My cold CEO wife

Chapter 765 Apologize

Chapter 765 Apologize
You can help the Wu family three times.

Lu Chen said that he was not a problem in the world.

They didn't doubt Lu Chen's strength at all. After all, they fought with Lu Chen just now. Their strength, in Lu Chen's hands, they couldn't even move away.

"I'll give you 3 minutes. Give me a result within 3 minutes. Either I will destroy the Wu family, or you will hand the Wu family into the hands of my uncle Chang Hui."

Seeing that the two of them were thinking, Lu Chen didn't talk nonsense to them at all, and simply gave them the final notice.

"Little brother, we want to discuss it for a while, can you do it?"

Wu Zhen's expression turned ugly, and he spoke.

"You are free."

Lu Chen pursed his lips.

Wu Zhen gave Wu Cheng a wink, and then the two of them walked aside and began to discuss.

After about 5 minutes, the two came back again.

"Little brother, can I ask who your apprentice is? Or which family are you a young hero from?" It was obvious that the two of them were interested in the power behind Lu Chen.

"Why, you didn't give me a result?"

Lu Chen did not reply to the two people's words, but asked instead.

The faces of the two of them were ugly, and Wu Zhen replied: "We are willing to hand over the position of head of the family to Wu Changhui, but do you mean what you said?"

"Do you think you still have a choice now?" Lu Chen never gave guarantees casually, so he asked directly.

Wu Zhen smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, as you say, little brother, you lead the way, we will go apologize to Chang Hui and bring him back, but there is one thing I must make clear to you. , because Chang Hui has not lived in the family for many years, and many things with the family have been derailed. He must learn from Wu Zhan for a year. Only after one year will we dare to hand over the position of the head of the family to him. In his hands."

"That's understandable." Lu Chen nodded.

After all, Wu Changhui is indeed unfamiliar with many family affairs now, and someone must take care of him.

"Thank you little brother for your understanding."


"Lan Lan, will Lu Chen be okay? The Wu family is not as simple as imagined."

In the slums, Wu Changhui was a little worried about Lu Chen.

After all, he had never seen Lu Chen's true strength, but the power of Wuzhen and Wucheng had been rooted in his heart since he was a child.

"Dad, don't worry, I know Lu Chen very well, and he will never do anything he's not sure about." Wu Lan comforted Wu Changhui.

"Hey, Lan Lan, why don't you call Lu Chen and ask if he is okay." Qin Ju next to her also said to Wu Lan.

She actually liked Lu Chen quite a lot. Firstly, Lu Chen saved her life. Secondly, even though Lu Chen had only been at home for a day, he ended up solving a lot of troubles for their family.

"Okay, I'll give him a call." Wu Lan said.

"Boom boom boom!"

While they were talking, there was a knock on the door outside.

Wu Changhui opened the door.

A teenage boy came over.

"Ajun, is something wrong?"

Seeing Ajun running out of breath, Wu Changhui supported him and asked.

"Uncle Wu, my grandma asked me to come over and tell you to run away quickly. She said she saw Wu Zhan coming with a few old men. She said those old men were from the Wu family and might be here to cause trouble for you. .”

Ajun's grandmother used to be a servant of the Wu family, so she knew Wu Zhen and Wu Cheng.

Now I see Wu Zhen and Wu Cheng coming towards the slums, most likely to trouble Wu Changhui.

Her legs and feet are now weak, so she cannot come to report to Wu Changhui in advance. She can only ask her grandson to come over.

"What, they are coming, then Lu Chen..."

Wu Changhui's expression changed wildly.

Now that Wu Zhen and the others have appeared, it means that something may have happened to Lu Chen, and it is very likely that Lu Chen has already been arrested.

"You go back and tell your grandma, thank him, but I won't leave today. My future son-in-law has been arrested. I can't just watch something happen to him."

Wu Changhui had already made a decision. If Lu Chen was really caught, he would have to rescue Lu Chen even if he smashed his head today. All the consequences would be borne by him.


Ajun responded and ran away quickly.

"Hey, we shouldn't have let Lu Chen pass. Now, he must have been arrested by the Wu family. What a good boy." Qin Ju almost shed tears when she heard A Jun's words.

Wu Lan was a little distracted. She didn't know whether A Jun's words were true or false, but she felt that there was a certain possibility. She must believe in Lu Chen, but now her confidence was shaken for the first time.

"Dad will be fine, I believe in him."

Only Wu Lan was full of confidence in Lu Chen. She clenched her little fists and looked serious.

When the family was in various emotions, Wu Zhen showed up at Wu Changhui's home with his people.

Since the space at home was relatively small, only Wu Zhen and Wu Cheng entered the room, and even Lu Chen could only stand outside.

Seeing the two of them, Wu Changhui's eyes turned red, and Qin Ju next to her showed even more hatred. If it wasn't for the Wu family, how could she be living in such a mess now?
"Chang Hui, I'm sorry. Grandpa and Grandpa are here to apologize to you. They have wronged you over the years."

However, just when the two of them showed angry looks, Wu Zhen and Wu Cheng suddenly bowed to Wu Changhui and his wife, and then Wu Zhen said this sentence again.

Wu Zhen is the ancestor of the Wu family. What he said can almost be said to represent the will of the Wu family. In other words, they have been forgiven by the Wu family?
Wu Changhui couldn't believe his eyes, nor his ears.

At this moment, Wu Zhen continued: "Chang Hui, in order to make up for the losses you have suffered over the years, our Wu family has unanimously decided to take you and Qin Ju back to the Wu family and upgrade you to the acting head of the family. Now that you have learned almost everything, Wu Zhan will officially hand over the position of head of the family to you."

These words hit Wu Changhui hard again.

His biggest wish in this life is actually to return to the Wu family.

Originally, he had been looking forward to Wu Lan building a Fortune [-] company before returning to the Wu family, but now the scene he imagined in the future has come true ahead of schedule.

He felt that none of this was real.

"Old man, you are not lying to me, are you?"

Wu Changhui couldn't believe it.

"Chang Hui, do you think it's necessary for me to go so far to lie to you? Why don't I stay at home during the Chinese New Year and have a good time together?" Wu Zhen asked back.

Following his rhetorical question, Wu Changhui accepted the fact. At the same time, he asked: "By the way, old man, where is Lu Chen? He will not be caught by you..."

The two were speechless.

If they dare to do anything to Lu Chen, it would be fine if Lu Chen didn't do anything to them.

"Uncle, I'm here."

Lu Chen had been outside. He heard Wu Changhui's voice and walked in from the door with a faint smile on his face.

"Lu Chen, you're fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine."

Seeing that Lu Chen was fine, Wu Changhui became excited.

At the same time, his heart was shocked.

Lu Chen was fine, and the Wu family came to apologize again. Does this mean that Lu Chen had taken care of the Wu family?
(End of this chapter)

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