My cold CEO wife

Chapter 768 The little girl I picked

Chapter 768 The little girl I picked
After Lu Chen left the airport, he took a taxi directly to Jiangting Villa.

He was filled with excitement.

After all, he was naturally excited to see Lin Qinghan for the first time.

He wanted to surprise Lin Qinghan, so when he arrived at Jiangting Villa, he didn't knock on the door, but opened the door himself.

However, when he entered it, he found that it was empty, there was no one at all, and it seemed deserted.

He was somewhat disappointed in his heart.

I had no choice but to call Lin Qinghan and asked, "Wife, where have you guys gone? Why is there no one at home?"

"We have returned to our ancestral home. You can come directly to our ancestral home."

Lin Qinghan replied to Lu Chen.

According to the custom of the Lin family, the Chinese New Year is celebrated in the ancestral home.

The ancestral home she mentioned was exactly where Wu Ying used to live.

But something happened to Wu Ying later, and the ancestral house became vacant. Now Lin Jiangong and his family have moved back.

Lu Chen took a taxi and headed to his ancestral home.

Due to the Chinese New Year, Zhong Xue had already returned to the provincial capital to celebrate the New Year with Zhong Dongyang. As for Ya Fei, Lu Chen didn't know where she had gone.

At home, there are only three people, Lin Jiangong, his wife and his wife, and Lin Qinghan.

"Xiaochen is back, come on, sit down quickly."

Li Ruyan looked very excited when she saw Lu Chen back. She pulled Lu Chen aside and said with a smile: "These are the candies, melon seeds and pistachios that Auntie bought for you. You can take whatever you like." eat."

People of the older generation buy a lot of dried fruit snacks during the Chinese New Year.

After experiencing the previous things, now Li Ruyan has fully recognized Lu Chen, so now she completely regards Lu Chen as her own son.

"Thank you mom."

"Xiaochen, come on. When you were not in Guiyuan City, Dad went to the antique market again. Come and help Dad see which of these antiques is real."

While talking, he brought the antiques he bought in front of Lu Chen.

"Dad, these babies are all fake."

Lu Chen saw the black line on his forehead and replied.

"They can't all be fake, Xiaochen, please help dad take a look." Lin Jiangong was a little anxious. He spent a lot of money to buy these antiques.

"Dad, it's all fake."

Lu Chen nodded seriously and said, "Next time if you want to look at antiques, remember to take me with you. I will help you look at them then."

"Good good."

Lin Jiangong was equally excited.

After seeing the authentic landscape painting by Li Bai that Lu Chen helped him find last time, Lin Jiangong also fell in love with Lu Chen.

Lin Qinghan looked resentful. Now that she was at home, she had become a superfluous person. She was wondering who was her biological child.

"Go, go to the kitchen and cook for your parents."

Lin Qinghan glared at Lu Chen fiercely and ordered him.

Lu Chen pursed his lips and then walked to the kitchen.

"You girl, you let Lu Chen go to the kitchen to cook as soon as he came back. How can there be a wife like you? You go to the kitchen and let Xiao Chen come and chat with me." Li Ruyan said to Lin Qinghan with some dissatisfaction.

Lin Qinghan was immediately speechless.

"Mom, it's okay. The dishes I cook should be more to your liking. It's the same as letting Qinghan chat with you." Lu Chen's voice came from the kitchen at this time.

Li Ruyan was happy to hear this and said, "Look at me, Lu Chen. I probably cook for you every day. Otherwise, how can I develop this cooking skill? You have to know how to cherish it, do you understand?"

Lin Qinghan became even more speechless.

She felt like she was chosen.

The meal was served quickly, and the family was extremely happy.

After finishing their meal, Lin Jiangong and Li Ruyan went for a walk.

Lin Qinghan sat on the sofa, and Lu Chen started to wash dishes in the kitchen.

"Lu Chen, put the bowl there first, come here, I have something to tell you." Lin Qinghan said at this time.

Hearing this, Lu Chen put down the bowl, walked up to Lin Qinghan, and said with a smile: "Wife, what do you want me to talk to?"

"It won't be long before you marry me, right?" Lin Qinghan asked.

Lu Chen thought for a while and replied, "It should be almost half a year."

"Your performance in the past six months has actually been quite good, but it has not yet reached the standards I want, so you should work harder."

Lin Qinghan said.

"Honey, do you mean to encourage me to chase you?" Lu Chen's face was obviously a little excited.

In this case, Lin Qinghan would never say it out loud before.

"I thought about it. In fact, you are quite good to me and my parents, and my dad also likes you. Plus, I don't have time to go on another blind date, so I have temporarily identified you, but you dare to let me If you are disappointed, then we will be strangers from now on, and you will get out of Guiyuan City." Lin Qinghan said half threatening and half seductive.

"Hey, wife, don't worry, how could I disappoint you?"

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Lin Qinghan meant that he was almost qualified, but he just had to work harder.

"Just don't disappoint me."

Lin Qinghan gave a reminder.

Lu Chen rubbed his hands and asked: "Honey, since I'm basically qualified, can I sleep in the same bed with you tonight?"

"Think beautifully."

Lin Qinghan snorted, turned around and walked towards the room.

Lu Chen sadly returned to the room and started washing the dishes.

By the time he finished washing the dishes, Lin Jiangong and Li Ruyan had already returned from a walk outside, but when they came back, a small and cute girl followed them next to them.

The girl's eyes were very big, revealing two innocent little eyes, and she was a little dirty.


After the two came back, Lin Jiangong started shouting.

Lin Qinghan walked out of the room and asked, "Dad, Mom, what's wrong?"

"This is a little girl that your mother and I picked up. She was lost. We thought she would be there for the Chinese New Year, so we just brought her back."

Lin Jiangong explained to Lin Qinghan, and at the same time ordered: "Come, you two take her to take a bath."


Lin Qinghan complied.

"Dad, Mom, where did you see her?"

After the little girl went to take a bath, Lu Chen asked. He always felt that something was wrong.

"It's in the park next to her. She's staying alone next to the park, homeless. It's so pitiful." Zhang Ruyan said in a low voice.

"Mom, she may be a liar. You may have been deceived by her. If she comes to our Lin family, she may endanger your lives." Lu Chen said to the two elders.

To be honest, he couldn't tell that the little girl was homeless.

If the little girl is homeless, it means that the other person will often go hungry. But he saw that the little girl's complexion was very good and her complexion was very rosy. It didn't look like she was homeless.

Moreover, Lu Chen felt a faint fluctuation of zhenqi in the little girl's body. Although this trace of zhenqi was very weak, he could feel it.

Having true energy means that this person is already at the beginning of martial arts. Will such a person be reduced to begging?
(End of this chapter)

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