanted her mother and father to be together, and now was the perfect time to create an opportunity.

Wu Lan secretly glanced at Lu Chen, then lowered her head. She felt her face was a little hot.

If Lu Chen was willing to sleep in the same room with her, she wouldn't mind.

"Little girl, what are you thinking? Your dad doesn't snore. That's what your mom said to lie to your grandparents. And if your dad snores, shouldn't you let your mom sleep with you? Otherwise, it will affect your mom. Sleep.”

The light in Wu Lan's eyes dimmed. She knew that Lu Chen still only liked Lin Qinghan, and it would be difficult for other women to enter Lu Chen's world.

"That's it, that's okay. Since you don't snore, dad, then I want to sleep with you, dad."

Upon hearing this, Wu Yue suddenly ran to Lu Chen's side, and then held his hand.

In comparison, Wu Yue and Lu Chen are closer. After all, when Lu Chen rescued her, there was communication between their souls.

Therefore, she had a special feeling of closeness to Lu Chen.

"You girl, you really have a white vaginal discharge."

Wu Lan was speechless and finally fell asleep alone.


The head of the Wu family.

Wu Zhan was sitting on the main seat, and next to him stood an older man.

The old man's name is Wu Yonghui, and he is Wu Zhan's uncle. Although he is much older than Wu Zhan, and he also has certain abilities, because he belongs to the branch family and not the main family, he can only rely on the main family and help the main family with things. .

"Master, my Wu family has suffered some changes now, and many industries have been affected. If we want to survive such an impact, we may have to take action from the Qi family." Wu Yonghui said to Wu Zhan below.

Wu Zhan tapped his fingers on the table and said with emotion: "Hey, you also know that people from our big families in Kyoto, no matter what kind of relationship they have with you, they are all profitable, so they are willing to do this. thing."

"Even if we ask the Qi family to help us tide over the difficulties, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"I don't think so."

However, Wu Yonghui said: "Master, you should know that Qi Cheng of the Qi family has always had some thoughts about Wu Lan. If we match Wu Lan with him and the two families become in-laws, the Qi family will naturally not Seeing that our Wu family is in trouble, after all, we will become in-laws by then."

"Although I say this, Wu Lan has now started her own career. Is she willing to listen to our arrangements?" Wu Zhan denied Wu Yonghui's idea.

Wu Yonghui smiled and said, "Master, why won't he listen to our arrangements?"

"Do you think that if we use taking Wu Changhui back to her master's house as a bargaining chip, will she compromise?" Wu Yonghui said.

Wu Zhan's eyes suddenly shined with starlight.

To be honest, if Wu Lan really combines with Qi Cheng, it will have huge benefits for both the Wu family and the Qi family. This matter is obviously feasible.

"Haha, second uncle, I think your idea is good. Let's go to Wu Changhui's place early tomorrow morning and tell them our ideas. If they are unwilling, you can put a little pressure on them." Wu Zhan ordered Wu Yonghui next to him.

Wu Yonghui assured: "Don't worry, head of the family, I have investigated it. This Wu Lan is very filial. If she wants her parents to live a good life, she must make compromises, and I believe she will also Compromising.”

(End of this chapter)

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