My cold CEO wife

Chapter 767 I will not accompany you

Chapter 767 I will not accompany you

Lu Chen didn't know that Wu Mingxuan had arranged a killer for him.

After the matter of the Wu family is settled, he will return to Yuanshi.

After all, he still wanted to spend the New Year with Lin Qinghan.

In China, the Spring Festival is the most important festival of the year.

As for Wu Lan's parents, Wu Changhui and Qin Ju, he explained that he had also visited the two elders, and that he had to go back to spend the New Year with his parents.

Comparing their feelings, the two elders felt that leaving Lu Chen in Kyoto would not be a good idea at first, so they agreed to let Lu Chen return to Yuanshi. Lu Chen also promised to return to Kyoto to see them when he had time.

As for when he is free, it depends on his arrangement.

Because Lu Chen was in a hurry to return to Yuan City, he did not buy a regular ticket, but bought a first-class ticket. All four seats in the first-class cabin were occupied.

He happened to be sitting in the third position.

There is a beautiful woman sitting by the window.

But this beauty is squinting her eyes now, she must be sleeping.

On his left, sat a young man. The young man was extremely handsome, but the young man looked towards the window from time to time.

"Handsome guy, can we change seats? She is my girlfriend and she didn't buy a row seat." The young man next to him looked at Lu Chen and said.

"Is that so?"

Lu Chen pursed his lips. The two were young lovers and it was really hard for him to be caught in the middle. Thinking of this, he moved to the side.

"Don't let me, he and I don't know each other."

At this moment, a hand was placed on Lu Chen's thigh.

Lu Chen looked left and right, and finally sat back down.

He could see that the girl was not lying, it was the man who was lying.

"Boy, please get out of the way. She and I are at odds. She doesn't recognize me now. We are indeed boyfriend and girlfriend." The young man said to Lu Chen again.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Okay, you said you are boyfriend and girlfriend, so be it. Can you prove why you are boyfriend and girlfriend? For example, are there any photos of each other in the phone album? If you are a couple, if you buy tickets, you should buy them together. Do you have any record of buying tickets? When you usually order food, you should order double portions, right?"

"Boy, where did you get all this nonsense?"

When the young man heard that Lu Chen wanted to provide evidence, he immediately became angry and said, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know who you are, I only know that you are not her girlfriend. Do you want to switch places with me and take advantage of her?" Lu Chen said with a joking smile.

"Boy, let me tell you, my surname is Xiao, my name is Xiao Jin, from the Xiao family, do you know?" Xiao Jin knew that he was played by Lu Chen, he said coldly.

"Sorry, I really don't know."

Lu Chen's heart was moved, but his face was as if nothing had happened and he shook his head.

In Guiyuan City, there was indeed a Xiao family. The Xiao family was the richest family before the Ouyang family. However, the Xiao family later declined. Because the Xiao family had nothing to do with him, Lu Chen did not pay attention to the Xiao family for some reason. And declined.

Of course, even if the Xiao family declines, it is still very influential in Guiyuan City.

Just like the Ouyang family is now hidden in Guiyuan City, when everyone mentions the Ouyang family, they will still be in awe of it.

The same is true for the Xiao family.

However, decades have passed, and the influence of the Xiao family is not as great as imagined.

"Let me tell you, 20 years ago, our Xiao family was the first family in Guiyuan City. If it weren't for our Xiao family..."

At this point, Xiao Jin stopped talking.

Because of the real reason for the decline of their Xiao family, it was inconvenient for him to reveal that the family members had to fight to death.

"Oh, how about your Xiao family?" Lu Chen became a little interested.

Xiao Jin cursed in a low voice, and said: "Fuck, what the hell am I talking to you about so much, you just need to know that my Xiao family is awesome, and you hurry up and make room for me, or I will make you look good. "

"How do you want to make me look good? I'm kind of looking forward to it."

Lu Chen crossed his arms and asked curiously.

"Hmph, when we get off the plane, I want to make you look good."

Xiao Jin knew that he couldn't take action on the plane, so he could only put down his harsh words and sit aside angrily.

The plane arrived at the airport smoothly.

The beauty was the first to stand up, stretched out her white jade hand, and said in front of Lu Chen: "Handsome guy, nice to meet you, my surname is Meng, and my name is Meng Liuli, can I add a WeChat?"

"of course."

How could Lu Chen refuse if a beautiful woman joined her on WeChat?

He took out his phone and added a WeChat message to Meng Liuli.

Meng Liuli smiled and said, "Thank you for today. I have to go home right away. When I have time another day, I will treat you to dinner."

Meng Liuli is pretty, but Lu Chen is not bad either.

Lu Chen looks better than Pan An, and many women are crazy when they see him.

Meng Liuli naturally had a crush on handsome guys, and since Lu Chen helped her block the pervert next to her just now and behaved honestly on the plane, she had an even greater crush on Lu Chen.

"Okay, make an appointment another day."

While Lu Chen was speaking, he deliberately looked at Xiao Jin next to him.

In fact, he was not very interested in eating with Meng Liuli, but deliberately wanted to stimulate Xiao Jin next to him.


Xiao Jin tilted his head to one side, and then he felt that Meng Liuli wanted to leave, and suddenly stopped her, and said: "Beauty, I am Xiao Jin, the young master of the Xiao family. Come on, let's add WeChat. Master, I promise you will want to leave in the future." What you want is what you want.”


Meng Liuli showed expectant eyes.

"Really, absolutely true, to tell you the truth, our Xiao family has more money than the Ouyang family, but most people don't know it." Xiao Jin said in a low voice.

"Really? That's really embarrassing. This girl is not short of money. Besides, you promise to give me whatever I want in the future. That's okay. I want you to disappear from my eyes."

After Meng Liuli said something, she shook her head and said goodbye to Xiao Jin, leaving a beautiful background.


Xiao Jin was so angry that his eyes were on fire.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and walked outside.

"Boy, stop the hell right here."

Seeing Lu Chen smile, Xiao Jin thought he was laughing at himself and said angrily.

"You are so stupid. If you want to stand here, just stand here. I won't accompany you."

Now that he got off the plane, he was naturally not allowed to stay on the plane. Lu Chen got off the plane and ignored Xiao Jin, but rushed towards Jiangting Villa.

What he wants to see most now is Lin Qinghan.

After Xiao Jin got off the plane, he found that Lu Chen was missing and his face was ashen.

"Master, is this who made you angry?"

A bodyguard came to the airport to pick up Xiao Jin. Seeing that Xiao Jin's expression was not right, he couldn't help but ask.

"You idiot, there is a boy who dares to provoke me. Find out what the boy's name is and where he lives." Xiao Jin ordered.

"Master, what's his name?" The bodyguard asked a little embarrassed.

"I...I don't know." Only then did Xiao Jin realize that he didn't seem to know Lu Chen's name.

"All you need to know is that he's handsome."

Although he hated Lu Chen, he had to admit that the other party was much more handsome than him.

(End of this chapter)

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