My cold CEO wife

Chapter 766 Red Abyss

Chapter 766 Red Abyss

Wu Zhan's face was very gloomy.

Instead of following Wu Zhen and Wu Cheng to apologize, he stayed at home.

He did not expect that Lu Chen's casual words would result in Wu Zhen deposing him as the head of the family.

Although he is said to be the head of the family, Wu Zhen is like the Supreme Emperor. If he wants to lose his position as the head of the family, his position as the head of the family will have to be lost.

"What, Dad, great-grandfather has deposed you as the head of the family?"

When Wu Mingxuan heard what Wu Zhan said, he almost jumped up and said, "That shouldn't be the case. You are the only one with the most management skills in our family, and now everyone is convinced of you. No one can defeat you. What's wrong with Grandpa?" Will you dethrone your family head?"

"Not only did he dethrone my position as the head of the family, but he also gave the position of the head of the family to Wu Changhui. In recent years, Wu Changhui has been driven out, and I have made things difficult for him overtly and secretly. When he comes back and his wings are hardened, he will definitely look for me. Trouble." Wu Zhan sighed and said.

"What, the position of head of the family was given to that good-for-nothing Wu Changhui? Dad, what on earth is going on?"

Wu Mingxuan's eyes widened in disbelief.

Afterwards, Wu Zhan told Wu Mingxuan what happened, and then he sat helplessly on the sofa next to him.

Wu Mingxuan's mind became more active.

He said: "Dad, I have a way to prevent Wu Changhui from becoming the head of the family, or even if he becomes the head of the family, he will definitely be deposed by the great grandfather in a short time."

"Oh, how?"

Wu Zhan asked curiously.

Wu Mingxuan chuckled and said: "Through the analysis you gave me just now, the culprit of this matter is the young man named Lu Chen. You said that if this Lu Chen dies, no one will protect Wu Changhui, right? Are you going to be beaten back to your original shape?”

"That's the truth, but this Lu Chen is the one who defeated your great-grandfather. Who do you think is the opponent of such a person?" Wu Zhan replied with a headache.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about killing Lu Chen. The main reason was that Lu Chen was too powerful. No one was Lu Chen's opponent, so it was impossible for him to kill Lu Chen.

"Dad, who said you can't kill him if you are strong in martial arts? If we kill him, there is no need for our own strength."

Wu Mingxuan smiled sinisterly, and said: "For example, he was poisoned to death, died in an accidental car accident, and killed by a killer. Aren't these all deaths? If we have the money to pay, it's over?"

"Yes, you are right. He is indeed my good son. He really has a way."

Wu Zhan felt that his thinking could no longer keep up with the young people, but he felt that Wu Mingxuan's words were reasonable, as long as Lu Chen was killed, he didn't care too much about how he died.

Thinking of this, he said: "Mingxuan, I will leave this matter to you. If you handle it properly for me, I will pass on my position as the head of the family to you."

"Hey, Dad, don't worry, there is someone outside me, it's easy to kill him."

Wu Mingxuan laughed proudly, and then left Wu Zhan.

"Brother, didn't you tell me that you know the largest killer website in the country? Send me the URL and I'll send you a mission."

Wu Mingxuan took out his mobile phone again and called his good brother.


The person opposite quickly sent the URL to Wu Mingxuan.

Wu Mingxuan directly opened the website using his mobile browser, and a website popped up instantly.

"Red Abyss!"

This is the Chinese name of the website after entering it.

Red Abyss is a website established by the largest killer organization in the country. Not many people know about this website, only those who need it will know about it.

Moreover, if these people in need know about it, they will not expose the URL to the people above, and then be attacked by the people above.

It’s not like no one has done this before. Someone reported the website, but nothing happened to the website, but the whistleblower soon disappeared from the world.

The ability of Red Abyss is very powerful. When the employer releases the task, they already have a comprehensive score for the target to be killed, and then they will actively recommend the corresponding killer.

After Wu Mingxuan entered the website, he directly entered the two characters Lu Chen.

In an instant, 27 people named Lu Chen popped up.

Then he started to subdivide and entered the three words Guiyuan City.

In the end, only two people named Lu Chen appeared.

He began to enter youth again, to 30 years old, and then locked in a target.

And, underneath that, there's an introduction to this object.

"Lu Chen, from Guiyuan City, male, age, 26 years old, known as Guiyuan City's No. Then I joined the Lin family... Strength assessment, the first glimpse of the martial arts realm, strength estimation, in the middle and late stages of the first glimpse of the martial arts realm, the task level is S level."

It has to be said that the capabilities of this intelligence network are really very powerful, because Lu Chen's strength is at this level at the beginning of martial arts, and almost no one knows it.

Because everyone who knew was dead.

Now, probably only a few people around him know his realm.

For example, characters like Zhao Qing and Zhong Dongyang.

However, these people will certainly not betray him.

"As expected, he is a master who has just glimpsed the martial arts."

Wu Mingxuan did not expect that Lu Chen's rating would be so high, and he would be assigned an S-level mission.

The killer's rating for the target includes seven levels, namely E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS. Being able to achieve an S-level rating is already a very difficult task.

This basically requires a character in the top twenty on the killer list to complete.

As for the SS level or SSS level, I am afraid that only the top five killers will have a chance to complete it.

Of course, different killers have different quotes.

Like S-class characters, the price is generally more than 5000 million.

Now that Wu Mingxuan has released information, he can choose the killer. Then when the killer sees the news, he can choose to accept or not accept the task, and the two parties will be matched.

If there is no suitable killer, the employer can increase the price. If the price is increased, a killer may take the order.

After all, wealth is gained through danger, and these killers make money by eating this dangerous meal.

Chu Yan.

Fourth on the killer list.

She once hunted and killed a master who was just a glimpse into the late stage of martial arts, and became famous in one fell swoop, and finally laid the foundation for her to be the fourth in the killer world.

Moreover, the commission she received that time was as high as [-] million. With that [-] million commission, she lived a leisurely life. From then on, she rarely made any moves.

However, just because she usually doesn't take action doesn't mean she won't take action.

If she sees some killer mission that interests her, she will take action without even considering the money.

Although she lives a leisurely life, sometimes she still wants to pursue adventure and excitement, so she often pays attention to

She is a skilled killer who designs the parameters of killer missions that interest her.

When Wu Mingxuan released the killer mission, her cell phone immediately buzzed with a notification. She took it out and looked at it, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"Love Saint, scumbag, interesting. This girl has accepted this task."

(End of this chapter)

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