My cold CEO wife

Chapter 773 Getting ready to go to uncle’s house

Chapter 773 Getting ready to go to uncle’s house
"No, no, Master Lu, I'm just going to tell you why you are so serious."

Zhao Qing couldn't help but tighten up when he heard that this person was the fourth female killer in the Red Abyss rankings.

If she really had any relationship with this kind of woman, he might end up being exploded with a dagger.

"Happy New Year, I will take my mother-in-law home first and take care of this place."

Lu Chen picked up Li Ruyan next to him and said to Zhao Qing.

"Hey, boss, happy new year too. I wish you a happy baby in the new year."

Zhao Qing had been with Lu Chen for a long time and found that Lu Chen was not as serious as he thought, so he still had to joke with Lu Chen occasionally.

"hope so."

Lu Chen muttered and walked towards the Lin family's old house.

He didn't even touch Lin Qinghan's hand. How could he give birth to a son early?
I'm afraid this matter is a bit far away.

"My mother-in-law is really talented."

Lu Chen hugged Li Ruyan, and his body reacted instinctively.

Although Li Ruyan is older, her appearance and figure are not bad, and she can be considered to be on the same level as Li Ruyan.

"Dad, don't worry, Lu Chen will definitely be able to get mom back."

Lin Qinghan comforted Lin Jiangong next to him.

The relationship between the couple was very good. Now that Li Ruyan was missing, Lin Jiangong was naturally anxious.

"Hey, what did that woman want to do? Why did she take your mother away?"

Lin Jiangong muttered: "Our family is not going well this year. It seems we have to find time to burn incense."

"Dad, when Mom comes back, let's go burn incense together."

Lin Qinghan comforted Lin Jiangong next to him.

"Yeah." Lin Jiangong couldn't help but nodded.


While the two were discussing Li Ruyan, Lu Chen pushed open the door and walked in, carrying Li Ruyan on his back.

"Ruyan, Ruyan, you are finally back."

Seeing Li Ruyan coming back, Lin Jiangong and Lin Qinghan quickly greeted her.

Lin Jiangong asked: "Lu Chen, where did you find your mother? What's wrong with her now?"

"Dad, don't worry, mom is fine, she was just knocked unconscious."

Lu Chen explained, and Lin Jiangong immediately felt relieved.

As for Lin Qinghan next to him, the look in his eyes when he looked at Lu Chen was slightly different.

This time her mother was missing, she was actually very worried, but with Lu Chen around, she felt particularly at ease.

While talking, Lu Chen put Li Ruyan on the sofa. He gave Li Ruyan acupuncture a few times, and Li Ruyan woke up completely.

After Li Ruyan woke up, she threw herself into Lin Jiangong's arms and started crying.

Lin Jiangong and Lin Qinghan comforted Li Ruyan for a while, and then Li Ruyan calmed down.

"Jiangong, who saved me? And where is Li Yu'er, where is she?"

Li Ruyan felt very sad. She regarded Li Yu'er as her goddaughter, but in the end, Li Yu'er took her life.

"Ruyan, it's okay, it was Lu Chen who saved you, and Li Ruyu was sent to the police station by her."

Lin Jiangong lied to Lin Ruyan, and this lie was also lied to Lin Jiangong by Lu Chen.

He can't say that Li Yu'er is a killer, he killed Li Yu'er.

That would be too shocking and might frighten the two elders.


Hearing that Li Yu'er was sent to the patrol room, Li Ruyu breathed a sigh of relief, at the same time she looked at Lu Chen apologetically, and said, "Lu Chen, I'm sorry, Mom didn't let you speak ill last night, did you From the very beginning, I felt that there was something wrong with Li Yuer?"

"Yeah, but I didn't know her purpose, so I didn't do anything to her at first." Lu Chen nodded without further explanation.

"Did Mom blame you wrongly? Or you young people are smart. Mom will listen to you from now on." Aunt Li Ru said with emotion.

Lin Qinghan glanced at Lu Chen sideways, as if to warn him not to arrange certain things for her in front of Li Ruyan...

Lu Chen smiled, but didn't speak.

"Ruyan, you were kidnapped on the first day of the new year. I feel it's a bit unlucky. Why don't we go to the Baibai Temple?"

Lin Jiangong repeated what he had just said and put the matter of burning incense and worshiping Buddha on the agenda.

People of the older generation all believe in ghosts and gods, so they want to seek peace of mind.

"Tomorrow happens to be the second day of the Lunar New Year. Let's go to my brother's house. The Zhenguo Temple over there is said to be very efficacious. Let's go pray for peace and make a wish."

Li Ruyan felt that Lin Jiangong's proposal was good, and immediately agreed.

The two of them already like to travel, and now it would be nice to go to their brother's house.

"Okay, Qinghan, will you and Lu Chen be okay tomorrow? Come and burn incense with us if you are okay." Lin Jiangong said to Lin Qinghan next to him.


Lin Qinghan nodded slightly.

She doesn't usually spend much time with her parents, but during the Chinese New Year, it would be nice to spend more time with her parents. She immediately agreed.

"Well, you can call Xiaoying and tell her that we will go there tomorrow. If you don't make an appointment in advance, it will be embarrassing if her family also visits relatives." Lin Jiangong said to Lin Qinghan again.

Lin Qinghan responded and dialed Li Ying's phone number.

"Hehe, cousin, Xiaoying wishes you a happy new year. Happy New Year. Wish you good luck and bring me the red envelope."

As soon as he dialed the phone, Li Ying's voice rang on the other side.

"Are you still wishing me good luck? It's already noon?"

Lin Qinghan pursed his lips and said, "Our whole family is going to play at your house tomorrow, and we will give you a red envelope then."

"Wow wow wow, is it true? Is my brother-in-law coming too?" Li Ying asked expectantly, her eyes shining.

"It seems that in your eyes, your sister is not as good as your brother-in-law, right? There is no need to give you this red envelope tomorrow." Lin Qinghan was a little annoyed.

Some time ago, this girl Li Ying came over to play. Because she was responsible for the company's affairs every day, she didn't have time to play with her. Lu Chen often played with her.

Therefore, Lin Ying's relationship with Lu Chen seems to be better than his relationship with her now.

Lin Qinghan didn't realize at all that Lu Chen had gradually begun to integrate into every aspect of her work and life.

"Hey, where can I find it? This isn't the Chinese New Year. I was wondering if my brother-in-law would go back to his house to celebrate the Chinese New Year, so I asked casually."

Li Ying chuckled.

Li Ying's family has good conditions. In fact, she doesn't look down on Lin Qinghan's red envelope, but she just thinks it is a red envelope given by her cousin to celebrate.

The size of the red envelope is one thing, but it must be there.

Lin Qinghan warned Li Ying again and said, "Okay, that's it. Tell your aunt that we are going there, and you don't want to visit relatives."

"Okay, cousin, I understand, that's it, I'm going to play games first."

Li Ying didn't wait for Lin Qinghan to hang up the phone and hung up the phone before her, which left Lin Qinghan speechless.

Li Ying is not too young, but this girl is very playful and has no ambition at all.

"Lu Chen, do you want to go back and spend the New Year with your second uncle?"

After making the call, Lin Qinghan suddenly thought of what Li Ying said just now. Lu Chen also had relatives there.

But because Lu Chen's parents died, he only has one second uncle now.

(End of this chapter)

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