My cold CEO wife

Chapter 769 Strange Girl

Chapter 769 Strange Girl
"What nonsense?"

Li Ruyan glared at Lu Chen fiercely and said, "If you keep talking nonsense, do you believe that I will let Qinghan sleep with her, and you will sleep in the guest room next to me?"

As a woman, Li Ruyan's maternal brilliance is definitely much stronger than that of men, so she sees girls as pitiful and does not allow Lu Chen to say anything bad about girls.

"Mom, I'm just kidding, why are you so serious?"

When Lu Chen heard this, his face collapsed, and he said with a smile.

How could he be willing to sleep in a separate room from Lin Qinghan?

"Hmph, that's about the same."

Li Ruyan smiled with satisfaction and turned on the TV. The two of them watched TV happily.

Not long after, Lin Qinghan appeared with the girl.

The girl is not tall, only about 1.6 meters, which is slightly shorter than Lin Qinghan, so it is a bit inappropriate for her to wear Lin Qinghan's clothes, especially the trouser legs of her pajamas, which are obviously longer, so the trouser legs are rolled up.

"Lu Chen, take her out to buy a set of clothes."

After I came out, Lin Qinghan ordered Lu Chen.

"There shouldn't be any place selling clothes tonight, right?"

Lu Chen said to Lin Qinghan speechlessly.

Tonight happens to be the night of New Year's Eve. Now basically everyone is celebrating the festival at home and there is no place to buy clothes.

"Then I don't care. If you can't buy these clothes, then you don't have to go home." Lin Qinghan directly gave Lu Chen a death order.

Lu Chen pursed his lips and said, "Okay, I'll try my best."

"Little beauty, come with me."

Lu Chen took the girl outside.

"Lu Chen, where are you going?"

Seeing the two of them preparing to go out, Li Ruyan next to them asked.

"I took her to buy some clothes, but she had nothing to wear." Lu Chen replied.

Li Ruyan said at this time: "Where is there a place to sell clothes now, I think you can go tomorrow."

"It's okay, Mom, don't worry, I will definitely buy the clothes." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he led the girl outside.

When they got outside, the smile on Lu Chen's face completely faded. He looked at the girl coldly and said, "I don't know why you want to approach my mother, but if you have any ill intentions towards her, I will I will kill you immediately."

While speaking, Lu Chen felt a powerful aura rising from his body, and there was killing intent steaming from his body.

"This guy is so strong."

While Lu Chen showed his momentum, the girl's pupils shrank slightly, and then she pretended to be aggrieved and said, "Brother, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Humph, if you don't understand, I will take your last name."

Lu Chen said in a deep voice: "Anyway, you'd better have some bad intentions, otherwise if I kill you, it will be no different from killing an ant."

While Lu Chen was talking, he dialed Zhao Qing's phone and said, "Bring here two sets of women's clothes. He is about 160cm tall."

He definitely doesn't have anywhere to buy clothes now, but he believes that Zhao Qing must have a way.

"Yes, Master Lu." Zhao Qing agreed.

Whatever Lu Chen asked for, he would satisfy it immediately, because he understood that everything he had now was given by Lu Chen.

Including that he has now broken through to the level of entry into martial arts.

If it weren't for Lu Chen's guidance, he would never have reached this level in his life.

He was full of gratitude to Lu Chen. This gratitude came from the heart, and it was not as simple as saying that Lu Chen was stronger than him and shocked him.

"What's your name? How old are you?"

Lu Chen asked again at this time.

He wanted to use the woman's age and name to ask Zhao Qing to check the woman's relevant information, so that he could know what this woman did.

As for Li Ruyan's statement that she was just an ordinary girl, he didn't believe it at all.

But now he needs to prove the girl's identity before he can specify what grudge this woman has against the Lin family.

"My name is Li Yu'er, you can call me Yu'er. As for my age, I am 24 years old now." Li Yu'er replied honestly.

"Li Yu'er?"

Lu Chen murmured a few times, but had no impression of the name.

Next, Lu Chen chatted with Lu Chen here. When the chat was almost over, Zhao Qing also appeared with several sets of clothes.

These clothes are more suitable for Li Yuer to wear, but Zhao Qing doesn't know which style Li Yuer likes, so Zhao Qing is very smart and buys a few more sets of clothes, and Li Yuer can choose by herself.


Lu Chen said to Zhao Qing, threw the clothes to Li Yu'er next to him, and said, "Take the clothes in yourself, I will talk to my friend about something."


Li Yu'er pursed her lips and walked inside holding her clothes.

Lu Chen lowered his voice and said to Zhao Qing: "This girl said her name is Li Yu'er, but I can't believe it. You saw her face just now. Check it for me and see if you can find out who she is. who."

"Master Lu, it's not like you played with her and caused her to lose her memory."

Zhao Qing thought of Lu Chen's romantic history, and his eyes became strange.

"I'm playing with your sister."

Lu Chen quickly kicked Zhao Qing.

Zhao Qing dodged with a smile, and then said to Lu Chen: "Master Lu, don't worry, leave it to me to handle it. As long as she is from our Guiyuan City, I can find her."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you, the sooner the better." Lu Chen ordered again.

"Yes, Master Lu."

Zhao Qing responded to Lu Chen and then returned home.

Back home, he and Lin Qinghan watched TV with Lin Jiangong and his wife for a while. Lin Qinghan asked Lu Chen to go to bed with him on the grounds that he was a little sleepy.

Li Ruyan said to Li Yu'er: "Yu'er, come with Auntie. You will sleep in the guest room tonight. If you have anything to do at night, knock on Auntie's door. Auntie will live next to you."

"Okay, thank you auntie."

Li Yu'er smiled sweetly at Li Ruyan and said, "Auntie is so kind to Yu'er, just like Yu'er's mother."

"Haha, if you like Auntie well and treat Auntie as your mother, then I will be your godmother and you will be my goddaughter." Li Yuer's motherly glory began to overflow again, and she said.


Li Yu'er suddenly threw herself into Li Yu'er's arms, and Li Ruyan hugged Li Yu'er tightly again.

After a while, the two reluctantly separated, and Li Ruyan asked Li Yu'er to go to bed early.

After Li Yu'er returned to her room, she rubbed her temples and murmured to herself: "Hey, this task is not easy to complete. This guy's strength is as good as mine, and he actually discovered my flaws. I don’t know where I showed my flaws.”

"It's just that he miscalculated a little. He thought that I wanted to harm the Lin family, but he didn't know that it was him who I wanted to deal with."

This person is none other than Chu Yan, who ranks fourth on the killer list.

After she took over the task of assassinating Lu Chen, she began to carry out the assassination plan.

(End of this chapter)

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